Lấy hình lớn photoshop nó nhỏ lại , rồi cắt cái mặt là được chứ gì Sign của tôi nè , to vãi chưởng nhưng làm như trên là được rồi đó , chả cần chỉnh sửa gì nhiều ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZc7gCPvK6A&feature=related Cái này có từ lúc nào mà giờ mình mới biết
short xì poilllllllllll [spoil]桂馬が亮から受け取った携帯電話はエルシィのもの。 The cellphone Keima got from Ryou belongs to Elsie. それを用いてエルシィからのバンド練習を休むという伝言を歩美に伝える桂馬。 Using it, Keima tells Ayumi Elsie won't come to the band practice, saying she told him. その真意は家族不在で独りなこと(じーちゃんが死んだから、とヒドイ嘘)と自身の風邪による不 調を歩美に知 らしめる事であった。 His real intention was to let Ayumi know he's alone at home due to his family being away (spouting an awful lie that his grandfather is dead) and in a bad condition due to the cold. 一方、自身から(エルシィに)連絡してきたちひろには、バッティング回避の為に病気を悟られな いように努め る。 On the other hand, to prevent schedule conflicts, he strives not to let Chihiro - who contacted him (thinking it's Elsie) - be aware of his illness. 家に来ることが無いよう「家に来ても誰もいない」と言葉を選ぶ。こちらは夜に改めて呼び出す算 段だった。 He chooses a phrase saying "there is no one at my house, coming here is futile" in order not to have a visit. It is a plan for calling her again in the night. 亮の協力を得た桂馬、放課後ひとりで来たものの訪問の踏ん切りがつかない歩美を家に引き込む事 に成功する。 Obtaining Ryou's cooperation, Keima manages to draw Ayumi, who is indecisive in visiting him although she came here alone after school, in his house. 下校イベントと同じく桂馬に怒りを示す歩美であったが、演技ではない不調ぶりを見せられ弱って いる桂馬を部 屋まで連れていくことに。 Just like the after-school events, Ayumi showed her anger at Keima, but she takes him, who is weak and shown in a bad condition that isn't an act, to a room. (エルシィの部屋。亮が男部屋風に仕立てた) (It is Elsie's room. Ryou prepared the room to be for men.) 歩「片付けないと、他の誰かがお見舞いに来た時恥ずかしいよ?」 Ayumi: "If you don't tidy it up, won't you feel ashamed when someone comes here calling on you?" 桂「…誰も来ないよ」 Keima: "... Nobody will come here." 歩「…嘘、来るよ」 Ayumi: "... You lie, someone will." 桂「だから歩美が来てくれた時、ちょっと嬉しかった」 Keima: "That's why you were a bit happy when you came here." 歩「ちょっとって…失礼しちゃうなぁ」 Ayumi: "Hey... You're being impolite." 病床の桂馬に水を用意する歩美。グラスが桂馬の手から零れそうになり、慌てて支える。触れあう 手と手。(※ ) Ayumi prepares water for the bedridden Keima. Keima is about to let the glass slip by his hand but Ayumi holds it hurriedly. Their hands touch each other. お見舞いイベントの好展開に手応えを覚える桂馬。 Keima feels a feedback to the positive development in the calling-on event. このまま一挙に歩美再攻略を進めようと考える桂馬だが……!? Keima is thinking to advance Ayumi's reconquest with a single swoop as it is but...!? (続く) (To be continued) [spoil][/spoil][/spoil] mong là em í em í em í em íííííííííííííííííííííí :-* :-* :-* :-*
Liệt giường vẫn chinh phục tốt, quả là "God" có khác . Mà không biết Ayumi có goddess không, nghi tác giả troll cho Chihiro có goddess quá.
Mình dự là 2 em Chihiro và Ayumi đều biết em còn lại cũng kết God, vì là bạn bè nên có ý nhường nhau. Bây giờ God đang ở nhà một mình, Ayumi xuất hiện rồi thì kiểu j Chihiro cũng đến, gặp nhau ở nhà God thì twist nó mới hay