Tổng hợp phần mềm, game, theme cho S60V1, S60V2, S60V3, S60V5, Symbian^3, Anna, Belle, UIQ 3.X

Thảo luận trong 'Symbian' bắt đầu bởi So_No_Mi, 25/2/10.


Bạn đang dùng điện thoại nào?

  1. Nokia 5800

  2. Nokia 5800 Navigation

  3. Nokia N97

  4. Nokia N97 Mini

  5. Nokia 5230

  6. Nokia 5530 Xpress Music

  7. Nokia X6

  8. Samsung i8910 Omnia HD

  9. Sony Ericsson Satio

  10. LG KT770

  11. Điện thoại khác

  1. So_No_Mi

    So_No_Mi Follow_Your_Heart Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    NaGaSaKi citY
    Xem qua 2 cái hình trước:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nhìn cũng đẹp đấy chứ nhẩy, gồm nhiều widget kèm theo hiệu ứng gương trong suốt, nếu biết chọn hình nền dạng cỏ cây hoặc như hình trên thì thật phong cách. Link download:

    1. Chỉ dành cho các máy đã hack phone (cách hack phone có trong box rồi) hoặc sign nó, sau đó chép vào điện thoại qua các kết nối thông thường.
    2. Đặt homescreen đang dùng qua "Contacts bar Homescreen" trong mục Settings->Personal->Homescreen->Homescreen Theme (nên nhớ, nếu không làm thao tác này thì sau khi làm xong sẽ không hiện lên đâu, nhớ nhé các tình yêu)
    3. Cài đặt vào bộ nhớ của máy, không được cài vào thẻ nhớ (quan trọng)
    4. Sau khi cài xong file Tornado - Install this First.sis, cài tiếp các file dưới:
    Tsunami HS (Semi Transparent with Orange Icons)
    Tsunami HS (Full Transparent with Orange Icons)
    Tsunami HS (Semi Transparent with Nokia Icons)
    Tsunami HS (Full Transparent with Nokia Icons)
    5. Chép vào thẻ nhớ và cài vào bộ nhớ của máy
    6. Bây giờ chưa được phép thay đổi homescreen mà phải khởi động lại điện thoại.
    7. Vào mục Settings->Personal->Homescreen->Homescreen Theme.
    8. Chọn mục "OraTsu" để đưa "Tsunami" làm homescreen.
    9. Chọn "Tornado" để đưa "Orange Tornado" vào homescreen
    10. Chọn "Vodafone" để đưa "Contacts bar" vào homescreen, giờ ra màn hình chính để thưởng thức thành quả, tiếp theo mềnh có thể thêm widget vào được rồi đó.
    11. Kéo và thả các widget vào màn hình, lưu ý là nó không giới hạn widget thế nên cứ thêm thoải mái con gà mái đi :))

    Ai có thắc mắc gì cứ hỏi.

    Sau 1 thời gian thảo luận, bài viết này sẽ được chuyển vào chủ đề "Applications, games, themes for Series 60V5".
  2. So_No_Mi

    So_No_Mi Follow_Your_Heart Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    NaGaSaKi citY
    Trong điện thoại có sẵn chương trình quản lý rồi mà, App Manager đó, bác vào đó để xóa đi các theme, ứng dụng muốn xóa, còn không được nữa thì rút thẻ nhớ ra, dùng đầu đọc thẻ nhớ rồi xóa các thư mục tương ứng ( cái này tự mò đi vì mò vào trong thư mục thì có tên theme tương ứng :D ), nhớ backup dữ liệu trước khi xóa.
  3. So_No_Mi

    So_No_Mi Follow_Your_Heart Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    NaGaSaKi citY
    Colourful Scenery by olek21


    Theme dành cho các máy sử dụng hệ điều hành S60v5. Download:
    Summer 5th Edition


    Dots v4


  4. violetrose005

    violetrose005 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ban oi co hack phone cho nokia 5230 ko neu trong box co roi thi minh hok tim thay dau ca ban co the trich lai cho minh hok:(:-*

    ---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:42 ----------

    Voi lai ca cai phan mem dung ban phim iphone nua ban co cai khac ko cho minh link khac nha thaks truoc ko dc thi thui hok sao
  5. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nông trại vui vẻ - Happy Farm- phiên bãn 1.20 new Việt hóa 99%

    cái trò này CSDL có sẵn trong game..Hình và âm thanh , chế độ có sẵn trong game...khi oline nó chỉ update thông tin thoi..nên ko fai lo về GP..có khi còn rẻ hơn chat


    Việt Hóa : Angelboy12

    ---------- Post added at 08:46 ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 ----------

    Let's Golf


    63 holes in 4 distinct locations remodelled in 3D: Fiji Beach, the American Mountains, the English Countryside, and Scottish Lochs.
    4 cool and animated characters customizable with your own style. Each player has unique strengths and weaknesses.
    Show your friends who the best player is through Local Wi-Fi and Online Multiplayer modes.
    Controls adaptable to anyone: Advanced mode plays like a sports simulation game and you can even add spin to the ball. Casual mode for easy fun and fewer bogies (but no, it won’t let you cheat).

  6. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Find it- Game tìm điểm khác nhau giữa 2 hình

    Trò này nhìn trên iphone và ipod có mà thèm ứa nước miếng,nhưng các bạn trẻ yên tâm,S60v5 của chúng ta bây giờ cũng có rồi. Xin giới thiệu game Find it,một game tìm điểm khác nhau giữa 2 hình dành cho s60v5 chúng ta



    Devil Hunter X: Game đi bàn, chiến đấu


    Devil hunter X has combined a lot of great elements such as stealth killing, excellent combat system, character upgrading system, and map explorations. The great level designs and encouraging bonus setting will give you unexpected surprises. This game will provide you with beautiful scene and high-quality level design, the innovative action design makes the game rhythm very fast and intensive.

    Player will encounter 4 different bosses with decidedly different abilities and appearance during the whole game process, great bonus will be rewarded in the hunter’s shop after killing the bosses. A large number of traps, puzzles, quick time events and all kinds of enemies are waiting for you to challenge.

    * Alunt was under siege by devils. You will set your foot on the battle of crusading against the devils, to save the humankind and become the last hope of humankind.
    - The Kingdom under siege
    * Alexis, where was covered by deep horror, has already become a land surrounded by devils.
    * Human gets into the abyss of corruption and desperation, with sense and consciousness seized by the spreading deep fog from the devils.
    * Alunt is the only survived country which was still fighting with the devils, under the protection of landgod and farseer, the country becomes the last shelter of lost human, fighting with the devils. However, the ambition of destroying all humankind was not disappeared from the dark king’s mind. Through the soul of the lost human, three ancient devils were summoned to the land by opening the gate of the darkness, an attempt of the greatest assaulting to human’s last shelter is about to taking place……
    - 4 Evils
    * The devil who offer death with its deadly claw, the chief of the ancient saverages who can shake the land and rivers, the king of ghost from the hell who roving around the land and thirsty for blood. Time after time, the kingdom was under siege by devils summoned by the Dark King.
    - Hunter’s Association
    * With the great power of landgod, the ability of resisting the deep fog was favored, which waked up the lost human’s hope. The farseer looked through the fog, and the brood of devil was found. The king of Alunt gathered the power of the whole country, and a devil hunter’s association was established. The fighters and hunters who overcame the horror pick up their weapons again, devote themselves to the great battle which decides the fate of all humankind.
    - You are the ONE
    * As a hunter like you, has already become the last hope of human when you step into the country on the first day.
    - Let’s go
    * Platform action game with character upgrading system.
    * 4 big missions will be given to player to hunt down 4 big devils with decidedly different abilities.
    * High-quality level designs with all kinds of different elements included.
    * Player will get mission by accepting warrants in the hunter’s association, where player can get higher reputation and popularity by hunting down more devils.

    - Breakdesign Horse Running The forest:


    Horseface was born blue with a face like a horse. Take Horseface on an adventure by running him through the forest, jumping over objects and collecting items. Sausage his BFF is there to help, together rack up points and submit to the global scoreboard.

    He has many dreams in life like having a girlfriend and being a famous pop star. That is for the future though, for now take Horseface and Sausage on their first adventure together. Today Horseface wants to be a long distance runner...

    This game once again is Barking Seed enabled, so lots of features and can also be used in the monthly competitions.

    FrienzPlay Miluegg Paratrooper


    The game "Miluegg Paratrooper" supports Bluetooth head-to-head game. Playing with your friend and catch the fun!

    Bounce Boing Battle


    Hai điện thoại, một trò chơi và cùng nhau chơi bóng.
    Bounce Boing Battle là một trò chơi có nhịp độ nhanh mà bạn chơi đối đầu với bạn bè trên bốn lĩnh vực chiến đấu khác nhau với hai thiết bị và một quả bóng. Mỗi cấp độ trong bốn cấp độ của game bao gồm các tính năng độc đáo làm cho game thêm thú vị và nhiều màu sắc. Người chơi đánh trả một quả bóng qua lại giữa hai thiết bị bằng cách vẽ đường va chạm vào khu trò chơi, ghi điểm bằng cách ném bóng vào goal của đối phương.

    Poker Million Dead Money


    Thêm 1 game chơi bài với 3 chế độ Story, Quick Play and Tournament

    ( Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio)

    Mafia II


    Take on the role of Mark Russett and share his desire for revenge in the underworld of Empire City. Log in with the “family” and the summits scalane doing work such as stealing cars or killing rival factions in a bloody shoot-outs. With a thrilling narrative inspired by the environment of crime and an exciting shooter game.

    (Nokia 5228, Nokia 5230, Nokia 5235, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia C6, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio)

    Các file đính kèm:

    Last edited by a moderator: 4/1/11
  7. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhà Chùa
    Giả lập gameboy advance


    Hướng dẫn :

    QT Nokia: Download
    QT Samsung: Download
    Soft giả lập: http://www.summeli.fi/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2010/08/gpsp_v0.6.sis

    Các bước cài:

    1. Cài Qt.
    2. Cài pm giả lập.
    3. Cài VBag (hình như cái này ko cần cũng được).
    Vậy là xong phần cài.

    Nhưng cài thế xong thì chưa chơi được. Các bác cần phải có rom của game và file Bios nữa. Vì vậy làm tiếp các bước sau:
    Chép các file sau vào thẻ nhớ:
    1. Rom: thì chính là đống file Gba.
    2. Bios: (chú ý cái này vì nhiều bác ko để ý, bản thân em cũng quên cái này nên lúc đầu cũng ko chơi được ): Bios chính là cái file đính kèm ở bên dưới cùng bài viết của tác giả. Down xong xóa bỏ đuôi 7z rồi chép vào thẻ nhớ.
    Xong hết phần cài đặt, cuối cùng là chỉnh để chơi được game.
    Chỉnh để chơi

    1. Vào biểu tượng gpsp.
    2. Bấm vào nút File sẽ thấy 2 nút bên trên.
    + Load ROM: Chọn đường dẫn đến các file Rom bạn vừa chép vào đt. (Muốn chơi game nào thì chọn đến game đó)
    + Set Bios: Chọn đường dẫn đến file bios mà các bác vừa down bên trên (gba_bios.bin)
    3. Save.
    4. Chỉnh lại nút: Cái này các bạn chơi game PC nhiều rồi nên chắc ko cần HD

    Các file đính kèm:

  8. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Date or Ditch 2


    Tương tác với 8 nhân vật thú vị mặt đối mặt, đều có cá tính riêng biệt của họ.
    * Hãy đắm chìm trong một câu chuyện đầy kịch tính, ham muốn và bất ngờ.
    * Chủ trò chơi của tình yêu và tìm hiểu về bản thân bạn với đánh giá các kỹ năng quyến rũ của bạn.
    * Khám phá 10 địa điểm khác nhau, kể từ Upper East Side của những cửa hàng sang trọng trên 5th Avenue.
    * Đồng hồ tình yêu cho bạn biết nếu bạn đang đi đúng hướng để chiến thắng trái tim.
    * Chơi 3 tất cả các mini-game mới thêm hứng thú và thách thức để tìm tình yêu cho chính mình.

    Các file đính kèm:

  9. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Snake Reloaded


    Điều chỉnh con rắn Aztec của bạn qua bốn thế giới khác nhau và ăn những idols để phát triển! Du lịch qua bốn bản đồ riêng biệt của nước, lửa, không khí và đất. Tránh va chạm với các bức tường, không gian trống, và cơ thể của riêng bạn để đạt được điểm số cao nhất. 2 chế độ chơi khác nhau: cổ điển và Reloaded

    Real Soccer 2011 EN


    We’ve brought the game to an all-new playing field for the most realistic football experience ever: Witness cool new graphics and animations; experience the intensity of being a real football champion like David Villa; and lead your favourite team, including all the real players, to victory. Numerous game modes provide endless hours of fun. You can even challenge friends via Bluetooth Multiplayer mode and rise to the top of the global leaderboard.

    * Completely revamped graphics and animations with realistic players, stadiums and lighting effects.
    * Choose from 245 teams in 9 leagues with all the real players’s names thanks to the FIFPro licence.
    * Play against friends locally via Bluetooth and climb the RF League leaderboard by playing a season.
    * Play a variety of game modes: Historic Challenges let you relive football history, or Become a Legend and control 1 player for a season.
    * Unlock achievements by performing amazing football feats! Can you score 5 goals in 1 match?
    * Answer fun football trivia during loading screens.

    Championship Racing 2010


    The world’s ultimate motorsport goes mobile with all the high-speed thrills of single seat racing on the world’s best circuits.

    1916 Dogfight (by Herocraft)


    Features :
    2 pilot campaigns
    Hổ trợ chơi qua Bluetooth và có thể chơi cùng lúc 6 người
    4 dạng trò chơi
    7 loại máy bay khác nhau
    12 nhiệm vụ
    Unique AI
    Realistic destructible objects

    Bowling Superstars


    Play as any member of an elite international group of professional bowling celebrities on their journey around the world to compete for the coveted Golden Ball! The game blends styling and atmosphere with dramatic, rewarding, skill-based and rock-star attitude gameplay, offering mobile players everywhere a fun and addictive mobile bowling game.

    Johnny Bravo: Big Babe Adventure


    Immerse yourself in a great adventure Johnny Bravo! Help him to interfere in the implementation of the conspiracy secret villain who wants to get world domination. Save the girls and get a date on Friday night!

    Các file đính kèm:

    Last edited by a moderator: 20/10/10
  10. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Onion TastyDream

    Onion mơ rằng: thực phẩm sẽ rơi xuống như mưa trên trời vậy. mục đích của game là ăn những thực phẩm yêu thích như là bơ, gà rán, bánh quy…để cho onion có thêm nhiều năng lượng, mặt khác nấm độc làm giảm năng lượng của onion, cố gắng ăn càng nhiều càng tốt.


    Travel Genius


    Bạn có thích để tìm hiểu những điều mới? Bạn có ước mơ đi du lịch trên thế giới và đến thăm các địa điểm thú vị nhất và xinh đẹp của hành tinh của chúng ta? Có lẽ, bạn chỉ quan tâm đến địa lý? Hoặc bạn có nghĩ rằng biết tất cả mọi thứ và không bị ngạc nhiên? Travel Genius phù hợp với toàn bộ thế giới trong tay của bạn và cho bạn những gì bạn không biết về thế giới. Quiz này ban đầu hoàn toàn dành cho địa lý và tất cả những gì liên quan đến. Hiện có hàng trăm và hàng trăm câu hỏi liên quan đến các lục địa và đại dương, các nước và các dân tộc, nhân vật nổi tiếng và những phát minh quan trọng nhất. Nó sẽ là một vấn đề hóc búa ngay cả đối với não của những người thông thái nhất. Dù chủ đề này đã không được dành cho các câu hỏi - câu trả lời sẽ luôn là một địa điểm trên bản đồ. Bạn có thể vui chơi và rất hữu ích dành thời gian đi du lịch cùng với Travel Genius qua các lục địa trên hành tinh của chúng ta. Có lẽ đây là trò chơi tạo cho bạn nhiều ý tưởng cho chuyến du lịch của chính mình ở kỳ nghỉ tiếp theo! Ngoài ra, Travel Genius - là cách thú vị nhất để xác định IQ địa lý của bạn! Bạn sẽ không chỉ tìm hiểu trình độ kiến thức của mình, mà còn có thể so sánh kết quả với các người chơi xung quanh và khách du lịch. Những thành tựu quan trọng nhất có thể được hiển thị trong bảng kỷ lục thế giới. Travel Genius - là một trận chiến trí tuệ toàn cầu. Bạn có sẵn sàng tham gia?

    KORa Racing Game 3D


    1Game đua Xe 3D khá hay

    Submitted By: Administrator (admin) Submitted On: 13 Mar 2010 File Size: 749.6 KB Downloads: 1090 File Date: 13 Mar 2010

    (Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio)

    Gorilla Rampage


    Climb up skyscrapers around the world as you fight off waves of enemies! Play as King Gorilla in up to 36 levels of wacky action! Repel Firemen, Helicopters and more without being captured to rescue kidnapped girls! Earn power ups like Burps, Fire Rocks and more to unleash your full Gorilla Rage! Battle hilarious Bosses in up to 6 cities in this fresh game full of hard to put down fun!


    Fight off waves of enemies as you climb skyscrapers in up to 36 levels of hilarious action!

    Fight up to 10 different enemy types:
    - Firemen,
    - Special Ops,
    - Helicopters,
    - And much more!

    Earn up to 10 fun power ups – like Burps, Fire Rocks, Coconuts & more!
    Take on up to 6 insane bosses in crazy, laugh-out loud battles in Paris, Moscow, New York and more!
    Enjoy 2 ridiculously addictive game modes – story and quick play!
    Easy-to-grab and play gameplay with a unique visual style!

    Capcom Lost Planet 2


    Hơn mười năm sau sự ra đời của phiên bản game đầu tiên, Lost Planet 2 nói về một cuộc phiêu lưu mới trong một cảnh quan hoàn toàn mới, lush một khu rừng nhiệt đới với môi trường mới khác đã dc tạo ra thanh công nhờ khai hóa và sự tan chảy băng cùa hành tinh.


    * Một cuộc phiêu lưu sử thi trong một thế giới không hề khoan nhượng và nóng rực.
    * Môi trường đa dạng bao gồm cả khu rừng, wastelands và tundra frozen.
    * chiến đấu chống lại các Akrid, các dạng sống khổng lồ ngoài hành tinh, và thu hoạch năng lượng của họ.
    * Suits Vital cơ động và mạnh mẽ bên trong với hỏa lực to lớn đang chờ lệnh bạn
    * với ánh sáng và chất lượng đồ họa tuyệt vời nó phản ánh toàn bộ ra màn hình.


    game được ra đời với sự hợp tác của hai nhà làm game nổi tiếng trên di động là gameloft và capcom. hãy chơi và chim ngưỡng bảo đảm các bạn sẽ không hối tiếc, chúc các bạn có thật nhiều niềm vui với LOSF PLANET 2

    Các file đính kèm:

    Last edited by a moderator: 20/10/10
  11. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhà Chùa


    đây là một game ăn theo một bộ phim nổi tiếng cùng tên, trong game bạn phải chống lại bọn săn trộm, lính đánh thuê hoặc thoát khỏi các loại khủng long ăn thịt và các loài chim khổng lồ trên bầu trời lúc nào cũng muốn nuốt sống bạn.
    một thể loại game phiêu lưu hoàn toàn mới trên điện thoại
    Chơi như Ian Malcolm và Alan Grant, hai anh hùng nổi tiếng
    Tất cả các môi trường và các tòa nhà của Isla Nublar được sao chép trung thực
    Cách chơi hoàn toàn cân bằng giữa hành động, thăm dò và xâm nhập
    Tiền thưởng các cấp mà bạn có thể chơi như T-Rex hay cố gắng để thoát khỏi nó trong xe

    Gặp những kẻ săn trộm, lính đánh thuê và năm loài khủng long khác nhau, một số thân thiện, một số chết người.

    một game mà các bạn không thể nào bỏ qua được, hình ảnh, âm thanh, cốt truyện thật hoàn hảo và được sản xuất bởi gameloft một nhà sản xuất game trên di động nổi tiếng nhất hiên nay.

    Ninja Prophecy


    One hundred years after the death of Ozunu and powers, a mysterious group of men has risen, raising their consciousness also evil. To recover his , Ozunu needs to absorb the life around himself and his power has affected wildlife and humans, especially those who have spiritual powers. Command your team of five Opico ninjas on a mission to recover the five sacred orbs Ozunu banish

    * As the leader of your 5-ninja party, freely explore open environments in an immersive quest.
    * Go through 8 worlds: The Ninja Clan, Forest, Rocky [Chỉ có thành viên mới có thể nhìn thấy links. Bạn hãy nhấn vào đây để đăng ký...] , Crystal Mines, Sea Port, Volcano, Castle and the Sky

    * Prove your skills and tactical sense in turn-based battles.
    * Overcome an array of vicious demons from Japanese folklore.
    * Acquire items, learn new arts and gain XP in side quests.
    * Perform special ninja skills to uncover secret locations: Use jumps and the grappling hook to reach high places, walk across water and break through ice walls.



    The official mobile game brings you the long-awaited return of Predators! The most dangerous fighters and killers on earth are transported to the Predators home planet: a verdant alien environment where human beings are hunted as prey! Step into their world and a gaming experience like no other, where only skill, speed, and cunning dictate: are you predator or prey?

    * The official game of Twentieth Century Fox’s Predators.
    * High-octane action/adventure with auto-aim and continuous-fire for maximum hits per round.
    * Immersive environments in varied locations including steaming jungles, rocky valleys, waterfalls and swamps.
    * Detailed graphic and unprecedented lighting effects.
    * Varied gameplay with fast-paced levels where only speed and cunning will let you live!
    * Become a Predator in the final level and unleash the beast within!



    High School Hook Ups symbian os9.4 s60v5 EN java mobile game.In high school hooks ups symbian mobile game your your objective is to finish high school with the best reputation possible while developing as many friendships as you can.A true experience of school life,thanks to typical characters and location.Find the right words to seduce your love interest. Choose your words carefully to avoid bullies and detention.Forget about grades High School Hook Ups is all about finding the right one.You can Play several mini-games and follow a touching storyline. 13 cool characters with touching and charismatic personalities.

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  12. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    From tournaments and duels to mini-games like Figures, enjoy over 50 challenges in 5 original locations across the globe. Enjoy a new cartoonish and very lively bowling atmosphere as you manage power and spin to win challenges, raise your stats and perform terrific shots. With 10 cute characters to play as and customize, there is a load of fun waiting for you!

    Crazysoft Paintball

    Paintball đã trở lại với sự thu hút, game nhanh hơn và phong phú hơn!
    QVGA đồ họa với hàng triệu màu sắc, âm thanh stereo, 5 chế độ chơi khác nhau.
    Paintball 2 là một trong những game bán chạy nhất.
    Đó là điều mà minh xin giới thiệu đến các bạn để đảm bảo rằng game sẽ thu hút bạn chơi hằng giờ trên chiếc điện thoại yêu của mình.


    Chế độ:
    1) Easy
    2) Hard
    3) Panic
    4) Heat
    5) Chroma
    • Game objective:
    Bạn phải làm sao cho 3 hay nhiều quả bóng cùng màu và thẳng hàng.
    Đổi màu quả bóng bằng cách chọn chúng
    • Hard:
    chơi ở chế độ này cũng giống như ở chế độ easy, nhưng bạn phải nhanh lên vì số lượng sơn của bạn ở chế độ này không nhiều.
    • Panic:
    Trong chế độ Panic bạn có 100 giây. Ghi càng nhiều điểm càng tốt. đây không phải là tất cả! sơn của bạn thì ít và không có bóng màu đen. Bạn phải suy nghỉ thật kỹ
    • Heat:
    Trong chế độ này, các nhóm bi được lấy khi có bên cạnh chúng có một ống màu dỏ.
    và ở chế độ này cũng không có bóng màu đen!
    • Chroma:
    Trong chế độ Chroma bạn sẽ phải chơi bằng cách sử dụng kết hợp màu sắc, ví dụ:
    nếu bạn có sơn màu vàng và quả bóng mà bạn muốn sơn màu xanh.
    Màu xanh dương và màu vàng sẽ là: xanh lá cây

    The Twilight Saga : Memory Quest


    Train your memory like a true Fanpire with The Twilight Saga – Memory Quest, a vamp-tastic twist on the classic game of recall.

    Play with Bella, Edward, Jacob and more

    Train your memory like a true Fanpire with The Twilight Saga – Memory Quest, a vamp-tastic twist on the classic game of recall.

    Play with Bella, Edward, Jacob and more favorites on a journey to improve your memory. Simply flip tiles and match the Twilight symbols, but be quick about it because if you’re too slow, the board starts to fill and the tiles will take over!

    Strive to reach the highest score in Quest and Quick Play modes featuring four exciting variations: Make matches while new tile rows are added in Normal, remove pairs in Memory, strategize flips in Tricky, and keep up with the shifting tiles in Chaos. When things get tough, use mysterious power-ups like the Cullen Crest or the Wolfpack Tattoo. And while you’re at it, collect gems, earn trophies and check out cool Twilight images!

    Grab this entertaining match game and sharpen your memory with a must-have for all Twilighters!

    Jollybox Road to Hell 3D


    oad to Hell 3D is a free, sponsored game derived from KORa 3D racing game. It features a career mode, which consists of selected races from the last year of Online Tour (online championship of KORa). You will drive 5 cars on 13 challenging tracks. Please note that this is not an easy game, as you are racing against the records of the best drivers in the world. But don’t worry, be patient and your skills will improve quickly.

    Lưu ý

    Game này cần sử dụng kết nối Internet ( Wifi - 3G )

    The Code Monkeys Manic Monkey pool v.1.04 s60v5


    Đây là một thể loại game bida cổ điển phiên bản đẹp người chơi sẽ chọn một con khỉ mà mình muốn chơi, có 3 chế độ chơi khác nhau mà người chơi có thể lựa chọn, chơi một mình, chơi 2 người hay nhiều người, ở đây chơi nhiều người không phài là online đâu nhé, mà chỉ chơi từng lượt thôi, kết quả sẽ đc tính dựa trên bảng xếp hạng. game này thì không khó chơi một chút nào, nó chỉ mang tính giải tí nhẹ nhàng, công việc của người chơi là rất đơn giản, chỉ cần đánh bi mục tiêu xuống lổ là ok, còn đánh làm sao mà có nhiều điểm các bạn tự khám phá nha?

    WinGames 3 in 1


    “3 in 1” sounds good. Three worldwide computer game legends sound even better. Everyone’s favourites Spider Solitaire and Free Cell, as well as an evergreen Minesweeper puzzle are now on your mobile – that’s just awesome! Now you can kill work hours anywhere and any time and have fun. Excellent graphics and design, plenty of game modes along with stylish sound make a great addition to the irreproachable game design.

    Minesweeper – in this legendary game you’ll have to recognize the mines, using the nearby fields and mark all the dangerous cells with flags.
    Spider – this solitaire uses several card decks. Your goal is to put all the cards in descending order; when you’re out of moves – use the deck to replenish the columns.
    Free Cell solitaire is a very famous game. Place the cards of all suits in ascending order using four free cells.
    Minesweeper, Free Cell and Spider – classic games in the original style.

    Features :

    • 3 popular games in 1 pack;
    • Nice music and excellent graphics;
    • Comfortable controls and user-friendly interface ;
    • Detailed stats for each game;
    • Fascinating gameplay.

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  13. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Sudoku Plus v1.0


    Sudoko Plus, is a mobile app for Nokia cell phones created with a super optimized algorithm that beats all its peers when it comes to solving any puzzle, irrespective of its complexity! The app also packs punch with an amazing UI and seamless User Experience for giving all Sudoku patrons a whole new experience as they crunch numbers to house them in the most eligible box!

    World Tong-its Tour


    Tong-its is a three-player card game you can play online or offline. The online feature allows you to play with your friends anywhere in the world using WiFi or 3G. The artificial intelligence in the offline game challenges your analytical skills and sharpens your ability as a tong-its player. There are 3 game play locations allowing you to choose both difficulty and the size of chip wagers. Show to the World how good you are when you make it to the Top10 Chip Leader screen.

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  14. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    On the Old Farm, life is good. But one day, at sunrise, all the animals seem to have escaped. They are hiding in the cornfield. Can you spot them and bring them back to the barn? This classic memory game in a new farm setting will entertain both young and old.

    Lưu ý :
    Vui lòng cài đặt trò chơi này vô phone memory ( ổ C ), đừng cài vô thẻ nhớ ( ổ E hoặc ổ F ) nếu không trò chơi sẽ không chơi được.

    California Gold Rush Bonanza by Digital Chocolate - JAVA


    Dig for gold and explore mines full of unexpected and dangerous twists!
    - Story Mode – Complete all the levels as you search for totem parts
    - Endless Mine Mode – Randomly generated levels for hours of fun
    - Profile – See the totem parts you’ve found and all your high scores

    Avoid dangers as you dig deep below the earth:
    - Collapsing tunnels!
    - Cave bats and ghosts!
    - Hot lava streaming into your tunnels!
    - And More!

    Worms 2010 for s60v5


    Đây là một game có đồ hoạ hoạt hình giống giống Gunny
    Dung lượng:417 KB
    Đã test tốt trên 5800
    một số hình ảnh chụp từ màn hình

    Metal gear Solid


    Một trò chơi thành công trên iphone, đả từng sử dụng cho s60 v3, và giờ là s60 v5

    Shark Or Die for S60v5 by Handy Games - JAVA


    Those nasty humans keep making shark fin soup, so it’s time to turn the tables! Turn into an ocean predator; avenge your relatives and snap anything in your jaws that comes in the way of your mighty bite: swimmers, rubber ducks, beach babes and more. Watch from the sea bed as these lethal hunters strike with chilling speed and efficiency and even gobble up your own friends! Yummy! Collect achievements to let your feeding machine reach new levels. Discover new abilities and instincts, allocate killpoints to give your feisty fish some personal training and make it even more dangerous. Compare your best scores with those of your friends, and enjoy a reign of pure terror in the highscore rankings!

    Kung Fu Infinity for S60v5 by THQ - JAVA


    Inside the home of Kung Fu, you will be taught skills lists eight different martial arts, namely: the practice of movement, the lion dance, Chinese drum playing shots to the wooden barrel, side step, break tiles, balancing a pile of wood and wrestling. Your sense of balance, agility, reaction time, the pace and the fight against the power will all be enhanced with different training, you will become invincible in the world of Kung Fu.


    Time Crisis 3D


    The safety of the world is at stake and you’re running out of time! Clear the compound of enemy targets in this fast-paced ‘duck & reload’ shooter, the 3D mobile sequel to the Time Crisis series.

    Features :
    The same thrilling action you got with the Time Crisis series at the arcade is now available on your phone.
    Two unique user inputs faithfully reproduce the game play from the arcade and console games.
    Includes story mode and the crisis mission mode with unlockable mini-missions.
    The enemies from the original games are back, including bosses and sub-bosses. Includes human and machine enemies, like the tank-level boss.

    Armies of War for S60v5 by GLU


    Engage in War for global domination! Allocate and distribute your troops wisely before attacking adjacent territories and exchange cards for bonus units to turn the tide of battle.

    Engage in War for global domination as you play against 5 other nations for control of the world map!

    Using turn-based strategy, you must allocate and distribute your troops wisely before attacking adjacent territories. To turn the tide of battle, you can exchange cards for bonus units.

    360x640_S60v5 —> Nokia 5230, Nokia 5233, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio

    Final Fantasy for S60v5 by NAMCO & Square Enix - JAVA


    Enter the realm of Final Fantasy as the landmark role-playing franchise finally comes to mobile! Sel ect your party of adventurers from six character classes, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Battle hundreds of monsters as you travel by land, sea, and airship! Gain experience, learn new spells, and purchase weapons on your quest to restore light to the four elemental crystals!

    • The premiere role-playing game series comes to mobile!

    • Hours of gameplay featuring an epic storyline.

    • Monsters, spells, weapons… Everything RPG fans have to come to love about Final Fantasy!!


    Chicken Invaders: Revenge Of The Yolk for S60v5 - JAVA


    For centuries, we boiled them, fried, stewed and baked in the cake.
    But the hour of reckoning, and they invaded the Earth.
    Otvoyuyte their right to omelets and meat pies, or become part of the menu in chicken restaurant on the boundless expanse of the galaxy.


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  15. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Moto Girls


    Train your memory while playing Pairs. Everyone has played this game during their childhood. For more fun we have added extra three modes . Find all the pairs and compare your score with other players on the web.

    Build-A-Lot 2 : Town Of The Year for S60v5 by GLU - JAVA


    Season time for building, buying and selling houses – a popular recreational site strategy game returns in the award-winning follow-up! Build, buy and resell at a profit homes reaching GREAT income!

    JoJo’s Fashion Show 2


    Jute the irresistible Jojo back on the catwalks and organize fabulous fashion shows from New York to Paris to Milan. Create fashionable clothes with cute shirts, dresses and high heels and show your sense of taste on the catwalk. Can you get to the final parade? From best-selling fashion game for PC, with over 4 million downloads, Jojo’s Fashion Show 2 is a game you absolutely on your mobile!

    360x640_S60v5 —> Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio



    Lại còn bắn nhau trên nhà trắng. Ko biết có bị kết vào tội khủng bố không?

    Beauty Center for S60v5 - JAVA


    In Beauty Center, you must manage your personal beauty salon using the best tools of the trade and exploit the artistic talent to create the position more in the city!


    30 Game .JAR (Săn Giải Thưởng)




    Welcome to the world of Voodoo! Learn black magic and play for your life! Voodomino spices up the traditional game of Dominoes with dark rituals and deadly curses. Play against your friends and lure them into sneaky traps. With luck on your side you can influence your future. Each tile has its own motif, from poisonous snakes to powerful Voodoo dolls. Can you acquire all the magic tiles?

    Viva la Revolution: El Che for S60v5 - JAVA


    Cuba, 1956. The dictatorial Batista rules the island with an iron fist. The people are suffering and misery is widespread. Lead Ernesto “Che” Guevara and his men through revolutionary war to bring freedom and hope to the island.
    Battle Batista´s men in exciting confrontations, use all of the weapons and skill at your disposal to fight an army of mercenaries, rescue hostages and heal your fallen comrades.

    Key Brand Strengths:
    Based on the historical events of the liberation of Cuba by Ernesto “Che” Guevara and his men
    Revive the Cuban Revolution through each one of the historical battles: Sierra Maestra, Bueycito, Santa Clara.
    Vast arsenal at your disposal including assault rifles, shotguns, grenades, rocket launchers, etc.
    10 levels and several boss battles
    360×640_S60v5 —> Nokia 5230,Nokia 5233, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia C6, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio

    Guitar Hero 5 Mobile


    It’s time to crank up the amps and step into the spotlight again with Guitar Hero 5 More Music. Rock out with up 15 new jaw-dropping tracks from iconic rock bands and drive the crowd into a frenzy on lead guitar, bass guitar and drums. Featuring songs from Blur, Gorillaz, Deep Purple, The White Stripes, Queens of the Stone Age and other popular bands. UNLEASH YOUR INNER ROCK STAR?!

    Playman World Soccer



    Conquer the world of soccer with Team Playman!
    In his 7th title Playman takes his team around the globe with only one goal in mind – to become the best soccer team in the world! You and Team Playman face 36 national teams in different cups, matches and leagues. Conquering the world of soccer has never been this much fun!

    Playman World Soccer offers game modes to suit all tastes – play a quick match, take part in the arcade challenges or improve your team’s skills in an unparalleled career mode. The controls and gameplay have been built from the ground up to suit the mobile environment and ensure a fun gaming experience for everyone!
    Visually Playman World Soccer is second to none. The players are smoothly and colorfully animated and you can really tell apart the different nationalities! The game is brought to life with excellent AI, stunning special effects, different pitches and realistic physics.

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  16. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    MotoGP 09


    Giải đua chính thức của Gp
    - Nhiều đội lựa chọn
    - Cách chơi đơn giản
    - Tốc độ cực nhanh

    HOT Need For Speed Shift!!!!


    Trò chơi Đua xe nổi tiếng nhất trên Pc hiện đã có cho Symbian
    - Nhiều vòng đua
    - Nhiều xe

    HeroCraft Su-30


    The threat of global terrorism is at a new high, intelligence has led a group of the renowned Blade squadron of Su-30s to a remote location with the sole duty of ending this war forever.

    Your job as squadron leader Blade 1 is to infiltrate the enemy bases and bring down the terrorists at all costs.
    Your mission will see you negotiate 12 levels in a variety of stunning locations, from the beautiful island beaches to the snow-capped mountains, as you search for more information on the whereabouts of the terrorist leader. Each level has destructible environments so don’t leave any stone unturned in your quest for uncovering the terrorist secrets, blow up bridges, buildings and supply bases wherever possible.

    Art of War 2: Global Confederation


    Real time strategy “Art of War 2: Global Confederation” is a combination of dynamic gameplay and tactical depths. This game focuses your attention on nothing but battle action and military base construction. There is no need to mine recourses as they are now gained automatically. You can lead an army in campaign mode or play in individual scenarios. Additional maps can also be downloaded from our servers.
    In campaign mode you must complete 7 missions in different locations from the Amazon rainforest to the Andes Mountains defeating the rebellion of resistance forces in Peru.
    “Art of War 2” captivates you with a great variety of units and structures. All of them have unique parameters and upgrades.
    “Art of War 2: Global Confederation” – get your own pocket army.

    Scenario and campaign modes
    7 missions in a campaign mode
    Ability to download new maps
    A great amount of units, buildings and tactics for battle
    Dynamic and captivating gameplay

    World Penalties 2010


    The hopes of a nation rest on your shoulders! Participate in the biggest event in the world and see how you would do faced with the dreaded penalty shoot out! Choose from 32 international teams and lead your squad to the final by playing alternatively between the striker and goal keeper. Set the direction, the power and even the curve of your ball then try your best to put it in the back of the net. With thrilling action and dramatic endings, this is THE game football fans have been waiting for

    360×640_S60v5 —> Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio

    Soccer Revolution 2010 - South Africa


    Enjoy this brand new version of one of the best mobile football games of all time: “Soccer Revolution 2010, South Africa”. With all the World Cup teams, matches, stadiums, and more. Use the “Updater” function in order to update actual results of the World Cup.

    Super KO Boxing 2


    Game đánh võ đài rất hay
    -Có nhiều nhân vật để chọn
    -Luyện cấp
    -Tranh đai vô địch

    Satio Games - Rally Master Pro


    The much awaited game has finally been released about a month late! This game features amazing graphics which really show of the Satio's processing power. It however unfortunately, shows how bad Symbian^1 is as a gaming platform. Without mentioning the obvious lack of multitouch, Symbian^1 can only play back one stream of audio at a time, this means that background music, effects and notifications cannot be layered on top of another, this audio degradation severely damages the gaming experience when compared to the iPhone version. All in all it is still a great game to play and I hope more graphic intensive games will follow.

    Super street Fighter

    1game quá quen thuộc với chúng ta.hồi nhỏ chơi ghiền thật.Vậy tại sao lại ko trải nghiệm game này trên chiếc máy cảm ứng 5800 nhỉ


    Chơi bằng bàn phím ảo ( vituarl KKK ) các bạn để chế độ nằm ( landcape ) để sử dụng dễ các tuyệt chiêu ( phím A B C D)

    YY Puzzle


    Game xếp hình nè
    Đây là game xếp các hình được sắp xếp lộn xộn thành 1 hình hoàn chỉnh.các bạn down về rùi test thử nha.

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  17. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Cube Smashers (by Digital Chocolate)


    “Absolutely spectacular cube puzzle! Swipe and spin cubes to make the right matches – before it’s too late! Enjoy 2 addictive puzzle modes full of unlimited challenges for even the fastest fingers! Shuffle, bomb or clear away cubes with power-ups or link them for mammoth, point-boosting explosions! Complete ever trickier challenges or race against the clock to smash as many combos as you can!”

    Dành cho Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia X6

    Super Mario Reverse v1.1 (N97/N97 mini)

    Đã test trên N97 (full screen + speed)


    SuperMario 1.10
    -Platform - SymbianOS9.x
    -State : SelfSigned
    -Language : ENG

    __________________________________________________ _
    To rename "SuperTux" in "SuperMario" use MenuEditor included...
    MenuEditor requield Python 1.45

    Chú ý: Sau khi cài đặt sửa file Config ở C:\Data\supertux như sau:
    Các phím mình đã config như sau:
    -Phím đa chiều để tiến-lùi-ngồi
    -Phím Space để nhảy, phím M để tăng tốc
    -Phím Delete để hiện menu game

    Sodoku Master v1.01 [SiS]

    Sodoku Master v1.01 [SiS]
    Sodoku Master v1.01

    Excellent puzzle sudoku now and on 5800!


    You need to fill with figures from 1 up to 9 squares so that across, the vertical and in squares was not identical figures.

    Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? 10th Anniversary

    This special 10th anniversary edition of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? not only brings new questions, rich new graphics and innovative features, but also gives you a chance to win a cash prize with the bonus game! Relive the fun of the hit TV show on your mobile by playing Fastest Finger First, using those familiar lifelines and climbing the money tree to reach a virtual million!!


    [DChoc] 3D Brick Breaker Revolution (N97 ML) re tail negrohernan


    Explore the revolution of breakout games! Superb 3D graphics and various bonuses await you in the many challenges that holds this game: levels infinis, boss battles, bonus levels and more. With its 4 game modes and gameplay, Brick Breaker Revolution 3D do you let go more!

    ZED : Island Quest S60v5 By JGB


    Simon lived normal lives, have not yet found an old diary belonging to his grandfather, renowned researcher 19 th century ... Simon is to travel to the mysterious island and find countless treasures! His waiting jungle, full of deadly traps, the savage aborigines, and motor vehicle homicide!

    Platinum Sudoku
    by Gameloft


    In just a short time, Sudoku has quickly swept the world as one of the most popular puzzle games. It has replaced crossword puzzles in major newspapers, and Sudoku books have flooded bookstores and newsstands. You can see people everywhere glued to their puzzles: on public transportation, at the office, and so on. With its simple yet challenging rules, Sudoku has become a huge success. Your goal is to fill in a 9x9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so that each column, row, and 3x3 square contains every number once and only once.

    But Platinum Sudoku™ will take you to the next level in the world of Sudoku games. There's no need for pen and paper. Take Sudoku with you anywhere and start a new puzzle anytime on your mobile phone.


    Brain Challenge 2: Stress Management


    Boost your brain & relieve stress with this entertaining, adaptive training program involving memory, visual, logic & math skills, plus a focus category to help improve your concentration!Evaluate your mental capacity under regular or stressful conditions with the Daily Test & the Stress Management Test, and work with a personal coach to improve.Check your stats with the brain chart & view your scores after each exercise.This natural brain enhancement fits into any busy day perfectly and improves your overall health!


    Rock out by smashing blocks to perform
    wild guitar riffs in this hot puzzle game!

    Hit groups of at least 3 blocks of the same color before they pile up to the top of the screen. Smash the blocks into pieces to perform awesome guitar riffs, all to the rhythm of the hit song "Banquet" by Bloc Party. The more combos you perform, the more intense the crowd will get! Beginners will have fun immediately, thanks to very simple rules and pick-and-play controls. Fans of puzzle games will appreciate the diversified challenges, refreshing rock theme and multiple bonus items. A puzzle game has never been so wild and rockin', so get your groove on and start smashing beats now.

    - 10 game modes featuring various challenges, requiring both puzzle-based and arcade-based skills;
    - In the Story Mode, begin a tour riddled with a diversified gameplay and unlock various items;
    - A unique environment in the trendy, electric rock universe;
    - Multiple bonus items that pop out, either helping you or preventing you from rocking out;
    - 3 levels of difficulty to adapt the gameplay to your individual skills;
    - Includes the hit song "Banquet" by Bloc Party band.

    [EA Mobile] Battleship & Connect 4


    Two classic games in one amazing double pack! Make connections with Connect 4 in the timeless row making game. Hit or miss with the ultimate game of skill, tactics and judgment in Battleship.Checking ...

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  18. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Gangstar 2: Kings of L.A.


    Break through the Mexican border and cruise into L.A., where two-bit thugs get wasted every day, but real gangstas can live like stars. To make it here, you gotta be able to handle a variety of weapons from handguns to Bazookas. Steal cars, rob sukkas on the street, infiltrate rival gangs and more in 75 different missions across 6 different hoods. Prove yourself and you'll run your own gang, maybe even become a big-shot Hollywood producer. Welcome to stardom, gangsta-style.

    - Explore the streets and buildings of a sprawling metropolis 4x bigger than in the first Gangstar!

    - Open gameplay: fight, rob, explore, start businesses and complete missions at your own pace!

    - Survive 75 varied missions: infiltrate gangs, assassinate, film stunts or become a movie tycoon!

    - Enhanced playability: auto-aiming, intuitive car controls, GPS map and more.

    - Choose from an arsenal of handguns, rifles and bazookas, and ride in cars, on quads or on motorbikes.

    - A world full of bustling streets, hip-hop music and colorful characters with an intriguing story.

    Marble Maze for 5800 cr@cked by esta1ien


    Full version of the accelerometer game Marble Maze for 5800, cr@cked by esta1ien.
    Reg code is 11111. Works well for all regions.

    It need to be signed by devcert!!

    Million Dollar Poker Java Resized


    Still waiting for the day when gameloft and other devs finally comes to their freakin senses and optimizes their games for s60 v5. Until then, here's another game to tie you over.

    Should work with the virtual navigation (no need to use the game keys).


    This is a widget version extracted from the sis file, full screen, no exit but auto exits when you finish your game and enter name.


    Pirate Ship Battles


    Discover a pirate-filled adventure that combines classic ship battle gameplay with a thrilling quest across the Caribbean – navigate through islands, battling pirates with up to 12 different fearsome fleets with special skills. Includes 14 characters, special AI controlled pirates and a classic ship battle multiplayer mode!

    Bubble Bash


    Take off for Bubble Island and make your way through the 100 levels of this surprising puzzle game! Join Temaru and Maëva in their quest to find the Island treasure. Take a break in Bubble Bash™'s tropical setting and have ultimate fun as you test your skills. Burst bubbles by forming rows of at least 3 of the same color. But watch out, because there will be lots of obstacles along the way! The island's animals are rather determined to slow you down. You'll need some quick thinking and a whole lot of skill to shake off the angry monkeys, spiders, and parrots.

    - Take a break from your routine and take off for vacation in superb tropical island surroundings.
    - 13 different special bubbles, from the explosive bomb Bubble to the strategical chameleon Bubble
    - Extremely easy handling, anyone can play Bubble Bash™, but getting to the end requires lots of skill.
    - Play against gravity by moving bunches of bubbles attached to helium balloons!
    - 100 levels of surprising puzzles for hours of fun!

    Original versions for

    Nokia 5800 XpressMusic (S60v5 360x640)

    New York Nights: Friends For Life


    - The sequel to the award winning game New York Nights, the most advanced social sim for mobiles.
    - An original story full of surprises that unfolds according to your life choices.
    - A realistic plunge into Manhattan life: Go out, shop, and immerse yourself in each neighborhood.
    - Experience living in a shared apartment and choose your ideal roommates!
    - Go out and meet New Yorkers to engage in clever, funny, or off-the-wall discussions.
    - Live your romantic life any way you like and try to find the true love of your life!

    Zensis Dodge this v1.00 from Nokia Hong Kong


    The sole purpose of the game is to use touchscreen to control the plane and stay awaay from bullets for as long as possible. Thought its simple?Ask again after you played

    Contra 4


    Bill Rizer has been called back to Galuga Island in this new spine-tingling mobile adventure; and this time he’s brought a new kind of help. When we last left our heroes they had conquered the alien invasion and two years later they have been called back to duty in order to defeat the Black Viper terrorist organization. With newly designed weapons, a brand new character and an even more persistent faction, Contra 4 promises to deliver an excellent mission.


    » Along with classic Contra character Bill Rizer, Contra 4 features a new playable character, Solomon Caesar

    » Seven never-before-seen levels

    » Pack serious heat with five weapons: machine gun, laser, spread rifle, fire gun & crush gun

    » Upgrade your weapons to create an intense arsenal

    » Dual Machine gun: fires two streams of bullets

    » Ultra laser: thicker beam

    » Giant fireball gun: fireball gun that causes enemies to explode

    » Double Spread: fires five-group spread

    » Take the fight to five different bosses: Wall Fortress Boss (reminiscent of classic Contra), Giant Alien Boss, Big Tank Boss, Robot Missile Launcher Boss and the Black Viper


    Mr. Goodliving PileUp!


    Head off to candy cosmos and give your mobile phone a treat! Clear 60 levels of increasingly difficult sugar-fueled fun in 6 different
    environments. Drop sets of three candy pieces onto a pile and match colors to make the candies vanish. Collect huge bonuses from consecutive matches and clear levels with the help of power-ups. PileUp! – it’s candy for your mobile phone!Checking ...

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  19. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Resco Bubbles v1.30.S60v5SymbianOS9.4-BiNPDA/illusion


    Resco Bubbles is an action puzzle game where the idea is to clear the grid of bubbles in order to advance to the next level. You are given a sequence of bubbles, which should be quickly and efficiently popped. Numerous explosive, speed-up, slow-down and damage bubbles keep the game play exciting and challenging.

    More features:

    * Added support for new devices

    * Accelerometer support

    * 60 challenging levels

    * various surfaces

    * calibration

    * best score

    * realistic ball-bounce feeling

    How to play Resco Bubbles?

    The gameplay is very simple! Control the steel ball by tilting the device and try to pop all the bubbles in the order from the lowest to the highest numbers. Try to do that as fast as possible and avoid all the dangerous bubbles. It's that simple — or is it?

    Hawx for 5800/N97 (full screen)


    Trò chơi bắn súng giống skyford rất hay

    Diamond Islands


    Discover Diamond Islands – a refreshingly addictive puzzle game packed with up to 100 levels and a whole lot of fun! Get it now on your mobile

    Liar's Dice


    Why not using your phone as a high-tech dice cup!


    World of Dice


    Have endless fun and become a master of dice



    Get ready to call "UNO™" on your mobile!


    Play the #1 classic card game for fun with friends and family on your mobile phone! Compete against the AI or friends all over the world in online thrilling games. Relive all the crazy fun of UNO™: match colors or numbers with all your favorite cards or challenge yourself with increasingly difficult games in Tournament Mode. Choose your favorite way to play, use your Action Cards wisely and don't forget to call "UNO!" when you have only one card left!

    - UNO™ on mobile reproduces the classic card game: Easy-to-understand rules offer challenge and excitement to all;
    - Use your Action Cards wisely and don't forget to call "UNO™!" when you have only one card left;
    - All your favourite Action Cards are here: Wild, Reverse, Draw 2, and more;
    - Customize your game with 9 different rule sets to play your way including 7-0 and Jump-in;
    - Progress through the increasingly difficult challenges in Tournament Mode to collect prizes;
    - Play against the AI or your friends on one device in Multiplayer Mode.

    Shock Shuffle - Classic Pong (S60v5)


    1 Trò chơi như trong siêu thị ^^

    Jamie Fuller SpaceDancer V1.00 S60v5{Multitouch game}

    SpaceDancer V1.00 S60v5

    The game idea was a simple derivative of 'guitar hero' or 'DDR' whereby you press a button or buttons along with the music.

    The two major problems with this idea on this specific platform are:

    1) Button layout, the buttons need to be in an easy to reach location , but also that will not require the phone to be shifted around to reach other keys. also when pressing the buttons its important that the main game play area is not obscured by the players hands.

    2) most touchscreen devices are still only single touch capable. this severely reduces the number of button presses available. unlike a traditional keypad which allows for combos.

    Both of these issues have been overcome as you can see in the video. The game is very early on in design but the underlying technology is the real product that I'm showcasing.



    Gameloft Night At The Museum 2


    Game phiêu lưu

    - Làm lại từ phim
    - Nhiều Nhân Vật

    Gameloft Wimbledon 2009


    Game Thể Thao
    - Chế độ đánh hấp dẫn
    - Có thi đấu
    - Dành Cúp

    Gameloft Big Range Hunting 2


    Game bắn thú rừng , thể hiện trình độ săn thú

    [MobileGamesPro] Defend London 3D

    Game bảo vệ london
    - Nhiều chiến dịch hay
    - Đậm chất lịch sử
    - Game mobile nhưng đồ họa đẹp


    Gameloft Nitro Street Racing 2


    Game đua xe

    - Nhiều vòng
    - Nhiều xe
    - Chế độ hấp dẫn

    Gameloft Real Football Manager 2010

    Quản lí đội bóng

    - Tất cả các giải đấu hấp dẫn
    - Nhiều cầu thủ
    - Nhiều đội

    Gameloft Texas Hold'Em Poker


    Game thể loại đánh bài poker khá hấp dẫn


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  20. Thích Thể Hiện

    Thích Thể Hiện Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Gameloft Brain Challenge Vol 3 Think Again!


    Game kiểm tra trí nhớ dành cho bạn

    Gameloft Sherlock Holmes The Official Movie Game



    Game dụa theo tên cùng bộ phim
    - Chế độ đánh nhau
    - Đua xe hấp dẫn

    Gameloft Carnival Land Eng


    Game dạng lễ hội
    - Có nhiều mini game kèm theo hấp dẫn

    Gameloft The Oregon Trail 2 Gold Rush



    Đi tìm miền đất mới
    - Nhiều việc làm
    - Nhiều nhiệm vụ hấp dẫn

    Gameloft Avalanche Snowboarding



    Game thể thao

    - Trượt tuyết hấp dẫn
    - Thể hiện chính mình
    - Điểm thưởng cao

    Pinball Stripper (by Lemonquest) -


    Get ready for the total assault of a multi-layered adventure with Pinball Stripper, the most complex, rewarding and entertaining pinball experience ever. There are 9 sexy pictures waiting for you. You will be informed of different objectives that, if completed, will make you earn even more points. You’ll need these points to unlock the gallery with the hottest pictures.

    Support :
    360×640_S60v5 —> Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio

    Tank-X v1.0

    Tankers, into tanks!

    New colorful version of the everlasting, super-popular game of the 90s!
    Your goal is to protect the headquarters. Your enemies are enemy tanks.

    Your awards are bonuses and tank modifications!
    Multiple levels with different types of landscape: forest, cross-country, lakes, impenetrable concrete barriers.
    Different kind of enemy tanks and game complexity increase with each new level won’t leave any true lover of dynamic shooters indifferent!

    You can also play this game together with a friend via BlueTooth, helping each other to beat the enemy!

    Trò này chơi được 2 người bằng kết nối Bluetooth nha các bạn.

    Support :
    360×640_S60v5 —> Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio


    Sound memory v1.0 S60v5 Unsigned Retail-drAdeLante


    A classic memory game with a twist!
    The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards.
    One card in each pair will show the image of a wild animal.
    If you select the ”Sounds” options, the second card in the pair will show a speaker symbol, in which case you will hear the word in the language of your choice: English, French, Spanish.
    If you prefer to play with the ”Words” option, the second card in the pair will show the written word (also in the language of your choice).

    Features :
    * Great to learn animal names in different languages.
    * For children and grown-up alike.
    * Touchscreen phones
    * Landscape and Portrait orientation

    Robin Hood: The Movie Game (by EA) - JAVA


    In the game of same film from studio Universal Pictures, play the role of the outstanding archer, whose adventures launched a legend. Use strategy and strength in the struggle for peace and justice. The mobile game takes the form of isometric action romp, even if it incorporates strong RPG (you can level up each of the attributes of Robin) and stealth elements in the mix.

    With ten of the 14 levels that take place in open spaces rather, you are free to approach thegame in various ways. Robin pretty handy with a sword, so you can plunge into the fray furiously cutting away with some success (although you will inevitably need more health potions left over from killed enemies and chest). Alternatively, you can enter sneak mode by pressing ‘0 ‘, which slows down the pace significantly and reveals your enemies’, which allows you to skulk in the undergrowth.

    If you’ve ever played a better game of Metal Gear, you’ll know how this plays out. Once you put your hands over a Robin is also possible to launch attacks from afar. Holding the button in front of an enemy attack causes a contractor green circle around them. Once it turns red, you can issue a one-shot kill. The other four levels of the game consist of a classic game, from fast mini-games. Relate the shot archers against opponents such as pop-ups – a sort of medieval Whac-a-Mole, if you like. The only major element missing from this tie-in is the same Russell Crowe. The Grouchy New Zealander would not allow his image to be used in the game.

    360×640_S60v5 —>(Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio)

    Blur (by GLU) for S60v5 -


    Join the underground scene and battle rivals in high speed racing action! Like the console franchise take to the street to barge, shock and shunt your way from being a virtual nobody to an underground racing legend. As you fight for the lead position, snatch devastating power-ups to unleash nitro speed bursts and use powerful weapon attacks to take down rivals. Travel the globe from L.A. and San Francisco to Barcelona, London and more to take on the best the streets have to offer. Win races and earn cash to buy hot new rides and unlock real-world locations.
    Strap into today’s hottest rides including the BMW M3, VW Golf W12 650, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI, Dodge Viper or Corvette ZR-1 and get ready for intense

    Whac a Mole (by Global Fun) for S60v5 - JAVA


    So simple, yet so addictive. Moles pop out of their holes and your task is to hit them as hard as you can, sending them back to where they came from. Who hasn’t played Whac-a-Mole at least once in their life, and who hasnt loved it to bits so much as to wanting one in their own living room? Now everyone can have their own Whac-a-mole game, wherever they want. Hit the moles, block their holes with corks and beat the clever animals in this fantastic new mobile version, filled with lots of different game modes. Whac the moles!!!!

    Key Brand Strengths:
    * First and only official mobile game of the original Whac-a-Mole license
    * A global household brand created in 1970 and still the most widely distribute arcade game in amusement parks around the world.
    * 4 different game modes including: Cork Mode, Follow the Leader and Mastermind
    * Various mini-games, special weapons and bonuses


    Air Hockey Touch for S60v5 - JAVA


    - Game Thể thao
    - Tựa hockey
    - Chơi bằng cảm ứng

    Red Bull Flugtag for S60v5



    Features :
    Wacky airborne flying skill challenges
    Up to 86 collectible cards for flying machines, events and bonus abilities
    Up to 34 events with different tasks to unlock
    Up to 40 crafts, some with crazy special attributes
    30 achievement challenges for Flugtag professionals
    Individual high scores for each event
    Features can vary depending on device

    Pixel Fruitz v1.0 for S60v5


    Fruitz is a beautifully designed addictive swap-puzzle game, fully optimized for the touch screen S60 devices with both landscape and portrait display orientations. Swap (tap or drag!) fruits to create lines of 3 or more of the same type.

    Fruitz visuals are 100% created in native S60 scalable graphic format – SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Enjoy detailed original graphics and vibrant colors!

    You can synchronize your best scores with online server to compete with other players around the world! Synchronization needs internet connection (WiFi or 2G/3G) for few seconds. Best scores will show on this page.
    360×640_S60v5 —> Nokia 5230, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Sony Ericsson Satio


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