Warhammer 40.000: Text Game - Desperation

Thảo luận trong 'Warhammer' bắt đầu bởi Kitekaze, 27/10/11.

Trạng thái chủ đề:
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  1. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Khi dùng end skill là ảnh hưởng team, không còn liên quan gì đến cá nhân player.
  2. huybeo911193

    huybeo911193 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Big nerf vào space marine à
    May mà nãy phân vân nên làm 1 squad Apothecary hay Force Commander thì chọn Force Commander
    Đang tính Swarm apothery mà vỡ kế hoạch
  3. McMillant

    McMillant Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    góc tường
    đã thua trận :( các tau comander khác quá hèn nhát đến nỗi k deploy suốt mấy ngày liên tục :((
  4. NguoiMytramlang

    NguoiMytramlang Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Fortress of solitude
    Deploy: nothing
    Target: Chaos Space Marines
    "It is an honor to fight side by side a Force Commander, follow him into battle my brothers."
    Tính tấn công Tau để diệt luôn XV88 Broadside Battlesuit của ông naq29 mà brother Eucliwood làm rồi =))
  5. awm

    awm Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Deploy : Chaos Space Marine tactical
    Target : NguoiMytramlang
    Maim, kill, burn! Maim, kill, burn! (sao câu này chưa nghe nó nói trong DOW1 nhỉ :-?)
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 4/11/11
  6. Eucliwood

    Eucliwood Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ Target team mà :D

    @Kitekaze : Kite cho mình hỏi, nếu giả sử nửa số quân mình target Tau xong rồi Tau bị defeat thì nửa số còn lại target tiếp Chaos hay là đi về liên hoan?

    ---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24 ----------

    @awm : Predator 980 requisitions, tiền có đủ mà mua :|
  7. Doraemon 1234

    Doraemon 1234 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    New Vegas
    Chaos Space Marine Raptors x 2
    target: IG
    We fight for blood and revenge.
    Destroy the enemy my brother!!!
  8. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Về liên hoan, trừ khi chạy ra thấy Tau chẳng có ai thì mới kéo ra chỗ khác oánh.
  9. awm

    awm Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ặc , mới có 200 à , tưởng mấy hôm ko Deploy requisitions lên
    p/s : đã edit
  10. colithuyet

    colithuyet Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Force Commander
    Target: Chaos space marine
    The war isn't glory, The war is Victory.
  11. FirstSunlight

    FirstSunlight Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tiếp tuc deploy nothing

    Keep attacking Imperium :))
  12. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    **Commander Kite Kaze attempts to overthrow naq29.
    Kite Kaze uses Basilisk against naq29's XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
    + XV88 Broadside Battlesuit: -15hp x0.8(Engage Armor) +10(Artillery Support) = -22hp (0 unit).
    No counter back.

    Kite Kaze orders Guardsmen against naq29's XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
    + XV88 Broadside Battlesuit: -0hp x0.75(Entrench) x0.8(Engage Armor) +10(Artillery Support) = -10hp (1 unit).
    XV88 Broadside Battlesuit squad is reported KIA.

    **Soldiers of Eucliwood approaches naq29.
    No target could be found for naq29.

    **Commander Eucliwood assaults on Doraemon 1234.
    Eucliwood orders Assault Marines to engage with Doraemon 1234's Chaos Havocs with Lascannon
    + Chaos Havocs with Lascannon: -17hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -21hp (0 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -0hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) x0.8(Engage Non-Armor) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Eucliwood orders Dreadnought against Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -30hp (1 unit).
    + Dreadnought: -20hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.8(Engage Armor) = -17hp (0 unit).

    Eucliwood orders Scout against Doraemon 1234's Chaos Havocs with Lascannon
    + Chaos Havocs with Lascannon: -14hp (0 unit).
    + Scout: -0hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.8(Engage Non-Armor) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Eucliwood uses Tactical Marines to strike at Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -16hp (0 unit).
    + Tactical Marines: -15hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -18hp (0 unit).

    Eucliwood uses Tactical Marines to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -14hp (0 unit).
    + Tactical Marines: -3hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -6hp (0 unit).

    **Commander huybeo assaults on First Sunlight.
    huybeo orders Apothecary to engage with First Sunlight's Chaos Marines
    + Apothecary: -2hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -1hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -23hp (1 unit).

    huybeo uses Apothecary to strike at First Sunlight's Cultist
    + Cultist: -20hp (1 unit).
    Cultist squad is perished.

    huybeo orders Force Commander to strike at First Sunlight's Chaos Marines
    + Force Commander: -0hp x1.1(Blood Lust) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -38hp (1 unit).
    Chaos Marines squad is perished.

    **Soldiers of Bartel attempts to overthrow First Sunlight.
    Bartel deploys Assault Marines against First Sunlight's Cultist
    + Cultist: -36hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -40hp (4 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -10hp x0.9(Valor) = -9hp (0 unit).

    Bartel deploys Assault Marines to engage with First Sunlight's Chaos Marines
    + Chaos Marines: -13hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -17hp (0 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -11hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -10hp (0 unit).

    **Soldiers of AWM assaults on Bartel.
    AWM orders Chaos Marines to engage with Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -3hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -2hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -12hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -16hp (1 unit).

    AWM deploys Chaos Marines to strike at Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -22hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -21hp (1 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -18hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -22hp (1 unit).

    AWM orders Chaos Marines against Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -27hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -26hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -8hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -12hp (0 unit).

    AWM orders Raptors to strike at Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -12hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -15hp (0 unit).
    + Raptors: -17hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -21hp (1 unit).

    **Player Doraemon 1234 approaches Bartel.
    Doraemon 1234 uses Chaos Havocs with Lascannon to strike at Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -30hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) x0.8(Engage Non-Armor) = -23hp (1 unit).
    + Chaos Havocs with Lascannon: -13hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -17hp (1 unit).
    Chaos Havocs with Lascannon squad is out of action.

    Doraemon 1234 orders Raptors to strike at Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -3hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -6hp (1 unit).
    + Raptors: -13hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -17hp (1 unit).

    Doraemon 1234 uses Raptors to engage with Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -3hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -6hp (0 unit).
    + Raptors: -8hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -12hp (1 unit).

    Doraemon 1234 orders Raptors to strike at Bartel's Assault Marines
    + Assault Marines: -18hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -21hp (1 unit).
    + Raptors: -9hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -13hp (0 unit).

    **Player colithuyet assaults on AWM.
    colithuyet uses Apothecary to strike at AWM's Chaos Marines
    + Apothecary: -8hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -7hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -28hp (1 unit).
    Chaos Marines squad is destroyed.

    colithuyet orders Assault Marines to engage with AWM's Chaos Marines
    + Chaos Marines: -17hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -21hp (1 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -19hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -18hp (0 unit).

    colithuyet orders Dreadnought to engage with AWM's Chaos Marines
    + Dreadnought: -2hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.8(Engage Armor) = -1hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -25hp (1 unit).
    Chaos Marines squad is destroyed.

    colithuyet deploys Force Commander to engage with AWM's Chaos Marines
    + Force Commander: -2hp x1.1(Blood Lust) = -2hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -27hp (1 unit).

    **Commander First Sunlight attempts to overthrow huybeo.
    First Sunlight orders Chaos Marines to engage with huybeo's Apothecary
    + Apothecary: -4hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -3hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -14hp (1 unit).

    First Sunlight orders Cultist against huybeo's Apothecary
    + Apothecary: -5hp x0.9(Valor) = -4hp (0 unit).
    + Cultist: -20hp (2 unit).

    **Soldiers of naq29 assaults on AWM.

    --DAY END--
    Player Kite Kaze gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Eucliwood gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player AWM gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player colithuyet gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Doraemon 1234 gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player McMillant gains 0.0 requisitions.
    Player naq29 gains 0.0 requisitions.
    Player First Sunlight gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Gerpard gains 0.0 requisitions.
    Player Bartel gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player huybeo gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Squad Apothecary of colithuyet uses Medical Treatment.
    + colithuyet's Apothecary regain 7hp.
    + huybeo's Apothecary regain 4hp.
    + huybeo's Apothecary regain 9hp.
    + Bartel's Assault Marines regain 10hp.
    + colithuyet's Assault Marines regain 10hp.
    + colithuyet's Force Commander regain 2hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Guardsmen regain 1hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Guardsmen regain 9hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Guardsmen regain 2hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Guardsmen regain 6hp.
    + Eucliwood's Tactical Marines regain 10hp.
    + Eucliwood's Tactical Marines regain 6hp.
    Imperium healing can be used only once a day.Imperium healing can be used only once a day.Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 2 men from Continous Reinforce.
    Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 3 men from Continous Reinforce.
    Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 3 men from Continous Reinforce.
    Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 4 men from Continous Reinforce.

    Chaos Control: 10%
    Dark Eldar Control: 0%
    Eldar Control: 0%
    Imperium Control: 89%
    Necron Control: 0%
    Ork Control: 0%
    Tau Empire Control: 0%
    Tyranid Control: 0%

    Base Area: 688
    Conflict Area: 7
    Total Area: 695

    Player: Kite Kaze
    Faction: Imperial Guard
    Part: Cadian Regiment
    Requisition: 830.0
    Current Squad:
    + Basilisk: 1 unit
    + Guardsmen: 6 units
    + Guardsmen: 13 units
    + Guardsmen: 11 units
    + Guardsmen: 15 units

    Player: Eucliwood
    Faction: Space Marine
    Part: Ultra Marine
    Requisition: 805.0
    Current Squad:
    + Assault Marines: 4 units
    + Dreadnought: 1 unit
    + Scout: 4 units
    + Tactical Marines: 3 units
    + Tactical Marines: 4 units

    Player: AWM
    Faction: Chaos Space Marine
    Part: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 895.0
    Current Squad:
    + Chaos Marines: 2 units
    + Raptors: 2 units

    Player: colithuyet
    Faction: Space Marine
    Part: Ultra Marine
    Requisition: 950.0
    Current Squad:
    + Apothecary: 1 unit
    + Assault Marines: 4 units
    + Dreadnought: 1 unit
    + Force Commander: 1 unit

    Player: Doraemon 1234
    Faction: Chaos Space Marine
    Part: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 1140.0
    Current Squad:
    + Raptors: 1 unit
    + Raptors: 2 units
    + Raptors: 3 units

    Player: McMillant
    Faction: Tau Empire
    Part: Tau
    Requisition: 410.0
    Current Squad: None

    Player: naq29
    Faction: Tau Empire
    Part: Tau
    Requisition: 870.0
    Current Squad: None

    Player: First Sunlight
    Faction: Chaos Space Marine
    Part: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 835.0
    Current Squad:
    + Chaos Marines: 2 units
    + Cultist: 3 units

    Player: Gerpard
    Faction: Chaos Space Marine
    Part: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 920.0
    Current Squad: None

    Player: Bartel
    Faction: Space Marine
    Part: Ultra Marine
    Requisition: 1030.0
    Current Squad:
    + Assault Marines: 2 units
    + Assault Marines: 1 unit

    Player: huybeo
    Faction: Space Marine
    Part: Ultra Marine
    Requisition: 890.0
    Current Squad:
    + Apothecary: 1 unit
    + Apothecary: 1 unit
    + Force Commander: 1 unit

    Day 9:
    Naq29, lost a turn.
    McMillant & Gerpard turn restored.


    Techpriest Enginseer x 4

    Guardsmen x 1

    Target: Kite sẽ tiếp tục cầm chân Tau, không để chúng có cơ hội quay trở về. Anh em Space Marine cứ việc đánh bại Chaos Space Marine nhé :P.

    Balance fix: (Builder resource tăng sẽ là 60/30/20 thay vì 30/15/10, như vậy, mọi người ráng giữ con builder hơn 3 ngày thì sẽ bù lỗ được thay vì 6 ngày.

    Bug fix: ặc ặc ặc, Hình như hệ thống mua quân không tính tiền thì phải =.=. Kite nhớ mua guardsmen quá trời mà ta... Bị hư lúc nào Kite cũng chẳng biết nữa... Phải fix liền, sry mọi người nhé!

    New feature: Nếu mọi người để ý kỹ thì Kite đã thêm phần "Part", hay còn gọi là chapter/regiment/legion/craftworld/planet/clan/justicar/... của faction đó. Như vậy, ở lần chơi kế tiếp, mọi người sẽ thấy một faction với part khác nhau sẽ có một số lính khác nhau, lính chuyên biệt.

    Thư viện buộc tăng lên đáng kể và Kite không thể đọc từng codex một, nên ai muốn có thể giúp Kite một tay bằng cách tự viết thư viện giống trang 1 cho 1 part của 1 faction. Sau đó up lên đây, Kite sẽ cho người đó hoàn toàn độc chiếm quân của part đó trong game kế tiếp nếu muốn.

    Đôi khi lính có thể dùng chung nên chỉ việc copy từ trên xuống là đã có gần như đầy đủ lính cho 1 part mới nên cực kỳ dễ. Mọi người thử làm đi.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 5/11/11
  13. huybeo911193

    huybeo911193 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Req chùa kìa anh em spam lính đê
    Deploy : 2 squad Devastator with Lascannon
    Target : Chaos Space Marines
    "Devastator support required"
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 6/11/11
  14. NguoiMytramlang

    NguoiMytramlang Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Fortress of solitude
    Now at long last the heavy armor vehicle has arrived \m/.
    Deploy: Predator x 1
    Target: Chaos Space Marines.
    đề nghị các anh em SM bảo vệ chiếc tank đầu tiên trên chiến trường của Imperium nhé, 1k req đấy X_X
  15. Eucliwood

    Eucliwood Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Deploy : Dreadnought x 1
    Target : Chaos Space Marines

    "I have waited long for this day. To me, my brothers!!!"

  16. awm

    awm Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thua , End day chuyển Requisition cho deamon giúp :|
    "Nothing can stop us now"
  17. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    **Soldiers of Kite Kaze attempts to overthrow naq29.
    No target could be found for naq29.

    **Player Kite Kaze assaults on First Sunlight.
    Kite Kaze deploys Basilisk against First Sunlight's Cultist
    + Cultist: -60hp +10(Artillery Support) = -70hp (3 unit).
    Cultist squad is reported KIA.

    Kite Kaze deploys Guardsmen against First Sunlight's Chaos Marines
    + Chaos Marines: -11hp +10(Artillery Support) = -21hp (1 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -0hp x1.1(Blood Lust) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Kite Kaze uses Guardsmen against First Sunlight's Chaos Marines
    + Chaos Marines: -23hp +10(Artillery Support) = -33hp (1 unit).
    Chaos Marines squad is perished.

    **Player huybeo attempts to overthrow AWM.
    huybeo deploys Apothecary to engage with AWM's Chaos Marines
    + Apothecary: -2hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) = -1hp (0 unit).
    + Chaos Marines: -28hp (1 unit).

    huybeo uses Apothecary to strike at AWM's Raptors
    + Raptors: -28hp (1 unit).
    + Apothecary: -0hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -4hp (0 unit).

    huybeo orders Force Commander to strike at AWM's Raptors
    + Raptors: -38hp (1 unit).
    Raptors squad is perished.

    **Commander Bartel approaches Doraemon 1234.
    Bartel orders Assault Marines to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -4hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -8hp (0 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -9hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -12hp (0 unit).

    Bartel uses Assault Marines to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -4hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -8hp (1 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -0hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -4hp (0 unit).

    Bartel orders Predator to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -40hp (1 unit).
    + Predator: -1hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.8(Engage Armor) = -0hp (0 unit).

    **Player Eucliwood attempts to overthrow AWM.
    Eucliwood deploys Assault Marines to strike at AWM's Chaos Marines
    + Chaos Marines: -27hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -31hp (1 unit).
    Chaos Marines squad is destroyed.

    **Commander AWM approaches Kite Kaze.

    **Commander colithuyet attempts to overthrow Doraemon 1234.
    colithuyet orders Apothecary to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -23hp (1 unit).
    + Apothecary: -3hp x1.1(Blood Lust) x0.9(Valor) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -6hp (0 unit).

    colithuyet uses Assault Marines to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -17hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -21hp (1 unit).
    Raptors squad is destroyed.

    colithuyet deploys Dreadnought to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -26hp (1 unit).
    Raptors squad is destroyed.

    colithuyet orders Force Commander to engage with Doraemon 1234's Raptors
    + Raptors: -38hp (1 unit).
    Raptors squad is destroyed.

    **Soldiers of Doraemon 1234 approaches Eucliwood.

    **Soldiers of First Sunlight assaults on Kite Kaze.

    Squad Apothecary of colithuyet uses Medical Treatment.
    + colithuyet's Apothecary regain 6hp.
    + huybeo's Apothecary regain 1hp.
    + huybeo's Apothecary regain 4hp.
    + Bartel's Assault Marines regain 10hp.
    + Bartel's Assault Marines regain 4hp.
    + colithuyet's Assault Marines regain 8hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Guardsmen regain 8hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Guardsmen regain 6hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Guardsmen regain 7hp.
    + Eucliwood's Tactical Marines regain 8hp.
    Imperium healing can be used only once a day.Imperium healing can be used only once a day.Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 2 men from Continous Reinforce.
    Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 4 men from Continous Reinforce.
    Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 4 men from Continous Reinforce.
    Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 5 men from Continous Reinforce.
    Squad Guardsmen of Kite Kaze gains 3 men from Continous Reinforce.

    Chaos Control: 0%
    Dark Eldar Control: 0%
    Eldar Control: 0%
    Imperium Control: 100%
    Necron Control: 0%
    Ork Control: 0%
    Tau Empire Control: 0%
    Tyranid Control: 0%

    Base Area: 892
    Conflict Area: 0
    Total Area: 892

    Imperium Claim the Victorious


    TOP RESOURCE - Doraemon 1234
    TOP UNIT - Kite Kaze
    TOP SURVIVE - Kite, Eucliwood, colithuyet

    Game Over
    Thank for playing!

    Game khác sẽ được mở trong nay mai. Mọi ý kiến đóng góp vui lòng gởi vào thư viện.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 6/11/11
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