The World God Only Know: The rise of the Goddess [boat related]

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi vulcan300, 29/3/11.


Bạn muốn god intimate với ai

  1. Ayumi (track & field club)

  2. Chihiro (normal)

  3. Shiori (librarian)

  4. Tenri (child hood friend)

  5. Kanon (Idol)

  6. Tsukiyou (astronomy club)

  7. Haqua

  8. Yui (yaoi?)

  9. Elsee

  10. Nagase (ex-sensei)

  11. Kusunoki (karate club)

  12. All. God là phải harem

  13. Không ai cả

  1. sai1000

    sai1000 Dragon Quest GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thế ai là cô dâu, ai là chú rể =)).
    Mềnh thì nghĩ sau khi god cứu được new hell và goddess, công đức viên mãn phi thăng thành god thật => happy ending :-".
  2. Arisato Minato

    Arisato Minato Sith Lord Revan

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tawi Tawi Base
    Kami-sama mà thành Zeus thì khác gì harem end đâu :-"
  3. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    under ground
    sai rồi sai rồi , xóa thì có xóa nhưng xóa nhầm khúc trí nhớ capture girl 2D , God vẫn còn Khúc Capture girl 3D nên vẫn đi cua gái lung tung dẫn đến 1 lần nữa hell và Heaven phải cử các chị em xuống giải quyết God of Capture này :D
  4. sai1000

    sai1000 Dragon Quest GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Khác chứ, Kami-sama trở thành bất tử, không sợ tinh tẫn thân vong nữa =)).
  5. coeya8690

    coeya8690 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bắc Cực
    Cuối cùng sau khi hoàn thành nhiệm vụ sẽ được hell giúp 1 mơ ước và cuối cùng keima quyết định vào sống trong game mãi mãi với Yokkun :x :x
  6. dragon38

    dragon38 Hoa Khôi Thư Giãn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Công nhận em Yui mới đầu thấy xinh phết sau càng coi càng thấy bệnh X_X
  7. harry potteraa

    harry potteraa Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chụp mấy cái ảnh chơi :)



    Evil Spirits thích bài này.
  8. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái route này cũng đc =)), và chúng ta lại tiếp tục có phần 2 =))
    sao giống thg`Rito bên kia wa', tập đoàn harem =))
    Em tóc dài này là ai vậy ?
  9. Arisato Minato

    Arisato Minato Sith Lord Revan

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Tawi Tawi Base
    Kusunoki sempai \m/

    Nhờ tập chống đấy nhiều mà ngực to nhất series \m/
  10. nướcđá7A3

    nướcđá7A3 ◥▶◀◤ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    to nhất phải là chị của ẻm, bị hóa khổng lồ như quả núi ;))

  11. Evil Spirits

    Evil Spirits Nam Vương Thư Giãn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hải Phòng
    Đệch , vừa làm xong đang định Up thì cha này cướp hàng trước rồi , nhanh vãi 8-}
    Xem ông với tôi làm có giống nhau ko nào ?


    Của tôi đấm chậm hơn :))
  12. harry potteraa

    harry potteraa Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Quên nữa , hình trên của ông có vẻ nét hơn của tôi 8-}

    Theo tôi thì lớn tuổi hơn thì ngực to hơn :>
    Giống Minami , ít tuổi thì ngực cũng bé , trong khi mình tưởng bơi lội nhiều thì phải nở hơn ... 8-x

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/8/11
  13. nướcđá7A3

    nướcđá7A3 ◥▶◀◤ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    mấy cái này tôi làm lâu rồi đó chứ :D, cắt mấy cái lận, với để nhanh tí tiết kiệm chút frame và làm cho nó nhẹ nữa :D

    harry potteraa thích bài này.
  14. taykiemquy

    taykiemquy Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    hic....nó ngưng mấy tuần vậy ==! sao đên h mà chưa thấy có chap mới nữa ==
  15. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    under ground

    nhìn cái ảnh này tưởng God đang rap Elsea quá :)) xỉu luôn rồi :D
  16. cristal

    cristal C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đà Nẵng
    Full spoil bên redhawk!
    Keima collapsed even when there is one person left in his goddesses search. However, could he possibly want to continue his conquest?

    Ryou: "Are you calling a doctor? You look in a bad shape, you'd better sleep."
    Keima: (But this cold... it's terrible...) (It's getting worse and worse quickly...)
    (However... In my condition, there should be things I can do.)
    亮「医者にかかった?」 桂馬「うるさいっ!お前帰れ。」
    Ryou: "Did you call a doctor?" Keima: "Shut up! Go home."

    FLAG153「アイ・みー・まいン」 エルシィ携帯で攻略開始。
    FLAG153: "I, me, m'y'ne" Starting a conquest through Elsie's phone.
    歩美「エリーだ。はーいエリ~♡」「今メールするとこだったよ。今日エリー休みなの?」 「バンドどーすん の?」
    Ayumi: "It's Elly. Yes, it's Elly. <3" "I was typing an e-mail. You won't come to school today?" "And what about the band?"
    Keima: "Hallo..."
    [Keima is supposed to say もしもし (moshimoshi) but said もじもじ (mojimoji).]
    Ayumi looks surprised.
    桂馬「歩美か?」 歩美「え・・・ちょ・・・!!だ、誰!?」 ガタガタと京とちひろから離れる 二人 とも歩美を見ている
    Keima: "Ayumi?" Ayumi: "Eh... Wai...!! Who is speaking!?" She takes her distance from Miyako and Chihiro, and the two persons are seeing Ayumi.
    歩美「か・・・桂木!? なんであんたがエリーの携帯使ってんの?」
    Ayumi: "Ka... Katsuragi!? Why are you using Elly's phone?"
    桂馬「エルシィに頼まれたんだ・・・・・・ 急用ができて、バンドの練習は休むって・・・」
    Keima: "Elsie made me a request... She said she had an urgent business to do so she couldn't come to the band practice..."

    桂馬「田舎のじいちゃんが死んだんで、ボク以外の家族はみんな田舎に帰った。」 じいちゃんが勝手に殺すな !!とお怒り
    Keima: "My grandpa in the countryside died so except me, my family has gone to there." He is angry, thinking "Don't kill your grandpa off on your own!!"
    "So... Elsie won't be back in a while..."
    Ayumi: "What's with you... don't you sound very tired?"
    She glances Miyako and Chihiro
    Ayumi: "Are... you okay?"
    Two panels showing Keima looking fairly pleased.
    Keima: "Oh, sorry, I have a headache... Wh, what did you say?"

    歩美「な、なんでもないっ!!じゃ!!」ピッ 顔真っ赤な歩美
    Ayumi: "I, It's nothing!! Bye!!" Ayumi is blushing.
    桂馬「・・・・・・」 「こんなもんかな・・・ これで来てくれればいいが・・・」
    Keima: "......" "I wonder if it will turn this way... It would be nice if she came here with this but..."
    (残りの女神は一人。そして女神候補は二人。歩美とちひろ・・・) ちひろ「電話ー?」 歩美「あーお腹へ ったー。」  歩美華麗にスルー
    (There is one goddess left and there are two goddess candidates. Ayumi and Chihiro...) Chihiro: "Who was it?" Ayumi: "Oh, I'm hungry." Ayumi ignores her nicely.
    (For these two persons... I will prepare the calling-on event!!)
    Ryou: "Calling-on event?" Ryou is eating potato chips.
    Keima: "The calling-on is a serious event. I can't miss it!!"

    桂馬「今なら完璧に進行できる!!(本当に病気だから)」「やるしかない!!」「来るかこないかで。攻略の 進行度も判る。歩美来てくれよ・・・・・・」
    Keima: "If it's now, I can bring the conquest to its completion!!" (Because he's really sick) "I have to do this!!" "I'll know how far the conquest has advanced with the fact that the girl will come or not. Please come here, Ayumi..."
    桂馬「お前ヒマそーだな。手伝え!!」 亮「ボク!?」
    Keima: "You seem to have free time. Help me!!" Ryou: "Me!?"
    ちひろから電話がくる 桂馬(ちひろだ。こっちは注意しろ・・・) (二人一緒に見舞いは困る!!ちひろに は病気をさとられるな!)
    There is a phone call from Chihiro. Keima: (It's Chihiro. I should pay attention to her...) (If two person come to call on me, I will be annoyed!! I won't let her realize I'm sick!)
    ちひろ「もしもしーエリー?」 「エリー、今日休みだったでしょ? そんでさー前に・・・」
    Chihiro: "Hello, are you Elly?" "You won't come to school today? So, well, before..."

    桂馬「エルシィは今、いないぞ。」 ちひろ「桂木!?なんで!?」ガタッ  桂馬「今日は法事でボク以外 誰もいない。」
    Keima: "Elsie isn't here at the moment." Chihiro: "Katsuragi!? Why!?" Keima: "Because there is a memorial service, nobody is here except me."
    桂馬「確認しておくが家に来ても誰もいない。バーカ。」 (これで来ないだろ。ちひろは夜に改めて呼び出す 。)
    Keima: "It's to confirm something but coming to my house is pointless because there is no one there. You idiot." (She shouldn't come to my house with this. I will call her again tonight.)
    Chihiro: "Idiot, idiot, what's with it?"
    After school.
    ちひろ「今日は終わりにすっかー。」 京「エリーがいないと何か心配ねー本番、失敗しそうで・・・」 ちひ ろ「ねー帰りどっか寄っていかん~~?」
    Chihiro: "Shall we call it a day today?" Miyako: "Elly isn't here and this worries me. I feel like she could mess up her performance..." Chihiro: "So, why not dropping by her somewhere on our way home?"

    ちひろ「結ーたい焼食べに行かない?」 結「ごめーん、今日はもう家に帰るよ。」 ちひろ「歩 美はー?」
    Chihiro: "Yui, what about eating a taiyaki?" Yui: "Sorry, I'll go home today." Chihiro: "Ayumi?"
    歩美「わ、私も・・・今日はまっすぐ帰る・・・」 ちひろ「えー、みんなパスなのー?付き合いわりーー!! 」 「ごめーん。」
    Ayumi: "I, I too... will go straight home today..." Chihiro: "Eh, you all pass on it? You're hard to socialize!!" "Sorry."
    亮「まだ来ないぞー本当に来るのか~~?」(玄関に女の子がウロウロし始めたら知らせろって・・・なんでボ クが見張りなんか!!)
    Ryou: "She hasn't come yet. Will she realllllly come?" (He said I would notify him if a girl is hanging around the entranceway... Why am I on watch!!)
    "I am the excellent buddy!! I'll report it to Nora!!"

    歩美が玄関でソワソワしてる   めっちゃ可愛い
    Ayumi is feeling uneasy at the entranceway. She is very cute.
    歩美「やっぱ・・・・・・帰ろ。」  亮が旗を上げる
    Ayumi: "Okay... I'll go home." Ryou raises a flag.
    桂馬「うわー、いてて!!」ガシャーン 「誰かぁ~~誰かいないのか~~?」ゴホゴホ言 いながら
    Keima: "Uwaa, stay here!!" "Isn't theeeeere, isn't there anyooooone?"
      「いる訳ないか・・・」 歩美戻っきて玄関を開ける
    "There's no way there would be...?" Ayumi comes back and opens the entranceway.

    She finds Keima collapsed, trying to carry water.
    歩美「か、桂木!!大丈夫!?」 桂馬「水入れるだけで・・・こんなに辛いとは・・・・・・」
    Ayumi: "Ka, Katsuragi!! Are you okay!?" Keima: "I didn't think putting in water... would be that hard....."
    桂馬「・・・・・・あれ・・・歩美・・・?」 歩美「うァ!?」
    Keima: ".... Uh.... Ayumi...?" Ayumi: "Ua!?"

    歩美「わ、私、別に心配で来た訳じゃないのよ。あんたが悪いのよ・・・・・・!!」「あんな死にそうなセキ 出してるから・・・ホントに死んでないか見に来ただけよ。」
    Ayumi: "It, it isn't that I came here because I'm worried about you in particular. You're in a bad shape...!!" "You coughed as if you were about to die... So I only came to see if you aren't really dead."
      「前も言ったけど私・・・もうあんたと話したくないの!!」 顔真っ赤である
    "I already told you but I... don't want to talk with you anymore!!" She blushes.
    [TN: So why you came to see him? And specially the conversation over the phone?]
    "?" "Where are you going?"
    桂馬「わかるだろ。自分の部屋だよ。」 歩美「・・・・・・あのさ、本当に誰もいないの?」
    Keima: "You should know. To my room." Ayumi: "... Uhm, is there really no one?"
    Keima: "I told you. Nobody will be back in a while."

    Keima crawls up the stairs.

    歩美「もう、仕方ないなぁ!!」「こんなキツそうにされたら、見捨てられないでしょ。」「身体 あつ・・・」
    Ayumi: "Geez, it can't be helped!!" "I can't abandon you if things went that hard on you." "Your body is hot..."
    "Where is your room? We'll go there."
    Ayumi lays Keima on the side and takes a look at the room.
    歩美「・・・・・・」「思ったより汚い部屋だね」「あんたの部屋?」  桂馬「まあな。」 本当はエルシィ の部屋亮がセッティング
    Ayumi: "....." "The room is dirtier than I thought." "Is it your room?" Keima: "Well." The truth is Ryou changed Elsie's room.
    Ayumi: "If you don't tidy it up a bit... Won't you feel embarrassed when other people comes to visit you...?"

    桂馬「誰も・・・・・・来ないよ。」  歩美「うそ。 来るよ・・・・・・」
    Keima: "Nobody... will come." Ayumi: "Lies. Someone will...."
    桂馬「だから歩美が来てくれて・・・・・・ちょっと嬉しかった。」  歩美「ちょっとって・・・何か失礼っ 。」
    Keima: "That's why you were a bit happy... when you came here." Ayumi: "Hey... You're being impolite."
    スタスタ ドサ バタン
    Keima: "You're back...?" => He finds something put behind Ayumi.
    [TN: I had troubles coming up with a decent translation for this line. So if you have a better one, just tell it.]
    Ayumi: "Did you want water? I'll bring it to you!!"

    歩美「はい、これでいい?」カチャカチャ トトト
    Ayumi: "Yes, should this do it?"
    "Yes, don't drop it." "T, the cup is cute, as expected of the café..."
    Keima: "Ah..." The cup is about to fall.
    歩美「こぼれ・・・・・・」手が触れ合う 歩美赤くなる
    Ayumi: "It's fall....." Their hands touch each other. Ayumi turned red blushing.

    Ayumi: "You have to.... hold it tightly."
    桂馬(お・・・思った以上の好展開だ・・・・・・!!これがお見舞いイベントの威力なのか!! )
    Keima: "T, the developement went better than I thought.....!! This is the might of the calling-on event!!)
    "S, sorry...."
      (このまま・・・行けるとこまで行くぞ!!)     早くも攻略成功のきざし?〆
    (As things are... I will go as far as it can go!!) The chapters ends with "Already signs of success in conquering her?" [/spoil]
  17. blue_lynk

    blue_lynk Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đọc xong spoil này mình lại nghi là em Yui sẽ đến phá đám ><
  18. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    under ground
    Mong tác giả đừng để yui xuất hiện nhiều quá , tởm bỏ mợ :(( , trong trạng thái nữ thì được \m/
  19. nướcđá7A3

    nướcđá7A3 ◥▶◀◤ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    trạng thái nữ với Yui đã bị god đăng ký rồi , nên tác giả gần như bó tay =))
  20. harry potteraa

    harry potteraa Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thực ra trong truyện này quá nhiều em gái xinh xắn rồi , cho một Char bựa bựa tí cũng chả nhằm nhò gì .
    Với lại Thần Chiến Tranh ở trong người nên phải nam tính là chuẩn rồi :D

Chia sẻ trang này