The World God Only Know: We will fill the missing D with Dream

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi kylanbac91, 26/8/10.

  1. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

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    Anh ấy là "god" mà, chắc ko sao đâu =))
    Có khi kiss thêm vài phát cũng chả sao =))
    Em kia tại là god nữ nên yếu sinh lý hơn god nam >:)
  2. kidxx

    kidxx Youtube Master Race

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    hơ...kỳ nhỉ, sao Goddess lại ẩn trong búp bê chứ ko phải trong chủ thể như Goddess kia nhỉ....đáng lẽ vậy mới tăng được sức mạnh chứ, chứ nhập vào một vật vô tri để làm gì
  3. coeya8690

    coeya8690 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Bắc Cực
    Mà này God sẽ fine thôi.... Sao chẳng ai quan tâm Hakua thế nhỉ...
    Mình nghĩ Hakua với Kanon mới là đang gặp nguy hiểm í....
    Ai biết Fye với Nora có phải là đồng bọn không.... Kanon thì bệnh càng ngày càng nặng... :| :|
  4. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

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    under ground
    có ai nghĩ rằng chủ nhân con búp bê cũng ở trong thư viện ko vậy ? vì em ấy chưa rời con búp bê bao h mà ? vậy thì goddess vẫn ở chủ thể , búp bê chỉ là vật điều kiển để rape god thôi :D
  5. tienlapro

    tienlapro Crash Bandicoot Lão Làng GVN

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    cái Omake giữa em Tsukiyo với Lunar chả phải để chơi đâu bạn hiền:|
  6. billhainh

    billhainh Persian Prince

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    Balamballe, Bari
    Mấy cái omake ra cùng lúc với các chap hay về sau vẽ thêm nhỉ :-?...

    Thấy lúc đầu chả có omake, về sau red hawk scan mới có :-?
  7. minhtri595

    minhtri595 The Warrior of Light

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    truyện này đăng trên tạp chí từng chap
    khi nào đủ 1 số chap thì gom lại thành 1 cuốn (vol), lúc này trong vol mới có thêm mấy cái omake này
  8. cristal

    cristal C O N T R A

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    Chap 133 đã xác nhận goddess, đoán đúng rồi \m/
    [spoil]FLAG133「Canon doll」

    Google trans
    FLAG133 "Canon doll"
    Vulcan claiming Luna, moon knight has seen through her trend
    The knight is not seen only three raunchy hip guy anymore, no excuse is ...?

    Luna là Vulcan[/spoil]
  9. 7juve7

    7juve7 Mega Man

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    ■The condition of Kanon who is resting in Keima's house had changed. What is going on …………!?

    ハクア「な、何これ……?」「瘴気が一気に強くなってる!!」「抵抗力が弱まってきてるんだ…」「かのん、 しっかりして!!」
    Haqua [W, what is this…… ?][The miasma had become stronger in a sudden!!][The resistance is weakening…][Kanon, hang in there!!]

    Noora [?][What is this unpleasant atmosphere…]

    ハクア「ヴィンテージが、」「この娘に呪いをかけてるのよ。」「この娘の生死は…」「新地獄の運命を決める …!!」
    Haqua [The VINTAGE,][had placed a curse on this girl.][The survival of this girl will…][determine the fate of the NEW HELL…!!]

    各所で異変発生? FLAG133「Canon doll」
    Strange events are happening in everywhere? FLAG133「Canon doll」

    At this point of time, Keima is still trapped between the book racks.

    Luna [………][Foolish one…][I am…][VULCAN…][Goddess who loves Justice and Delicate (fragile)…]

    Keima (Vulcan!!)(It is one of the goddesses that Diana had mentioned!!)

       (Sigh, don't simply introduce yourself!!)(What if I am from the VINTAGE?)

    Luna [You have…][received my warnings…][From now on, do not get near to Tsukiyo!!]

        [Tsukiyo is the most beautiful lady…!!][……][that I had seen till now,]

        [You are an unfaithful, filthy, unreliable man and…][I do not permit you to date her!!] (TL: 危ない got a few meanings)

    Keima [Who is the dangerous one in this case!!][What have I done!!]

    Luna [You had a good time with the librarian, right you swine!!]

    Keima [What?]

    Luna [I had seen it.][You are meddling in the affairs of that librarian.]

    桂馬「な…なんのことかな…?」(人形のクセに目ざといヤツ……)(この会話、月夜にも聞こえてるのか…? )
    Keima [W…What are you referring to… ?](You are just merely a doll, what sharp-eyed you have……)(Is Tsukiyo aware of the issues in the above conversion…?)

       (今、栞からもらった手紙が見つかったら最悪だぞ…!!)(それだけは避けないと…!! )
       (As for now, I am in a bad position if the letter from Shiori is to be seen by her…!!)(This alone will cut off any route of avoiding the conflict…!)

    While Luna is not looking at this direction, Keima seized the chance to take out the paper from his pocket. He crushed the paper and throw it away.

       (Goodbye to the evidence!!)

    Luna [What did you try to hide!!]

    The book racks had moved away and released Keima, but Luna had picked up the paper which he had thrown away.

    Keima [Opps!!]

    ルナ「浅はかナヤツ…!!」「お前があの図書館ノ娘から何か受け取っているノは、」「トウニ知っていた…… !!」「コレが動かヌ証拠!!」
    Luna [What a superficial guy…!!][What did you received from the librarian,][I had been wondering about……!!][This is the prove of your action!!]

    Luna open the paper to take a look – the recipe for けんちん汁 (TL: search for this soup.) (ANTI-CLIMAX)

        [……?][What is this……][Ehh…?][!!][He had ran away―――!!]

    While Lune is attracted to the fake item, Keima escape through the window.

    Keima (To tricked by such a simple distraction……)(You are just merely a doll!!)

       [Remember to tidy up the library―――!!][You should handle the books with great care――!!]

    Luna [!?]

    As a form of formality, Luna had clean up the area.

    Keima (For now, I need to sort out the information!!)(Vulcan is the goddess that was residing inside Tsukiyo.)

       (ルナはボクを憎んでいるが、ボクを一般人と思っている。(多分))(あんな派手に動かれたら、ヴィ ンテージに見つかるぞ!!)
       (Luna hates me, but she thinks that I am a normal human being. (I guess))(After this sort of showy stunt, the VINTAGE is bound to pick this up!!)

       (ルナを抑えられるのは月夜だ…)(月夜に会うぞ!!)(月夜の居場所は2か所しかない…)(どっち だ!?)
       (The only person that can suppress Luna is Tsukiyo…)(I need to meet Tsukiyo!!)(There are only 2 possible location…)(Which one is it!?)

    While Keima is deep within his thoughts, there is an approaching threat from behind. (TL: 殺気 = thirst for blood; lol)

    Luna [You are going to meet Tsukiyo…?][You must not go…!!]

    Keima [Ah.][I'm sorry!!]

    Nikaido had conveniently popped by. Keima took this chance to restrain Luna.

       (You can't drag people who are not related into this conflict.)(That is the limitation of a goddess, fuhaha…)

    Keima had guided Nikaido to the Astronomy Club Room, but Tsukiyo is not inside the room.

       (If this is the case, she should be in the rooftop!!)

    Nikaido [Ooi.] (TL: Could be 'Hey' or something else.)

    桂馬「ココまででいい!!」「じゃあな!!」 「あ、」「いーかげん没収したPFP返せ!!」「忘れてない ぞ!!」
    Keima [That is all for now!!][Bye!!][Ah,][By the way, return those PFP that you had confiscated!!][I did not forget about those!!]

    Over at the rooftop, Tsukiyo, the host of Vulcan. (TL: this statement could be interpret as → Tsukiyo is in the rooftop; the host of Vulcan is here.)

    ルナ「私は…非力な女神だ……」「目も弱く…耳も遠い…歩けもせぬ…」「シカし……!!」「モノを動かセる …」
    Luna [I am… a powerless goddess…][My eyesight is poor…My hearing is bad…My movement is restricted…][However……!!][I could move things around…]

        [I can induce spirit into a matter……][The matter will be my eye…my hands and feet…][With these matters, I can protect Tsukiyo…]

    Luna which is hovering above the bench had hang Keima up by using a scarf. Keima is hovering in mid air.

    Keima [gu o――]['he'][e゛e゛][Let me talk to Tsukiyo―――!!][Tsukiyo―――!!]

    月夜「私も…」「ルナと同じ気持ちなのですね……」「全然会いに来なかったくせに…」「どうして…また現れ たの……?」
    Tsukiyo [Me too…][I had the same feelings as what Luna had……][Since you do not have the intention of meeting me at all, why do you have to come…][Why did…you have to reappear……?]

    桂馬(そうだ…女神がいるってことは…)(月夜は攻略のこと全部覚えてるんだ。)(そりゃ、怒られても仕方 ない…)
    Keima (… If the goddess exist within the girl…)(Tsukiyo would be able to remember about the previous conquest.)(If that is the case, she will definitely be angry…)

    Luna [On the contrary, ][he is having a great time with the songstress and the librarian!!]

    Tsukiyo [I do not know this guy,][I hate him to the extreme!!]

       [Luna…][As for this person, drive him away!!] (TL: How? Kill him? Nice train?)

    ■As for this worst-ever three-timer, is there any chance for him to turnaround the situation!?

  10. cristal

    cristal C O N T R A

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    Nhòm cái hình dưới mà nhận hết ra luôn :-t
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/2/11
  11. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

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    Tất cả các hình die hết rồi :-<
  12. cristal

    cristal C O N T R A

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    Đà Nẵng
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/2/11
  13. kidxx

    kidxx Youtube Master Race

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    em Goddess mới này cũng Moe quá :x................... có diều đôi mắt lạnh như băng ấy ==
  14. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

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    under ground
    em này la yan hay là sao nhỉ :'> thêm mấy em tính cách vậy đánh ghen cũng thú :'>
  15. coeya8690

    coeya8690 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Bắc Cực
    rõ rùi nhé... vulcan nằm trong tsukiyo....
    búp bê là trò đánh ghen thôi..:))
  16. Misaka Mikoto

    Misaka Mikoto Youtube Master Race

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    Vậy là god này có khả năng điều khiển vật vô tri, và thông qua vật đó để quan sát và di chuyển á :-?
  17. tienlapro

    tienlapro Crash Bandicoot Lão Làng GVN

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    màn này God mần răng mới tìm ra dc cái plot này trừ khi stalk em Tsukiyo8-}
    edit: mới đọc spoil xong.... lộ hết chỉ trong 1 chap à.... nhanh gọn lẹ thế.......
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/2/11
  18. Eruur

    Eruur Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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  19. Himarin ~♥

    Himarin ~♥ Nyan ~♥ Lão Làng GVN

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    Amakawa family
    Lộ goddess ra rồi thì còn cái gì nữa đâu mà lẹ với cả ko @-)
    God cũng phải vận đủ các mánh mới ra được đến chỗ Vulcan chứ có phải tà tà đi bộ ra gặp dễ thế đâu 8-}
  20. vulcan300

    vulcan300 Chrono Trigger/Cross

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    Beginning of the End
    mình cũng nguy hiểm phết chứ đùa :-?
    god lần này bị đánh ghen thế này tức là love vẫn mạnh mẽ lắm =)

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