Teaser từ Twitter cho thấy một sân đấu mới, đây có thể là sân nhà của 1 nhân vật mới có code name Kẹo Ngọt (Sweet): https://twitter.com/ARMS_Cobutter/status/896929887235129348
Nhá hàng cho nhân vật mới tiếp theo? https://twitter.com/ARMS_Cobutter/status/928103598344376321 "Today I'm bringing a historic report! Sure, during the summer break I might have have a glitch in my camera during my report from Via Dolce.... but this time I'm doing it right! Today, we've found a miracle sleeping deep within the forest...the ruins of a serene and divine arena where duels 'streeeeeeeeetched' far and wide; long before the ARMS Association was even founded!"
Đã có bản update version 5.1: Added new “Gallery” feature. Unlock amazing illustrations using in-game currency, or by fulfilling certain conditions. Added new badges: Added badges earned when certain pairs of fighters rack up battles together. Added badges earned by repeatedly using each ARM. And so many more! New additions to Party Crash: ARMS Labs have manufactured the ultimate version of Hedlok. It will appear only in Party Crash. ARMS Labs have thought up some new Bonus Periods. Look out for them! If a featured fighter is losing by more than 1000 points in the current lobby, the bonus for using them will increase from 1.5x to 2x. Time for some comebacks! Added “Tournament Mode”: A mode made for tournaments with all ARMS unlocked. When in Tournament Mode you will be unable to play other modes such as Grand Prix or Ranked Match, and you won’t receive badges or in-game currency. Records will also not be recorded. You can switch between Normal Mode and Tournament Mode on the Top Menu by holding in the R Stick and pressing L and R. Fixed an issue where Dr. Coyle’s extra ARMS would not fire correctly. Fixed an issue where the Ramram would stop moving in mid-air. Fixed an issue in Skillshot, where the Tribolt would fail to return after punching.