█ WINTER 2020 █ Dragon Room ► Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (2022)

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi BI_AN, 2/1/12.


Bạn thích phiên bản Dragon Ball Super nào?

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    69 phiếu
  1. Rất Là Hợp Lý

    Rất Là Hợp Lý Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hết giải Jiren ước mọi thứ quay lại như cũ trước khi diễn ra cái bộ SUper này...DB true ending vẫn tới Buu Saga là hết >:D<
  2. vegitot

    vegitot The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    trong poster có viết là work of gods end here. chắc goku và jiren đánh long trời nở đất =>chết hết. end season
    kiểu này là tập trung vào movie cuối năm 2018 với cả manga sẽ theo kịp anime. kiểu gì cũng có series mới thôi nên anh em không phải lo là sẽ quay về thời kỳ trước năm 2013
  3. vegitot

    vegitot The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tập 131 sẽ là tập cuối. thế này khoảng 3 tập nữa là final battle goku vs jiren
    phanthieugia thích bài này.
  4. ConChymBay

    ConChymBay Tears of the Kingdom

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chắc jiren sẽ bị cảm hoá bởi aura mainchar và tự nhận thua
  5. BI_AN

    BI_AN Geralt of Rivia GVN CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    kill_9999 thích bài này.
  6. BI_AN

    BI_AN Geralt of Rivia GVN CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chap 32 Eng sẽ có trên Viz ngày 20 khoảng 15h nhé.
    Dưới là tóm tắt trước nội dung, bác nào ko muốn biết trước có thể bỏ qua.

    On Planet Sadala, Cabba goes to Caulifla’s territory, since Champa told him to gather strong people, good or bad. But some Sadala Army soldiers transporting a carload of cargo drive by him; the driver wants to pass through Caulifla’s territory as a shortcut, even though the army can’t handle Caulifla and just leaves her alone. Sure enough, the car is soon stopped by Caulifla, who has her underlings go unload the cargo. The driver resists, but Caulifla easily beats him. While most of the cargo is food, there is also some treasure sent as tribute to King Sadala, including an expensive-looking pendant that Caulifla takes a liking to. The persistent driver tries to shoot Caulifla from behind, but his ray gun suddenly vanishes; Kale has taken it so quickly he didn’t even notice, and she crushes it in her hand. The gang takes the cargo back to their headquarters, where Cabba shows up wanting to speak with Caulifla.

    Meanwhile it’s nighttime back on Earth, and Shin and Whis wonder if the other universes will be able to gather ten warriors. Bulma asks them if they’re OK still being up so late, but Whis explains that he doesn’t need to sleep, and Shin says he’ll go to bed soon. Shin can’t imagine what sort of warriors will appear at this tournament. On Sadala, Caulifla beats up Cabba out in the wastelands; she isn’t interested in entering any tournament. Cabba tries to explain that their universe’s survival depends on this tournament, but Caulifla says he’ll have to get her to listen by force.

    Caulifla brags that she’s never met a Saiyan who can beat her, but Cabba goes Super Saiyan and overpowers her. He explains about the Super Saiyan form, saying that all the U7 Saiyans he knows of are capable of the transformation. He continues to outclass Caulifla, and steals back the pendant she took from the army shipment. Caulifla is shocked to hear there are so many Saiyans stronger than her in U7; Cabba adds that they have even more advanced transformations than his. However, he says that with Caulifla’s talent she should soon achieve Super Saiyan; he’ll teach her how to perform the transformation if she’ll enter the tournament. Caulifla agrees and offers Cabba some juice from the cargo they stole, but he would prefer water over stolen goods. Kale comes up and hands Caulifla back the pendant; she has somehow stolen it back from Super Saiyan Cabba without him even noticing.

    Beerus wakes up to see the team gathering. Kuririn is there and says Muten Roshi has agreed to enter, since he wants to use the 10 million zenny prize money to renovate Kame House, but Vegeta asks what money Kuririn is talking about. An hour later, Goku returns to Capsule Corporation while Bulma’s parents and Trunks play with Bra outside (Trunks says she looks like a monkey). Goku says he ate a bunch at Tenshinhan’s and fell asleep, but he did manage to get Tenshinhan to agree to enter.

    Kuririn confronts Goku on how he lied about the 10 million zenny prize. Now he and 18 won’t enter! Goku offers to pay that amount himself from the money Mister Satan gave him, but Vegeta points out that Chi-Chi controls that money. Kuririn resents that Goku tried to lure him in with money, hiding the fact that their universe would be destroyed if they lost. He’s mad Goku assumed he’d chicken out if he knew the truth…though actually, now that he does know, he is indeed too freaked out to enter.

    Goku begs Kuririn to enter; he’s small and good at running away, so he might be helpful at the tournament (this “praise” doesn’t please Kuririn too much). Kuririn finally agrees, and Bulma says she’ll pay 18 and Roshi the money they want. Now they’ve got 9 members, with less than a day to decide the last one. Goku wishes Future Trunks had stayed around a little longer, and Beerus is annoyed that all their team members are from Earth; it’s their fault for destroying Freeza’s army! Elder Kaioshin hadn’t heard about their recent battle with Freeza, so Whis helpfully explains the plot of Resurrection “F” (he says it was just a little while before the match against U6). Vegeta thinks there’s possibly some noncombatants who didn’t come with Freeza to Earth, but as far as soldiers go, there shouldn’t be any left (Kuririn notes that some of those soldiers were quite tough).

    Hearing all this gives Goku a great idea: they can get Freeza! They won’t be able to collect the Dragon Balls in time to revive him, but Goku says he can ask Baba to bring him back for 24 hours. Vegeta thinks its unlike the normally confident Goku to want Freeza’s help; surely they can win without him? But Goku says he lost to a U11 fighter. Vegeta thinks Goku probably just underestimated his opponent and got caught off-guard, and while Goku says that might’ve been it, he also heard U11 has an even stronger fighter than the one who beat him (something Beerus hadn’t heard before). Goku asks Whis if there are people stronger than them in the other universes, but Whis says he doesn’t know too much about those universes. What’s more, Whis says even the gods of each universe don’t necessarily know all the warriors within their universe, so there might be warriors with as-yet unknown power at the tournament.

    Meanwhile, Cabba flies off in his spaceship with Caulifla and Kale; Caulifla has apparently gotten the hang of Super Saiyan and found it surprisingly easy. Cabba says this goes to show how gifted she is, since it seems the U7 Saiyans all had more trouble with the transformation. Caulifla’s glad to hear this, since it means she must be more talented than they are. Caulifla asks Cabba why he brought Kale along, and he says they need all the warriors they can get. Caulifla says Kale has potential, but right now isn’t too strong (Kale apologizes for this). She tells Kale to think of this as merely a sight-seeing trip.

    Back on Earth, hearing Whis talk about unknown warriors makes Kuririn think maybe they do need Freeza after all. Goku says if Freeza betrays them, he or Vegeta can just take him down. Beerus doesn’t like that they’re relying on a dead person, but Whis says only Goku would think of such an idea; this flexibility might be their universe’s strong suit. Goku goes off to Enma Daio’s, and next we see Freeza having a nightmare about his second death from Resurrection “F”. He wakes up in what is captioned his own personal Hell, but thinks he is still dreaming when he sees Goku standing there. Goku is surprised to see that Hell is such a fun place (though Freeza claims that for him there is no greater Hell than this) and offers to get Freeza out of there for 24 hours.

    On Earth it’s night again and Goku has yet to return, though they’re leaving for the tournament next morning. Whis says they’ll have to trust Goku will be back in time and get ready. The next day, Vegeta suits up and see that the team is (mostly) all there. He says Gohan is looking sharp; he didn’t even recognize him. Gohan explains that Piccolo has whipped him back into shape. 17 says he’s left Trunks in charge of his island while he’s away, though he’s not sure how well this will work out. Goku still hasn’t arrived, and Tenshinhan asks if he’s bringing another someone along. Roshi thinks that Yamcha is pretty much the only other warrior left, though Tenshinhan says if Yamcha won’t come he can go call Chiaotzu.

    Goku and Freeza finally show up though, both beaten to a pulp, shocking Tenshinhan, Roshi, Piccolo, and Gohan. Bulma asks why they’re in such bad shape, and Goku explains that their negotiations went a little roughly. While Piccolo gives them Senzu to heal, Vegeta says Freeza’s halo suits him. Goku tells Vegeta that Freeza has grown even more powerful since last time; he’s been doing image training in his mind, simulating killing Goku and co. thousands of times. Beerus says he won’t tolerate any stunts from Freeza, and Kuririn has to keep the peace between Freeza, Vegeta, and Beerus. Goku says he slept and ate over at Baba’s place, and Whis fixes his beaten-up clothes.

    Whis asks Goku how he convinced Freeza to participate, and while Goku tries to skirt around it, Freeza says that his condition for entering the tournament is a complete resurrection: Goku promised that if their universe wins, he’ll use the Dragon Balls to bring Freeza fully back to life. Everyone is shocked, but Whis says that this is better than just having their entire universe destroyed. Whis says it’s time to go and that everyone needs to hold hands. Freeza refuses to hold hands with Goku, so Beerus goes in between them. Beerus says that this is a battle royale, so they’ve got to rely on teamwork to win. Whis notifies the Grand Priest that they’re ready to go, and Goku tells Bulma to wait for them to come back victorious (Beerus tells her to get lots of tasty food ready). Bulma tells Vegeta that she’ll be waiting for him, and the team teleports off. As they depart, Bulma says she’s counting on them all.

  7. kill_9999

    kill_9999 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    chuẩn r bác. ship về hơn 200$.

    thà mua game, cái figure ở ngoài cũng có bán.

  8. kakashidinho

    kakashidinho C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vãi đái. Sau này thắng giải đấu rồi hồi sinh Freezer. Tuy nó hiện tại ko mạnh bằng Ku và Rau nhưng potential chắc bá nhất tụi z- fighters. Cho nó luyện 1-2 năm chắc trình trên Beerus luôn. Lúc đó thì Ku và đồng bọn cứ xác định =))
  9. ConChymBay

    ConChymBay Tears of the Kingdom

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mạnh đến level này thì ko rõ thằng tủ lạnh sẽ làm gì sau khi đánh bại goku, vì với sức mạnh cỡ đó thì thống trị vũ trụ có vẻ vô vị. mà nó cũng ko phải loại thích đi tàn sát ko mục đích
  10. ThunderChief

    ThunderChief John "Soap" MacTavish Lão Làng GVN

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    Nhà lá
    vô vị quái gì, hồi xưa nó đã làm trùm vũ trụ ko có đối thủ chả sướng bỏ bà ra, giờ ăn ku thì làm trùm tiếp chứ gì phải xoắn, chủ yếu ko có thằng nào đe dọa dc nó là ok. :-j
  11. Happye

    Happye Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Các bác cứ lo bò trắng răng, nó lên kế hoạch sẵn rồi, 2018 này còn cái movie, biết đâu là cái movie sẽ mở ra một chương mới nữa, cái DB này còn vắt dài dài
  12. K'Dash

    K'Dash The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Mình thì đang chơi Figuarts, vì phải mua cả DC, Mảrvel và mấy dòng lặt vặt khác nên chỉ mới được nhiêu đây :D.
  13. vegitot

    vegitot The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    “Thanks for always supporting us! The TV series Dragon Ball Super’s Universe Survival arc finally reaches its climax at the end of March, so please support us to the end! There’s also a movie this December too! The Dragon Ball series will continue on, so look forward to it!” https://t.co/RsRDkbAG1v
  14. kakashidinho

    kakashidinho C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vắt thì cứ vắt, nhưng kịch bản phải do bố già viết thì coi, ko thì thôi :6cool_ah:
  15. vegitot

    vegitot The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bê luôn cái dragon ball heroes vào. đủ các loại db xem cho sướng
    hoặc không remake gt
  16. sm33

    sm33 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tạo hình đã copy cái cũ, 2 con boss vưa rồi cũng nv cũ ( goku, tủ lạnh ) ...giờ lại lôi thằng tủ lạnh làm boss nữa à ? Tính ra thằng này bị lôi ra giết 4 lần rồi, mà mỗi lần trở lại toàn ăn hại hơn xưa, mất chất hết sạch.
  17. kakashidinho

    kakashidinho C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Theo như Ep 125 spoiler thì Toppo unlock god lvl power. Người người unlock nhà nhà unlock power 8-}
    Mà còn có vài tập nữa là hết (khoảng ep 131 là hết). Có vẻ hơi rush.
    Mie mấy đoạn đánh nhau nhảm giữa giải thì kéo dài vl.
  18. ThunderChief

    ThunderChief John "Soap" MacTavish Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhà lá
    người ta đang đặt giả thuyết tủ lạnh nó thắng ku trở nên vô đối ở vt 7 rồi thì sẽ thế nào chứ ai nói gì đến lôi thằng tủ lạnh làm boss của truyện tiếp quái đâu. :))
  19. ConChymBay

    ConChymBay Tears of the Kingdom

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ngọc rồng có thể khiến người chết sống lại nhưng ko cho sức mạnh dc, thế thì ngọc rồng có thay đổi dc " tiềm lực" ko nhỉ ?
  20. BI_AN

    BI_AN Geralt of Rivia GVN CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

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