The Dark Knight Rises (2012) - Christopher Nolan --- Blu-ray + DVD: NOW!!!

Thảo luận trong 'Phim ảnh' bắt đầu bởi YN 4ever, 14/5/11.

  1. bombingruncode

    bombingruncode Red, Pokémon champion

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    Headbangers Land
    Xem cái amazing spidey mới đây mới hài, thằng ku Peter nó đi show hàng khắp trường học mà vẫn ung dung làm spider man thôi, xoắn kiểu đấy thì anh hùng giấu mặt hết mẹ đất sống.
  2. firestork

    firestork Mayor of SimCity GameOver Lão Làng GVN

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    nói chung là phim nào cũng chém gió, nên xem lỗ hổng thì đọc cho vui thôi chứ hoàn hảo, logic thì đạo diễn với biên kịch là siêu nhân rồi. trên IMDB cũng có 1 thread phân tích lỗ hổng trong kịch bản đây, ai rảnh thì đọc chơi
    70 Reasons this film fails: An In-depth analysis of the Plot
    [SPOIL]Amidst the crazed anticipation and fanboy frenzy surrounding this film, I feel the undeserving hype has skewed people’s perception to how good, (or not good) this film really is. I too wanted to love this film so very much, and as I watched, it seemed to be a never ending slew of flaws, plot holes, inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Never have I seen a film riddled with so many of them. Even “Batman Begins” and beloved “The Dark Knight”, had many flaws but possessed enough redeeming qualities in it. This film unfortunately had none, as all aspects of the film-making process were executed poorly and underwhelming given it’s bloated budget. The pacing was terribly off, the editing was bad, the screenplay was lazily written and absolutely nonsensical, the dialogue was cringe worthy, the action scenes were underwhelming, and the ending did not deliver on the “epic conclusion” promised in the trailers.

    As an aspiring writer/filmmaker myself I like to dissect my favorite films to understand what it takes to put together a tight, comprehensible, and overall great plot. I do this to also see were that particular director or screenwriter went wrong. In the case of “The Dark Knight Rises”, I made this in-depth list analyzing all of plot holes, inaccuracies and contradictions to show disillusioned fanboys that the film is far from even being considered good. To see it for what it really is, a piss poor written piece of garbage. Having this film described as “great” and “perfect are a travesty. I happen to be a big Batman fan, as well as a fan of the first two Nolan Batman films, and I was even an extra in this film, playing one of Bane’s thugs during the Wall Street shoot of the film. I was all up in arms about this just as most of you were, however I let very disappointed, not just at the fact it was a terrible Batman film/conclusion but the fact that it was a terrible film period.

    I understand that films like these require a little suspension of belief, however this one begs for a suspension of intelligence. This is what infuriates me about this film. There are so many instances, as I will point out where the filmmakers treat the audience like mentally handicapped children. Nearly everything in the film makes absolutely no sense and scoffs in the face of the “realism” it sells itself on. For a film that undeservingly received such critical acclaim, it deserves critical analysis. The fanboyism toward Nolan and this film is at an insane level where prominent film reviewers with a dissenting voice are sent death threats. I don’t get this fanatical obsession with Christopher Nolan when there are far better directors and writers. Well “Nolanites”, my inbox is clear and eagerly awaiting your death threats. I’d be surprised if any of you could even answer 5 of the points below without concocting some ridiculous explanation, not based on information given and set in the film’s reality. You can see by the sheer size of this list that this film is FUBAR.
    Well then, let’s get into it shall we? In the immortal words of the Joker “And heeeeeere weee GO!”

    1.) In the opening scene the CIA agents take in the hooded prisoners without checking them for any sort of concealed weapons, nor do they bother taking off any of the bags over their heads to see who they were dealing with. This is the CIA we are taking about, an organization that was built on cautionary investigative methods.

    ProTip4Nolan: As a writer it helps to actually research a given agency’s methods of action, so that you can properly depict them in a film to make it more believable, especially in a film series that is touted to be grounded in “realism”. There is much more of this unrealistic “realism” throughout the film.

    2.) We see a non-stealth aircraft approach the CIA’s plane from behind while they interrogate Bane and his men. Why didn’t the pilots pick up the other plane on radar?

    3.) Bane’s attempt to cover-up the kidnapping of Dr. Pavel is ridiculous, considering he left behind enough evidence to suggest just that. I’m sure the CIA and forensics team won’t suspect anything suspicious about the wings of the plane being miles away from the fuselage wreckage, and that it is riddled with bullet holes. Then again, if Nolan and his co-writers are to have us believe that the CIA is as stupid as depicted in the integration scene, I guess this cover-up would prove effective after all.

    4.) The aftermath and effect of Harvey Dent’s death is bit farfetched. First he gets the holiday “Dent Day”.....seriously? Is this just a Gotham City thing or is it a national holiday? Then he gets a piece of anti-constitutional legislation passed in his name. How can you deny anyone parole just based solely on their association with “organized” crime? Parole is dependent upon the actual crime and your actions thereafter in prison, not who the perp associates with. Why was such a drastic change to the Gotham criminal justice system made in the name of a DA who barley accomplished anything? Before Batman’s help, Dent wasn’t getting any leverage on the Falcone crime family. It was Batman that delivered Mr. Lau to Dent, giving him the evidence he needed to deliver the coup de grâce on the associated crime families. The public would have had to have been aware that Dent wasn’t the one to retrieve Lau, obviously. And because Nolan and his co-writers didn’t bother pre-establishing Harvey Dent in “Batman Begins”, we are never given a sense of him having a long standing history of struggling against the mob and his achievements while doing so. Given the few bits we see in “The Dark Knight” I don’t see how his death left such an impact as if he was John F. Kennedy.

    5.) We are to believe that Bruce Wayne has become a recluse and stopped being Batman for the past 8 years due to the death of Rachel. This contradicts his character completely. It was the loss of his loved ones that was both the inspiration and driving force for him to exact his own brand of justice. The death of Rachel should have only fueled him even more, to go out there and beat up thugs, while screaming in his enraged, throat cancer patient-like, voice. In spite the fact that he was blamed for Harvey Dent’s murders, (although rightfully accused of Harvey’s death) Batman would still continue fighting crime even with GCPD looking to arrest him. Early on in “The Dark Knight”, commissioner Gordon says that “The official policy is to arrest the Batman on site” so what is different now? Nolan and his co-writers contradict the principles set forth in the first film.

    6.) If Bruce Wayne had stopped operating as Batman where did the screwed up leg come from?

    7.) The fate of the Joker is never mentioned due to the fact Christopher Nolan didn’t want to “account for a real-life tragedy”, in his words referring to the death of the great Heath Ledger. I see this as a problem since his character was a pretty big deal in the preceding film. I don’t think it would have been out of line for them to have mentioned the Joker’s fate within the 8 year period, so we know as far as the story is concerned. Aside from the fact Heath Ledger is dead, his character is not. Since his death isn’t confirmed in the film it would lead one to think that maybe he was freed during the Blackgate prison break. None of that matters of coarse since Nolan disrespectfully chose to ignore acknowledging Ledger’s character/his work. Not many people made a big deal about “Batman Begins”, however people raved about “The Dark Knight” because of the Joker. It’s unfortunate because I think we would have gotten a much better film had Heath still been around.

    8.) After Gordon escapes Bane by rolling into the sewer ravine, Bane asks one of his mercenaries to find him. The mercenary tells him that it would take a long time if they could even find Gordon at all. John Blake then finds him the very next minute.

    9.) John Blake has much more screen time than Batman himself. Why not just title the film “John Blake Rises” or “Robin Rises” since he was the only character in the story with any sort of development, and a very half-assed development at that.

    *One thing that annoyed me about “The Dark Knight”, and it continues on in this film is all the offscreen deaths anytime the main villain personally kills someone. It’s made even worse in this film, with Bane killing everyone the same exact way by snapping their necks. There have been more graphic things shown in a PG-13 film before so I didn’t see the point in this.

    10.) After being retrieved from the sewer, how did Gordon know Bane’s name? Neither Bane nor any of his mercenaries ever mention it while Gordon is with them.

    11.) Why did Gordon still have his “damning” speech about Harvey Dent in his coat pocket a day after the memorial event? You would think he would have burned it or put it away shortly after deciding the speech was a bad idea. It isn’t exactly a 20 dollar bill that you just happen to forget about in your pocket.

    12.) The fact that no one in Gotham that wasn’t employed by Bane or Dagget, realized that a large scale prison was being built right underneath their feet is ridiculous. How did the city’s sanitation department never come across this? Or any of Gotham’s citizens for that matter? In New York City you see people from ConEdison working out of manholes everyday. Someone would have stumbled across this and exposed it.

    13.) What is the state of the League of Shadows after “Batman Begins”? Did they completely disband? Did they regroup and reform? It is clear that Talia and Bane aren’t operating with them (despite what Bane says) since they use a bunch of hired guns, so why weren’t any active members of the league present during Talia’s takeover of Gotham? You would think they would want to kill any rouge members that are trying to initiate their own plans without them.

    14.) Bruce Wayne and Batman have both been out of commission for 8 years and reappear at the same exact time. Between the timing of these events, and the fact that Bruce Wayne would be the only one capable of owning/developing the tech Batman uses, no one can put the two together? This can also be said about Bruce’s return to Gotham after his training in “Batman Begins”, however John Blake figures this out because he “Saw it in his eyes?”, years ago as a kid?..........................WTF!?!?!?! SERIOUSLY!?!?! This had me cringing in the theater. Lazy screenwriting is rife throughout this sorry excuse for a script but this is beyond careless. Even if Nolan and his co-writers used half a brain cell, they could have come up with a more believable exposition as to how Blake unraveled Batman’s true identity. This scene alone brings down the films touted “realism” and “intelligence” to level on parr with the idiocy of “Batman & Robin”.

    15.) Where did Bruce and Alfred get any information on Bane? He doesn't seem like a person that would have any kind of official record or identification especially being that he was once a member of the League of “Shadows” know that clandestine elite organization of ninjas that pride themselves about being hidden within shadows? Then Alfred comes to find out about how Bane was in the Pit prison without any explanation on how he discovered this information. He just seems to know everything about anything in this movie.

    16.) Bruce’s new mechanical leg brace seems to have given him a very powerful kick. Why didn’t he kick Bane in the face damaging his life support mask in their first fight?

    17.) Why didn’t Alfred tell Bruce about the letter from Rachel years ago, so that maybe he would have gotten over her and had some closure instead of allowing him to become a hopeless recluse. Alfred was right is saying he failed him.

    18.) How did Bane’s mercenaries manage to get all those firearms into the Stock Exchange? Better yet, where did they pull out the dirt bikes, from the janitor’s closet?

    19.) It’s amazing to see how daylight savings time is depicted in Nolan’s “realistic” take on the Batman universe. The Stock Exchange attack is clearly shown during the daytime, then it suddenly turns to nightfall just minutes after getting out of the building.

    20.) Did Dagget not think that it would be a little suspicious to the investigators that would look into the Stock Exchange attack, that Bruce Wayne suddenly made a bunch of bad stock decisions the same exact time the place was being shot to hell by mercenaries? Especially since the hostages there clearly never saw Bruce Wayne in the building during that time.

    21.) Bruce sleeping with Talia is AGAIN out of character. He just met her and is lamenting over Rachel (the whole reason his life stopped), and then just like that he *beep* Talia and apparently gets over Rachel pretty quickly after, since the movie seems to make you want to believe that she is now his new love interest but then he ends up spending the rest of his days with Selina.

    22.) One of the biggest issues I had with this film was that Nolan and his co-writers crammed in too many non pre-established characters. Since this was done, the new character’s motives and relationships had to be rushed. If Selina Kyle was to be who Bruce ultimately ends up with, she should have been subtly built up since “Batman Begins”. Bruce’s business rival Dagget should have been pre-established as well since he is on the Wayne Enterprises’ board of directors, so we get a sense that he has been trying to destroy the company for a long time. Maranda Tate is another character who we are introduced to late into trilogies' story, yet we are expected to believe she has been working under Bruce Wayne’s company for years. If she had been pre-established in an earlier film, her reveal as Talia would had way more of an impact instead of “Hey! There is only 10 minutes left in the movie, BTW I’m really the main villain!” She was just as poorly added to the story as the Thomas Elliot character in “Batman: Hush”.

    ProTip4Nolan: You can’t just throw in a new character into a pre-established story after the events of that story have already pushed forward, and then expect your audience to feel as if that new character had been there from the start. This is why prequels and trilogies with no foresight, fail in context to the original film.

    23.) As far as the public and police knew, Batman was a cop killer, (and cops take that very seriously) yet they all just stare in awe as he rides the Batpod around with no one taking a single shot. The one cop that does shoot at him randomly shoots his EMP gun.....WTF was that about?

    24.) It’s so convenient that the alley the police happen to corner Batman in just happens to have “the Bat” at his disposal.

    25.) It seems out of character for Batman to agree to helping a criminal clear all their records, giving them a full pardon of their crimes. The fact that Selina was hell bent on getting that done means she must have done a lot of bad *beep* yet Batman decides to look past all of that for some pussy (pun intended). How hard could it have been for Batman to find Bane on his own since he already knew he was in the sewer?

    26.) During the time Batman was getting his ass kicked by Bane he never thought to use his utility belt to gain the upper hand, especially since he knew he wasn’t in the best condition. While being choked by Bane, why didn’t he eject the blades on his wrists as he did against the Joker? This would have damaged Bane’s mask allowing Batman to subdue him right then and there.

    27.) One of the most laughably bad moments of the film is Gotham City’s ENTIRE police force getting trapped in the sewers. This is right up there with John Blake’s revelation, the miracle chiropractor, and Batman’s nuke survival as far as idiotic writing goes. Commissioner Gordon, (like all of the central character in the film) is depicted to be a moron. Who on their right mind would send off an entire police force to one single place at the same time? Did they not learn anything from “Die Hard: With a Vengeance”? It gets even worse as Bane’s crew actually feed and keep the cops alive. Why do this? So they could potentially break out and defeat you later?

    28.) How did Bane have the amazing foresight that Gordon would be retarded enough to send his entire police force down into the sewer trap at exactly the same time Bane started his siege of Gotham?

    29.) No one ever noticed one of the million bombs placed all over Gotham city?

    30.) I can’t see how an infamous, high ranking cop like Gordon managed to not get killed in a city full of loose criminals. Instead, he is shown roaming around going about his business thwarting Bane’s (I mean Talia’s) plan.[/SPOIL]
  3. hoanghoihai

    hoanghoihai Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent Lão Làng GVN

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    Trong comic BM Year 1, Gordon cũng 1 phần nào đó nghi ngờ Bruce là Bat, đến tận nhà hỏi han luôn, sau đó xảy ra nhiều chuyện quá nên ko thấy nhắc nữa :6cool_boss:

    Đoạn Bruce đánh tụi Penguin là 1 khu vực riêng, ngoại trừ Penguin là bị Bruce KO có thể bất tỉnh khoảng 1-2h gì đó thì bọn lính còn lại cũng phải vài ngày cho đến cả tháng, Penguin trong khoảng thời gian bất tỉnh cũng khó mà đưa ra sự liên kết giữa Bruce và Bat lắm. Tụi tù nhân bên ngoài khi thấy Bruce bị Penguin dẫn đi thì cũng hình dung kết cục của Bruce rồi, chết hoặc là bị bắt đi đâu đó, yên tâm là Penguin do nhục và có chuyện quan trọng hơn nên ko tiết lộ vụ bị đánh đâu :)). Cái giọng thì cũng bó tay :9cool_pudency:.
  4. HÀO KEN

    HÀO KEN Fire in the hole!

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    Ván đề là làm sao biết tọa độ để tìm. Bruce để lại tọa độ hay là ai ?
  5. Jokohama

    Jokohama GameVN Gentleman

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    Để lại cho chứ gì nữa, đồng chí không thấy đoạn xưng tên là đi nhận phần di chúc đấy à.
  6. The-Joker

    The-Joker 531ED1206E681B0206EE079206EE820731EBF70 CHAMPION ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Tui ghét những kẻ xem phim đi bới lông tìm vết như cái trên imdb này lắm mà còn mấy cái này nữa, cũng fail lòi ra

    Chẳng lẽ xem không biết cái xác thằng bé cô nhi viện trôi ra từ ống cống cầu sao, anh Blake chỉ đi tìm theo phán đoán thôi, ra đã thấy ông Gordon nằm đống đó rồi chứ có phải ra cái có hàng đâu.
    Xem phim mà không thấu phim, phim nó sắp cho anh Blake làm robin, vậy nó xuất hiện nhiều có sao.
    Ông nghị sĩ mất tích ngay sau bữa tiệc, cả sở cảnh sát sốt vó đi tìm, cảnh sát trưởng nhiệt huyết như gordon chẳng lẽ lại về nhà thay quần áo tắm rửa xong mới đi tìm ah.

    xét ra còn nữa mà còn nhiều cái vớ va vớ vẩn
    Đệt, siêu tội phạm mà không có tay trong làm mấy cái trò còn con về thông tin thì còn xứng là siêu tội phạm không
    Vãi cả xem phim, xem không thấy nó thầu cả công ty xấy dựng để trộn bom với xi măng xong nó đặt dưới cống chứ có phải trên mặt đất đâu mà notice.

    Bruce làm nhiều việc để che giấu thân phận trong cả 3 phần, Bruce trong Nolan không như anh Tony, bị công chúng cực kì ghét, phải nói là bêu xấu rất nhiều, phần 1 anh mua cả cái nhà hàng chỉ vì 2 em người mấu, đuổi tất cả khách về bằng những lời thô, chọc ngoáy gọi họ là lũ nịnh hót ăn bám, phần 2 anh huỷ cả 1 buổi nhạc kịch chỉ vì mời cô diễn viên chính đi du thuyền, phóng xe trong thành phố ầm ầm khi có lệnh giới nghiêm đã thế còn gây tai nạn (mặc dù để cứu thằng nhân viên kia), còn cái phần 3 thấy rõ nhất, hết tiền là bị đuổi cổ khỏi ban quản trị, cái đám tang ngưởi đến dự đếm trên 1 bàn tay. Có thể nói Bruce trong mắt người dân Gotham chỉ là 1 thằng công tử ăn chới chác táng tiêu tiền bố mẹ thôi (phim Nolan thôi nhé) nên chả có ai gán anh với người hùng của cả thành phố đâu ngoài chú Blake gặp anh từ bé.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/8/12
  7. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

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    Thật ra mối dây rõ nhất là việc Bruce quy ẩn 8 năm và Batman biến mất 8 năm. Nhưng ngoài cái uy tín như trên (chưa kể Bruce Enterprise ko gửi tiền cho trại trẻ mồ côi nữa: càng bị ghét) lại có 3 cái khác lái chiều hướng dư luận khiến họ ko chú tâm vào việc này:
    1. Bruce có tiền sử bỏ nhà đi bụi và ai cũng tưởng ảnh đã teo. 8 năm này cũng tương tự, khi đến người hầu trong nhà (trừ Alfred) còn ko biết ảnh có thực ở trong nhà nữa hay ko.
    2. Batman ko phải biến mất mà là bị Gotham truy đuổi và đuổi cổ. Bat sign bị đập thì ảnh quay lại làm gì.
    3. Cả thành phố trong 8 năm đó đang tập trung vào Gordon với chiến dịch nhà tù Dent gô cổ lũ tội phạm. Cái này báo chí thích đăng hơn thằng công tử gãy chân đang nằm rên ở đâu.
  8. furiseto

    furiseto Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

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    Có ai nói gì về sự kiện sau TDK thì Bruce tự kỉ tận 8 năm tròn đâu :-/
    Chả còn đi lòng vòng đầu tư này kia để từ đó mới đẻ ra cái dự án năng lượng sạch cho nhỏ Tate rồi sau đó thất bại chứ ko lẽ quả bom trá hình trên trời rơi xuống à.
  9. Meo_U_O_O

    Meo_U_O_O Dragon Quest

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    Diamonds Family
    thực ra ko phải trong 8 năm là bruce ko làm gì, có thể anh đi bắt nhưng tên tội phạm thường, chứ ko làm gi mà người rã ra như thế đến mức ko còn sụn ở gối. Lúc này kiểu như là batman về già rồi.
  10. thiendiahaokiet

    thiendiahaokiet Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Làm phát cho đỡ wall of Text :D

    Thêm phát này nữa. Xem phần 3 lại nghĩ về phần 2, quá ám ảnh.
  11. furiseto

    furiseto Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

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    ^ Cả 2 phần mình đều ám ảnh, coi lúc buổi tối về đếch ngủ được phải lần mò lên pc coi vài cái video với thông tin thêm về bộ phim =))

    Chỗ chân là cái hồi Bat với 2Face ngã từ trên xuống, 2Face làm liệt sĩ, Bat làm thương binh. Khúc chạy về Batpod đi nhìn tướng cũng hơi cà nhắc.

    Nói chung trong TDKR ko có chi tiết nào nói rằng Bruce đã mất tích bao nhiêu năm cả, có thể là 3-4 hoặc thậm chí 1-2 năm sau dự án năng lượng sạch làm Bruce mất niềm tin cuộc sống. Chỉ có một số liệu duy nhất được đề cập là bác Dig chém gió Bruce có móng tay dài 8 inch, bạn nào là mathfaq ở đây thì có thể tính toán mỗi tháng móng tay con người dài ra bao nhiêu rồi từ đó suy ra 8->
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/8/12
  12. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

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    Hội Dzườn Đào
    8 inches khoảng 20.32 cm = 203.2mm.
    Móng tay người dài ra 0.1mm/ngày. Tính ra là khoảng (203.2/0.1)365.25=5.563 năm.
    Thôi thì cho móng tay anh Bruce vì ở bẩn nên dài nhanh hơn người thường 20%, tức là 0.12mm/ngày, với lại trừ đi 1.5cm chiều dài gốc của móng tay tức là 188.2mm.
    Tính ra là khoảng (188.2/0.12)/365.25=4.29 năm.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/8/12
  13. The-Joker

    The-Joker 531ED1206E681B0206EE079206EE820731EBF70 CHAMPION ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Xem xong về lên utube xem lại trailer không biết đến bao nhiêu lần
  14. thitavipho

    thitavipho Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN Nhân Viên Y Tế

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    Bài viết:
    Nhầm rồi bạn ơi, 1cm=10mm nên 20.32 cm= 203.2 mm. Nên tính toán đầu tiên phải ra là 5.563 năm~6 năm.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/8/12
  15. KytoSai

    KytoSai Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Coi 2 lần rồi mà cảm giác vẫn muốn xem lại, hic. Vì có lẽ sau này sẽ kô còn cơ hội được ngồi ở rạp coi siêu phẩm như thế này.
    Liệu sau này sẽ có đạo diễn nào làm nên những tác phẩm kinh điển thế. Đã thế còn là về batman, một nhân vật mình cực kỳ yêu thích từ lúc bé cho đến bây giờ :D !
  16. unbelievable

    unbelievable C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    6^ Xem đoạn NatGuard chặn cầu, máy bay chiến đấu bay qua mới thấy: mỗi thằng villlain hay 1 kiểu, ko hay nhiều kiểu thì phim ko hay, nhưng thấy cách Joker hay hơn cách của LOS. Ở P1 + P3, Ra's al gul + Talia vẫn cần một vũ khí tối thượng (Halucinogen, nuke) để gây sức ép với Gotham và để Liên bang ko can thiệp, thậm chí thỏa hiệp. Joker ở phần 2 chưa thấy dùng vũ khí gì mắc công điều chế/chế tạo, National guard thích vào để điều khiển sơ tán thì vào, kế hoạch của nó vẫn ngon, cả thành phố vẫn loạn, có điều chưa đến tận gốc rễ như P3.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/8/12
  17. ­­­­­

    ­­­­­ Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chú tính toán cho cao siêu, cái cơ bản nhất lại sai :1cool_look_down:
  18. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hội Dzườn Đào
    Đã sửa. Lâu lâu bỏ dấu nhầm là bình thường.
  19. dread_nought

    dread_nought Geralt of Rivia Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP HCM
    Thực ra ngay từ trong p2 cũng đã giải thích rồi, ko phải cảnh sát gotham ko có khả năng tìm đc ra batman là ai, mà là cảnh sát ko muốn tìm. Xem lại sẽ thấy thằng cảnh sát mập dính trên bảng đề những ng có khả năng là batman toàn là người vớ vẩn :)) Họ ko muốn tìm ra vì bản thân batman cũng là biểu tượng để đẩy lùi tội phạm, nếu công bố ra thì tội phạm lại như trc khi có batman.

    Mà nói đi cũng phải nói lại, batman vì muốn thành biểu tưởng nên mang mặt nạ dơi, lấy sự sợ hãi làm vũ khí =)) nhưng cũng nhờ đó mà gotham thay vì trc kia chỉ toàn mafia làm ăn bth thì mọc ra biết bao thằng khùng, giết ng ko ghê tay, còn kinh hơn bọn mafia trc nữa. Ko biết anh bat có bao h thấy hối hận ko :)) Vì hình như càng làm batman thì càng lòi ra nhiều thằng điên.
  20. LilyTrinh

    LilyTrinh Superman là số một. DC bất diệt! GVN CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    không làm batman thì Ras al ghul cho gotham nát bấy ngay từ p.1.

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