The World God Only Know: We will fill the missing D with Dream

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi kylanbac91, 26/8/10.

  1. Eruur

    Eruur Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    cảm giác là tụi này trans=google đọc thấy fail á :|
  2. 7juve7

    7juve7 Mega Man

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    Ừh,lấy từ 4rum red hawk ,hình như thèn trans của nó chưa làm việc
  3. cristal

    cristal C O N T R A

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    Cái này là ở chap nào thế mấy bác?
  4. 7juve7

    7juve7 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chap 127
    Bên red hawk đã dịch full
    [spoil]現実の壁に苦闘する桂馬は? FLAG127「ツインブッキング」
    Keima agonizing over the limits of reality? FLAG127 [Twin Booking]

    Keima: (Don't screw with me......"real"......!!) (An after-school event is the best way to increase love points!) (And yet, what's with this!!) (Why are there three people here!!)

    Miyako: "Katsuragi~, wasn't your house around here?"

    Ayumi: "Why are we walking home together?"

    Ayumi is looking at Keima the entire time.
    Keima: (F, for Miyako to be with us as well...) (This was never a part of my plans......)
    (No, now is not the time to curse the "real!!") (I must increase Ayumi's love points!) (I'll proceed by ignoring Miyako!!)

    京「でもさ――」「桂木――」「私たちといたら か の ん ち ゃ ん に 怒 ら れ る んじゃない?」
    As Keima is trying to think on whether to tease Ayumi or bully her,
    Miyako: "But you know~~" "Katsuragi~~" "Won't K-A-N-O-N-chan be upset if you are with us?"

    Sudden and to the point. ((TN: I assume this is a colloquial phrase)) Keima ignores the question and tries to start a conversation with Ayumi,
    "Hey, what exactly is your relationship with Kanon-chan?"

    Keima's plans are being destroyed.
    Ayumi: "Really," "Katsuragi and Kanon-chan are going out~." "Who knows for how long~"

    She gives a clearly threatening look.
    Miyako: "Tell me more, tell me more~"
    Keima: (Miyako-sama, I'm sorry!! Please forgive me already.) (Good grief, even though I'm not replying...) (My love-points are steadily dropping...)
    (If things continue like this, I'm completely done for...) (There must be something I can say in my defense!!)
    "Well, that is..." "It's just a rumor..." "I......" "really......"

    As he is coming up with his rebuttal, he catches sight of someone who mustn't be encountered.
    Hakua and Chihiro are walking nearby. Hakua notices Keima. Why are they here!!
    "I really wanted to visit this shop." "Let's go, let's go!!"

    In order to hide Ayumi and co. from Chihiro, Keima forcibly pushes everyone into Inazumart.
    And so, Chihiro passes by. Fortunately, she doesn't notice them.
    By pointing, Hakua signs to Keima that Chihiro will be on the 2nd floor, so Keima should spend some time on the 1st floor.

    After inviting the girls to a Taiyaki shop, Keima excuses himself by saying he will use the toilet, and goes to the 2nd floor.
    And so in a place where neither Ayumi nor Chihiro will see them, he calls to Hakua.

    Keima: "Hey!! Why aren't you at school!!"
    Hakua: "I'm telling you~~ Chihiro said she wanted to look at instruments..."

    Hakua was unable to prevent them from ending up in the same place.
    Keima: "Everyone keeps moving about as they please!!" "Hey!! Don't you understand the importance of these captures!!" Do it properly!!"
    Hakua: "I know that!!"

    Ayumi: "Katsuragi!!"
    Keima quickly hides Hakua from Ayumi. Her expression is still grim.
    "Um..." "Could you please stop trying to get close to me?" "You were waiting for me at the school gate, weren't you?" "Please stop doing stuff like that!!"
    "I...I, There's no way we..." "can be together!!" "Please don't try to talk to me!! Got it!?"

    Though her words don't convey her true feelings, Ayumi's eyes are watering up.
    Keima: "No way." "Now and always," "I'll follow you like a shadow!" "......I'm sorry, but..." "no matter what you can't stop me..."
    Keima acts as if he is going home, and swaps with Hakua. Leaving Ayumi's group, he goes to find Chihiro who is looking at instruments.

    Chihiro, worrying about Haku-sie (portmanteau of Hakua/Elsie) who hasn't returned from the toilet, is leaving the instrument shop,
    Not long after, Keima finds her on the corner by the sound of her changing her strings.
    Though she said she couldn't choose a bass, she ended up choosing this one.

    It's seems like it will be difficult to talk, as Chihiro is endlessly test-playing the instrument.
    Keima: "How is it, does an expensive instrument have a better sound after all?"
    Chihiro: "Ah~ I really don't know!" "I'm so nervous."
    Keima: "What's that." That song just now..." "Whose song is it?"
    Chihiro: "Hu...huuh?" "How can I put's my song!!"
    "but, it's only complete in my head." "There really isn't any time left for band practice..." "The school dance festival is right around the corner, you know~"
    Keima: "Well, how should I say it..." "It's fine," "the song has a good feeling."
    Chihiro: "It's just in my head," "How good of a song it'll be," "I don't kn..."
    "Wah!!" "Why am I talking to you about this?" "I makes me sick~!!"

    At any rate, it seems Keima has successfully increased his love points with Ayumi and Chihiro. Next is the library.

    京「エリー 兄貴の分もお金払ってよ。」
    Miyako: "Elly, pay for your big brother's portion."
    Hakua: "Ehhh!?"

    *The 5-target capture is steadily advancing!! Is this all as expected...!?[/spoil]
  5. coeya8690

    coeya8690 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Toàn bị tù chối mà tác lại dịch increase love pts ;)) ;))
  6. nevilarus

    nevilarus T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Có chap mới rồi nhé
    [spoil]Sao chap này ông tác giả vẽ hơi ẩu :|[/spoil]

    Keima giờ thành n-timer thứ thiệt rồi, tự nhiên thấy hơi tội nghiệp mấy em gái :D
  7. vulcan300

    vulcan300 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Beginning of the End
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 11/1/11
  8. Eruur

    Eruur Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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  9. undead_one

    undead_one The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    God thoát hiểm ngoạn mục.
    Ayumi trông yêu quá :)
  10. coeya8690

    coeya8690 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Bắc Cực
    2 em ayumi với chihiro lúc nào cũng tiên phong suôn sẻ nhỉ....
    em yui thì khỏi lo rồi
    Còn 2 e kia khó thôi :)
  11. bathofanboy

    bathofanboy Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ờ đến lúc 2 e phát hiện ra God bắt cá bằng lưới thì teo
  12. Shinobi_91

    Shinobi_91 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Koshi Castle
    Dự đoán sau khi cứu được Kanon thì God sẽ về với chúa do bị hỏi tội =))
    Sớm muộn gì các em cũng biết thui , còn phản ứng như thế nào thì.....;))
  13. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    under ground
    lúc đó God sẽ bị gangbang mà thôi :'>
  14. Eruur

    Eruur Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    reverse gang bang :"> (mà trình god sap chấp lại 5 em =)) )
  15. minhtri595

    minhtri595 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sài Gòn
    sao không
    2 tay, 2 chân và 1 súng :))
    còn cái miệng nữa
  16. taykiemquy

    taykiemquy Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    coi chap 86 do nhóm VNS dịch thì Mio kêu là còn nhớ tất cả về God vậy sao em ấy ko có trong nhóm goddess nhỉ?
  17. _ICE_MAN_

    _ICE_MAN_ Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đến chap 87 thì mới biết không phải , God bị thay mặt bằng 1 người khác là bác lái xe Morita
  18. 7juve7

    7juve7 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Spiler 128
    After-school events, and finally the finale!

    月夜→歩美→ちひろ、と好感触を得た桂馬。ハクアを連れて、次は栞に挑む。とりあえず結は後回 し。
    この時間、図書館はもう閉まっている。かつて栞を落としたときと同様、桂馬たちは屋上に穴を開 け侵入。
    Keima has increase love-points with Tsukiyo > Ayumi > Chihiro. Taking Hakua along, Shiori is the next target. Yui has been postponed for now.
    At this time, the library has already closed. Just like during Shiori's arc, Keima & co. enter through a hole in the roof.


    桂馬たちは音を立てないよう注意して栞を捜す。 Keima & co. search for Shiori, careful to not make a sound.
    受付カウンターの一画だけが明るい。栞が頬杖をついている。 At the reception desk, there is a page with one stroke written. Shiori is there, resting her chin on her hand.
    桂馬はハクアを一人で上の階に行くよう指示し、観察する。 Keima has Hakua take them to an upper level, where they watch from above.
    栞はノートに鉛筆を走らせてはページを破り、突っ伏す。すると(ハクアに起こさせた)物音が聞 こえてくる。 Shiori scribbles with a pencil in a notebook, tears up the page, and collapses. At that moment (because of Hakua) she hears some noise.
    なんだろう、と様子を見に去っていくのを確認し、桂馬はカウンターへ。 After checking that Shiori has left, Keima approaches the desk.
    桂馬「……ごめん。」 Keima: "......Sorry."
    両手を合わせてからノートを手に取る。 He takes up the notebook in both hands.
    先日、委員長が栞に何か催促していたな、と思いながらページをめくる。 The other day, the chairman was requesting something from Shiori, thinking this he turns the pages.
    1ページ目から頭がくらむような代物だった。 The first page has dazzling contents.

       かつて砲弾だった光の粒が圧縮レーザーの束に変わり…やがて星が爆発する大きな光が宙を 照らす………
       改定歴20DA年… アンセスター星間戦争は既に600年の長きに渡って続いていた。
       私の名はシモーネ。シモーネ・S・リブロ!!ロムレム新聞社の新米記者!!憧れの星団記者になれるな んて夢のよう…!!
    A laser is fired...and explodes like a star in deep space.......
    The year is 20DA... The war of Ancestors has already been going on for 600 years.
    My name is Simone. Simone S. Libro!! A newbie reporter for ROMREM newspaper!! Becoming an insterstellar reporter is my dream...!!
    桂馬 (てっきり時代劇でくるかと思ったら…SFとは…)(収拾つかなくなりそうな予感… 主人公目線が救い…) Keima: (I was expecting a period drama...but sci-fi...)(If I can make any sense of this, perhaps if I consider the protagonist's point of view...)

       編「余計なことばっかり言いおって お前はクビだ――――!!」
       思ったことをすぐに口に出してしまうのが私の悪いクセだ 少しは無口になれればいいのだけれど私にはムリね!!
    Simone: "Chief editor!! What we need to do right now is find the culprits of these war crimes!!"
    Editor: "You only say unnecessary things -- You're FIRED----!!"
    As punishment I am in the paper's library organizing their articles every day...I can't even set foot into space
    Any time I put my thoughts to words, bad things happen. I was thinking that perhaps it would be best to become a mute, but that's impossible for me!!

    桂馬(おいおい!!)(書いてるヤツとキャラ、全然違うぞ!!) Keima: (Hey, wait a minute!!) (The writer and the character are completely different!!)
    心の中でツッコミながらもページを進めると、気になる一節を目にする。 He turns the page as he is playing tsukkomi in his mind, and notices a passage.

       図書館で私は…不思議な男と出会った 男はカシラギ…ピエール・カシラギという名前だった…
    In the library...I met a mysterious man. His name was Katsuragi...Pierre Katsuragi.
    Pierre: "Books are great...they are mankind's miraculous heritage...."
    Simone: "Books are a relic of the past!! In these times we should commit the whole newspaper to data..."
    Katsuragi was a quiet and reserved military physician. The two of us were like complete opposites.

    桂馬(カシラギ……?)(なんかこの出会い、覚えあるな…) Keima: (Katsuragi......?) (So she has memories of our meeting..."

    Pierre: "Simone, please don't scribble in these books." Simone: "I'm just correcting mistakes!!"
    Pierre: "Before I knew it, I have been speaking with you this whole times, eh...." Simone: "Do you suppose we're getting along?"
    Pierre: "Simone, it's as if you are the protagonist of a story." Simone: "Please stop saying things like that."

    桂馬が攻略したときの展開を、役柄だけ逆にして物語は続く。栞は桂馬の攻略を、どこまで覚えて いるのだ? Things progress just as when Keima captured Shiori, although the roles are reversed. Just how much of her capture does she remember?

    Pierre: "I'm afraid to go out into space..." Katsuragi was still saying helpless things.
    I pulled Katsuragi towards me. "It can't be helped, I'll give you courage!!"

    This kiss!! Keima quickly turns the page, but the next one is blank. And then...

    Katsuragi died on the battlefield. I was alone, in a universe without Katsuragi.
    But my heart wasn't in pain. He wasn't an important man!!

    桂馬(急にぞんざいに……)(これはもしや…)(ボクとかのんの噂の影響なのか……?) Keima: (How sudden and sloppy......) (Could this mean...) (This was written around the time of Kanon's rumor......?)
    栞「はぅ……!!」 Shiori: "Hau......!!"
    桂馬は見つかってしまった。大量の無言の吹き出しを浮かべながら、栞はノートを取り返す。抗議の言葉をつむ ごうとしているようだが、出てこない。 Keima has been found out. After a long silence, Shiori recovers the notebook. She tries to think of something to say, but nothing comes out.
    桂馬(シモーネにはなれそうにないな。)「ごめん…」「最後、」「ちょっと書き足しちゃった… 」 Keima: (She's nothing like Simone after all.) "I'm sorry." "At the end," "I added a bit..."

       ピ「シモーネ!!ボクは死んでないよ!!宇宙防弾チョッキのおかげで無傷だったんだ!! 」
    Pierre: "Simone!! I haven't died!! Thanks to a spaceage bullet-proof vest, I am unhurt!!"
    It's still the two of us after all. Whispered Katsuragi....

    栞がその後に書き足す。 Shiori writes something after.
       シ「勝手に生き返ってこないでよ!!」「宇宙防弾チョッキなんてバカな設定作らないで! !」
    Simone: "Don't just come back to life on your own!!" "Especially with such a stupid device like a spaceage bullet-proof vest!!"

    桂馬はさらに書き足し、書きあいになる。 Keima continues to write, and it turns into love notes.

       (栞の文)カシラギは猛獣レンバートスにひと飲みにされて死んだ 心は痛まなかった
       シ「どーして生き返ってくるの!?私、あなたに会いたくないの それに、カシラギはもっと無口なの!!」
    Pierre: "It's just that..." "I wanted to meet you..."
    (Shiori) Katsuragi was devoured by a wild beast. There was pain in my heart.
    Pierre: "Katsuragi escaped before being digested!!" "Surely it was a miracle!!"
    Simone: "Why do you keep reviving yourself!? I don't want to meet you, and furthermore, Katsuragi is a silent person!!"

    栞がさらに続けようとするのを桂馬はカシラギのセリフでさえぎる。 Shiori continues like this while Keima ripostes with lines from "Katsuragi".
    Please don't be upset, Simone. I only be with you a little longer...
    Her resistance falters here, and Shiori writes......"To Be Continued."

    ■とりあえず物語は終わらない。とはいえ、図書館女子の再攻略はそうとう難しそうですが………! ?
    *At any rate the story has not ended. Nonetheless, the library girl's second capture was rather difficult, but......!?[/spoil]
  19. coeya8690

    coeya8690 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Kinh thật.... =))
    God lại còn sáng tác truyện nữa mới ....:))
  20. Shinobi_91

    Shinobi_91 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Koshi Castle
    không , cái này là shiori nó chế , đọc 1 hồi cũng thấy loạn não thiệt 8-}
    Làm cách nào để God gặp được Yui nhỉ , không lẽ lại tiếp tục màn đột nhập vào nhà họ =))

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