War Thunder - Thảo luận chung

Thảo luận trong 'War Thunder' bắt đầu bởi Bigggggy, 24/12/13.

  1. nuthanlong

    nuthanlong Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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  2. ki43hayabusa

    ki43hayabusa The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    1.39 khi FM của đám BF-109 fix xong. Jap fix FM của đám Ki-84. F-8F bug được fix lại thì sẽ dễ chơi hơn giờ. Chứ bây giờ nguyên đám Ta-152 bị F8F1 nó lùa chạy chối chết.
    MÌnh ko khoái dùng bộ gear G940 lắm vì thấy toài negative review về nó thôi. Đang xài X-52 khá ngon nhưng mà ko có rudder nên nhiều lúc rất nản. SHip về thì mất hàng 1 lần rồi nên ko dám ship tiếp
  3. nuthanlong

    nuthanlong Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tự dưng bị bắt và
  4. khanhhoang888

    khanhhoang888 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    changelogs GF
    Maps and missions:
    Added new map for RB/SB - Kursk.
    Fixed map for aircraft on Jungle.
    Fixed incorrect behavior of tank on plates in Karelia.
    Improved track-ground interaction model - tank movement should be more natural now.
    Fixed lack of collisions between tanks and different objects on map, like rocks etc. As result it has fixed rolling over after "colliding" with rocks.
    Increased chances for fire to occur for fuel tanks and ammo, when hit by shells of small caliber (37-50mm).
    Increased after-penetration effect for all AP shells.
    More accurate damage model for ammo of big calibers. Ammo racks of HE shells calibers from 100mm is now more dangerous when hit.
    Old videocard support has been fixed and enabled in test mode.
    Fixed indefinete waiting for operation, when aircraft with no bought bombs/torpedoes/rockets are chosen.
    Added dynamic font rasterization.
    Implemented cruise control.
    Minor optimizations for CPU, mainly on maps with big numbers of static units - artillery, AAA etc.
    Added language packs to reduce client size.
    Fixed camera positions in zoom for all tanks. Tanks should disappear no more, when camera is at max zoom.
    Minor decrease in range of visual conditions of the tank.
    Fixed vertical aiming angles for T-34. Now gun shouldn't penetrate through back side of the tank at minimal position.
    Fixed antenna on SU-76.
    Attention, patch is big in size, due to most resources have been rebuilt. Please download in advance.
    Added new map for RB/SB - Kursk
  5. voldemort1215

    voldemort1215 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thế bao giờ GF mới open beta đây các bác ? Chờ mòn mỏi rồi. Sau khi WoT chuyển server, nguyên 1 đám trong clan em đang chờ WT ra tank đây.
  6. khanhhoang888

    khanhhoang888 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :5cool_big_smile: nghe đồn giữa năm nay, có thể muộn hơn
  7. voldemort1215

    voldemort1215 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Dạo này cầm Mẽo bực kinh các bác ợ. P51 éo gì không thèm climb cánh, cứ climb thẳng ra giữa map rồi thi nhau head on với bọn Nga Đức xong chết sạch. Đến lúc mình tới nơi thì toàn là 1 solo với 1 đống >"<
  8. khanhhoang888

    khanhhoang888 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :5cool_big_smile: cố chịu đi, cái này là hậu quả của 1.37 (lên rank lẹ) và Steam (gamer US chơi nhiều)
    đây chơi bearcat tonà phải gánh team không, lúc mà mình chết sớm ý như rằng trận đó thua
  9. OrkHUnter

    OrkHUnter Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Heaven And Hell
    vừa tậu em Bearcat, súng ống em nó bắn phê thật :4cool_beauty:
  10. teen_gamer124

    teen_gamer124 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    TpHồ Chí Minh
    Mới mua được con Mig-9, bay 2 trận, trận đầu giết được 1 bot Bearcat, trận sau giết được 2 con jet Mỹ, thấy quả thật Mig-9 khá là không ổn so với Mig-15 với jet Mỹ :2cool_sad: Cơ mà lên được jet rồi mà nhiều đứa chơi Mig-9 lẫn Mig-15 không được thông minh lắm nhỉ, toàn dive xuống con hàng đầu tiên trông thấy + chả chịu cover nhau gì cả :5cool_sweat:
  11. tuandatle

    tuandatle Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Auburn, WA, USA
  12. vitcai

    vitcai Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bay tốt vãi, mình bay MiG-9 toàn chết vì ko ai cv và ko xoay trở đc :9cool_too_sad::9cool_too_sad:
  13. tuandatle

    tuandatle Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Auburn, WA, USA
  14. MatKhau123456

    MatKhau123456 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    game còn lỗi nhiều lắm, mỗi ngày update nhẹ lắm là vài trăm MB đấy. Kiểu này chắc hết năm may ra mới có.
  15. khanhhoang888

    khanhhoang888 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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  16. nuthanlong

    nuthanlong Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tự dưng bị bắt và
    vừa mới dc gift ít GE , nên up pre acc hay chờ discount mua plane đây các bác
  17. tuandatle

    tuandatle Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Auburn, WA, USA
    Mua skin máy bay \m/
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 27/3/14
  18. MatKhau123456

    MatKhau123456 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    để dành chờ ra tank mua tank premium \m/
  19. MatKhau123456

    MatKhau123456 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mới "tậu" con card Sparkle GTX 650 Ti 1GB để setting Movie FullHD đẹp quá :))
  20. khanhhoang888

    khanhhoang888 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch note 1.39
    War Thunder 1.39

    Major additions:

    New aircraft and missions
    Squadron battles in Events mode, player’s duel rating
    Players’ rating (“ladder”)
    User generated content support
    Progression system has been adjusted: new aircraft of the same rank take less time to unlock
    “Schräge Musik” available
    Separate fire control for the weapons of different calibers
    Significant improvements for AI behaviour

    New planes

    Spitfire F Mk 24;
    Spitfire F Mk.22;
    Mosquito Mk.XVII;
    Avenger Mk.I

    I-16 type 24;
    I-16 type 27;
    La-174 (special exclusive)

    Lockheed F-80A Shooting Star;
    North American F-82 Twin Mustang
    Republic F-84 Thunderjet;
    F4U-1A USMC;

    MiG-15bis of GDR;
    Canadair CL-13A Sabre Mk.5 of Luftwaffe;
    F-86 F-30 of the Japanese Self-Defense forces;
    A6M2 mod.11


    Squadron events and duel rating of the squadrons (calculated by the ELO system in the squadron battles in the Events mode) - preliminary version for the future Squadron Battles
    Separate fire control for different calibers on the planes. From now on a player can adjust seperate controls for MGs and cannons of the different calibers, as well as for gun pods of the German fighters
    PvP player rating added (“ladder”) based on Silver Lions earned in battles. See details on the Forum
    Dynamic campaign available for a squad (temporarily not limited to premium account)
    Record tables significantly reworked - the data should be the same as in profile (leaderboards will be updated every day)

    Lots of AI improvements
    Bots use FM similar to one of the player - both on undamaged and damaged aircraft
    After attacking ground targets bots can switch to players
    Bots do not go to the end of the map while chasing one another
    Bots use more correct torpedoe attacks
    Bots evade air collisions more correctly

    Modifications’ effect on aircraft performance in Arcade Battles is fixed.
    F4F-3 and F4F-4 moved to rank 2

    Economics and progression system

    Research system and speed to unlock new planes has been changed: to unlock ranks 2, 3, 4 and 5 player has to unlock 6 planes, but RP needed to unlock a new aircraft for ranks 2, 3, 4 and first aircraft of rank 5 is decreased by 25% or more. That means that all planes can be unlocked 25% faster.
    Costs for purchasing all aircraft modifications with Golden Eagles reduced by 5-10%
    RP conversion costs to research planes and modifications reduced by 12.5%
    repair costs (in general) became lower.
    Battle rating adjusted for several planes for better ballance.
    Penalties for researching higher ranked airacraft while using lower ranked aircraft are reduced
    Purchase costs for most planes are reduced
    Costs to hire and train crew are reduced according to lower RP requirement to unlock new planes

    See details on the Forum.

    Significantly accelerated display of the map and the statistic screen in the battle
    The vehicle screen is reworked (repair/modifications/crew)
    Slightly changed the controls options interface (reset of the control theme to default and selection of the control presets now merged with option helper)
    You now can see player squads during the battle in the statistic screen
    Fixed the queue display in the events
    Added graphics options in the in-game options
    Gained RP display is fixed
    Performance characteristics displayed in game menu updated for certain planes
    Internet radio available from game menu
    Game menu fonts changed

    Graphics and models

    significantly optimized render on processors with 2 or less cores
    improved and accelerated grass rendering
    improved and optimized particle rendering
    improved and optimized rendering of the landscape on Dx9/Dx11
    Improved OPENGL render
    accelerated water rendering
    accelerated cloud rendering in Dx11 (now not slower than in Dx9)

    Several errors fixed:
    Multichannel mode fixed;
    Sound when engine stops for Messerschmitt aircaft is synchronized with animation
    Sound added for Mollins M 57mm cannon
    New engine sound for Lancaster Mk.III

    DM changes

    Engine DM fixed for A5M4, F1M2, Fiat Cr.42, Gladiator Mk.II, He.51 (all modifications), I-15 (all modifications), Nimrod Mk.I, Fury (all modifications), P-26 Peashooter (all modifications);
    Several fire outbreaks that would not go out at high speed fixed
    Correct DM for all new aircraft of the update
    Using flaps at high speed will tear them off

    DM fixed forKi-102 and Ki-96;
    DM fixed for Lа-7 and Lа-7B-20;
    DM fixed for Hs.129B-2, Hs.129B-3;
    DM fixed for He.162A-2 flaps;
    Change in ammo rack or controlling wing guns when wing is torn off depends on where the ammo rack is situated, where guns are situated and where the wing was cut off.

    FM changes
    Error with incorrect trimmer position at respawn fixed
    Control stiffening with mouse aim control fixed
    Control stiffening with joystick control changed - effective joystick movement range when controls are stiffened is increased

    F8F-1 - completely corrected according to datasheets
    F8F-1b - completely corrected according to datasheets

    A6M2-N – completely corrected according to datasheets
    A6M2 — completely corrected according to datasheets
    A6M2 mod.22 — corrected according to datasheets
    A6M5 (all modifications) — adjusted according to datasheets
    Ki-61 (all modifications) — adjusted according to datasheets
    Ki-84 (all modifications) — aircraft power plant errors fixed, FM adjusted according to datasheets
    Ki-43 II Hayabusa - completely corrected according to datasheets

    Yak-1b — preliminary corrected according to datasheets
    Yak-9К — preliminary corrected according to datasheets
    Yak-9Т — preliminary corrected according to datasheets
    Yak-7b – completely corrected according to datasheets

    Hurricane Mk.I — completely corrected according to datasheets
    Fury Mk.I – turn time and engine overheat corrected

    FM of Bf.109 of the F- series fixed

    Modifications and armament
    Schräge Musik available for aircraft that actually used it (Do.217N-2, Ki-45 tei)
    Anti-g suits added for following jet fighters:: F9F, F-80, F-84, F-86, Meteor, Vampire, MiG-9, MiG-15, Yak-17
    Weapon reload time for MGs and cannons now depends on caliber, the higher the caliber the longer the reload::
    7.62 mm - 20 seconds
    12.7 mm - 30 seconds
    20 и 23 mm - 60 seconds
    30 mm - 70 seconds
    37 mm - 80 seconds
    45, 47, 57 mm - 90 seconds
    75 mm - 110 seconds
    (* given reload time is true for unupgraded crews)
    All torpedoes have been adjusted according to their maximum drop speed
    Mk.13 early modifications- 204 km/h
    Mk.13 late modifications - 519 km/h
    Type 9 mod. 2 - 481 km/h
    Type 9 mod. 3 - 648 km/h
    LT F5w - 300 km/h
    45-36 АН - 250 km/h
    Mk.XII early modifications - 280 km/h
    A6M3 mod22 ko - pylon available for research added
    Ki-49 - navy bombs Type 97 replaced with Type 94 army bombs
    Meteor F.8 - 8x RP-3 rockets armament added
    Ki-45 - turret changed from Mg.15 to Type 98, cannon Type 97 replaced wtih Ho-3
    A6M5otsu - correct 7.7 MG implemented - Type 97
    Rockets added for Bf.109F-2
    F-86 - MG amo capacity is fixed - from 425 to 300
    BTD-1 - Mk.13 early mod. is replaced with late mod.
    SM.79 mod. 1936 - side turrets changed: instead of Breda Safat 12.7 to Lewis 7.7
    SM.79 mod. 1943 - ammo capacity for rear turret MGs Breda Safat 12.7 changed from 500 to 350
    F6F-3 - Tiny Tim rockets added
    Do.217 series Е, К, М - external pylons and respective bombload added
    B-17G -external pylons and respective bombload added
    Armament modifications fixed for DB-7
    Fire rate for MGs fixed for P-47D and P-51D
    Torpedoe drop order changed for BTD-1, H6K4, PBY-5 - torpedo drop is separate for both Realistic and Simulator Battle modes
    Modifications’ durability fixed for P-63A-5 (USSR)
    La-9 - has option of separate cannon controls
    Rocket armament added for Me.262A-1a
    Cannon pods positioning influence on the gun spread fixed
    Ammo fixed for Ki-96’s 37 mm cannon

    Missions and maps

    New location “Kursk” added:
    4 single missions for “Kursk”
    Dynamic campaign for “Kursk”
    RB and SB mission [Operation] Kursk added
    Bugs and balance fixes for existing missions
    New missions added for low ranked aircraft in RB and SB with light vehicles and shorter distances:
    Latish Convoy
    Last Battle of Khlakin Gol
    Yoo Passage
    Port Moresby
    Consolidation of positions on Sicily
    Wake Island
    Henan Province
    Single Mission “Misty Coast”
    Support for user generated content
    Support for the user generated skins (only seen localy on your computer)
    Support for user created singleplayer missions
    Support for user created locations
    Support for the user created planes
    Support for user localization of the ingame texts

    New decals
    "Hell's Belle" pin-up, 401st Bombing Squadron, 91st Bombing Group, 8th Air Force
    "Bomb Babe" pin-up, 866th Bombing Squadron, 494th Bomb Group, 7th Air Force
    "Wolfess" pin-up, 364th Bombing Squadron, 305th Bombing Group, 8th Air Force
    "Blue Sakura" personal victory marking of Saburo Sakai
    Blue-white roundel used by British and Commonwealth aircraft in the Far East
    Squadron Leader Pennant, No.242 Squadron RAF
    Wing Commander Pennant, Royal Air Force
    Personal motif of Pilot Officer 'Willie' McKnight, No.242 Squadron RAF
    "ROYAL NAVY" text applied to the rear fuselage of aircraft from the British Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm
    Flt Lt 'Johnnie' Johnson, No.616 Sqn RAF: "Bader's Bus Company Still Running" in honour of the recently shot down and captured Douglas Bader, summer 1941
    'Swallow' victory markings of the 12th Kokutai 5, 15, 30 pcs.
    Roundel of the Royal Yugoslav Air Force. 1929-1941

    Historical Board Decal Competition winner decals:
    "Hell's Angel" pin-up by Jej 'CharlieFoxtrot' Ortiz
    "Flying Tiger Gal" pin-up by Colin 'Fenris' Muir
    "Werner Molders' 100th Victory" marking by Mathieu 'Iznogoud' Clairoux
    "Samurai Spirit" pin-up by Colin 'Fenris' Muir
    "The Regal Seagull" pin-up by J. L. 'ColorCopycat' Yeh
    "The Red Banner of Victory" pin-up by J. L. 'ColorCopycat' Yeh

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