World of Warships - ALPHA test comming soon !

Thảo luận trong 'World of Tanks' bắt đầu bởi snicoo, 20/6/13.

  1. namnh01283

    namnh01283 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thì vẫn biết là thế, nhưng mà nhiều khi bắn mà đạn nó toàn bay ra trước vs sau mà ko trung cũng ức thật, chiều bắn fuso làm 1 loạt bay luôn con DD V =))
  2. typhu9x

    typhu9x Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sáng vừa vào trận đầu tiên, đi chung DD mình, mịa vừa mới lâm trận 2 hàng tor địch tor mình thả cùng lúc, muốn né mà chả né dc đường nào, chết oan bởi tỏ mình, outl un
  3. hstungtunghs

    hstungtunghs Donkey Kong

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    Cảm ơn bác! Em đã dùng inv code này :)
  4. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    Currently there are two nations implemented in game, Japan and the United States of America. More nations will follow, but each should outline some specific ship characteristics.


    Japanese ships were built mostly with more turrets on the stern than on the bow (since engineer believed bow turrets would be affected a lot by bad weather and rough seas). Thus generally you have more firepower aft than front. This is interesting when you turn away from enemy ships, as you can keep a lot of firepower on the enemy.

    Another characteristic of japanese ships is, that they had a lot of very fast and hard hitting torpedoes. Even almost all japanese cruisers (except for tier 2) have at least 2 sets of torpedo launchers equipped. Also japan has the most long range torpedoes with very good speed (up to 62 knots). Also destroyers and cruisers are quite fast and nimble.

    Tactically that means, that japanese ships will want to close the range to use their torps. It also means, that if you can ambush enemies around islands etc. you have a pretty good chance on dealing devastating hits with your torpedoes. Even cruisers can sink battleships with a full torpedo salvo.

    The downside however is, that they are rather lightly armoured. Especially japanese cruisers are prone to AP hits, since their armour is somewhat lacking.

    United States of America

    American ships have been designed as allrounders. Key feature of most American ships is their gun handling. Usually turrets aim very fast on american ships and they usually sport a large amount of lower (in comparison to Japan) calibre guns.

    Additionally, while their torpedoes are nowhere near as good as the japanese. American ships launching torpedoes have to go to almost point blank range to use them, risking to take a lot of hits. If you go american DDs, you will need to use your smoke wisely and as an offensive measure to get in close, when there are no islands around.

    Cruisers on the other hand can unleash a rain of steel at intermediate ranges. Their fast firing guns can output tremendous DPM and are a nightmare for enemy DDs. Additionally while they don't have torpedoes, they do sport lots of AA guns, making american cruisers the best ships to escort your BBs and CVs, forming a barrier between them and the enemy DDs and CAs.

    Navigation and Maneuvering

    An essential part of playing WoWS is getting your ship where it can be useful. What you have to bear in mind though is that ships are quite large and sail through water. That has some serious consequences.
    Stopping your ship

    While it seems quite obvious that ships won't stop dead when you stop the engines (attention: in WoWS setting the engines to STOP is effectively the same as putting them to full reverse until your ship stops) it is something you have to bear in mind when you sail around. You can't just stop your ship on the spot like a tank, you will always glide about 4 times your ship's length further, even when you put your engines to full reverse. So when you want to stop behind an island to avoid incoming fire, bear in mind that your ship needs considerable time to stop (and to accelerate after that again) and that you have to do it early.

    Turning your ship

    Even worse than just stopping your ship is turning it. That gets extremely problematic when you're in something big like a BB. The ship do not only require some time until they actually respond to the rudder, the rudder itself takes quite some time to shift from neutral to the side. That means, a BB can't simply alter her turn the other way, when there is something incoming. She will follow that path a little longer until the rudder responds. So don't let DDs get in close, because you can't react to that fast enough in a BB.

    Okay since I'm playing Captain Obvious atm, what's also worth noting is, that water reacts differently than solid ground. That has its effects on ships too. While we do have a simplified physics model in game, ships do actually "drift" when turning. When a ship turns its rudder, it basically causes the ship to turn around its center of mass (which is somewhere in the middle of that ship). So if you give left full rudder, your ship will turn left - the bow of the ship at least. The aft of the ship will sadly turn right first. This will cause the ship to drift a little in the direction it was currently traveling. It will also cause the ship to drift a little when your rudder is back to neutral position.

    Also ships do turn the same way if they are fast or slow. A ship turning at high speed will not sail a wider circle than a a slow ship. Slowing down doesn't really change the radius you are turning by much.

    So when you're near land, don't cut it too close or you will drift into that land and sit hopelessly on a sandbank. Also you might eat two torpedoes instead of one when you try to evade, because your ship continues to go in a direction for a little time. It takes a little time getting used to, so remember this, when you want to change direction... Which leads us exactly to


    Collisons can and will happen. You cannot always control your course perfectly. There are two types of collisions. Gracing collisions with your teammates or the land, and dead on full speed ramming into enemy ships.

    Colliding with team mates is very annoying. You have to spend some time with getting apart from each other. During that time, you both present a very good target for the enemies and also block each others turrets/torpedoes and can't shoot back properly. So avoid collisions with team mates. Watch the minimap and plot your course so that you do not collide. It will take you both out of battle for at least half a minute until you're clear of each other.

    Colliding with islands can have simliar effects, although there are two ways which you can crash into land. The collision alarm is a bad sign, so you turn right away, right?

    Not entirely, no. It is not always a good idea to turn when you hear or see the collision alarm. When you can safely clear the land, of course do it. When you can't avoid a collision, it is usually better to ram the rock head on. That way, you will stop dead in the water, yes, but you can actually reverse and plot a new course once you've reversed far enough away. The worst way of colliding with land is when you "drift" onto land (see turning your ship). If you manage to collide with land sideways, you can manage to lodge yourself onto a shallow. Now that your keel is sitting on that shallow, your propulsion has almost no effect whatsoever. If you're not outright stuck to that island, it will take you at least several minutes to come clear.

    In short, either avoid a collision totally or ram it dead on. Anything else might end very badly for you.

    Colliding with enemy ships is a totally different matter. The collision model currently favours the heavier ship - but not by much. Colliding with an enemy destroyer even as a battleship can cause serious damage - to both ships. A low HP BB can still be killed, even by a DD ramming it at full speed. Ramming enemy ships will result in very high damage to both ships - outright sinking BOTH ships often enough.

    Combat : Gunnery

    Spotting and visibility

    Spotting is done automatically with a system simliar to WoT. Smaller ships have higher camouflage factors than larger ships. When you're in the dock, you can click on each stat and see its effects on the ship. For example when you click visibility you can see the distance at which your ship will get spotted by land targets and by planes. This value is the unmodified value, but there are exceptions.

    First destroyers can lay a smoke screen. It will lower their visibility - I don't know yet by how much, but feeling tells me, it should be something like 50% less spotting range for enemy ships. You have to be within or behind the smoke cloud however. If you're at the edges, normal spotting rules apply.

    Firing your guns (note guns, torpedoes don't count here!) will increase your visibility. A BB firing her guns will cause her to be spotted at 20km or more. Basically when you shoot your guns, you can pretty much assume that you are spotted (there is a captain skill that will tell you if you are spotted). Secondary guns and AA guns count too in that department. So when you're in a smoke cloud and don't want your AA guns giving you away, press P to disable them.

    Other than that, enemies will need a direct line of sight (that also counts for scout planes) to your ship. Any island in between you and the enemy will cause you to stay invisible.


    Now that we see the enemy, we want to hit her with everything we've got. So how do we do that? One thing, I mentioned in a post up above is the ALT key. This is especially helpful, when you're at long to medium range. Ammo selection is largely dependent on range, gun and enemy. There are AP (armour piercing) shells that will do tremendous damage if they penetrate any armour - or do next to no damage if they don't penetrate or overpenetrate (go in and out on the other side) enemy armour. The other ammo type is HE (high explosive). HE will do average damage against most targets as it can only penetrate DDs and some CVs. However it can set enemy ships on fire for extra damage.

    Long range fighting (10-20km) - BB range:

    Here you have to aim carefully when you don't want your salvo to miss. Distance to the enemy ship is important as well is the flight time of your shells.

    As a very crude rule of thumb, for every 10 seconds your shells have to travel, aim about the length of 1 BB (that equals about 200-250m) in front of the enemy. Of course this depends on speed. It's about the distance you have to lead a BB going the average 24 knots. If she goes very fast, you have to lead the target more, if she goes not so fast, you have to lead the target a little less.

    Factor in the angle at which the enemy is driving towards you or away from you (use the Minimap!) and then estimate how much further or less far you have to shoot. If you're not sure, you can click once and fire a ranging shot to see how far off you are.

    Plunging fire can be devastating here, because it hits the deck armour from above. AP shells at more than 15km can penetrate most armour (Note, only 200mm+ guns can shoot that far) even of battleships. Landing a hit is difficult though, because you have a lot of deviation here. If you struggle at hitting targets at that distance (especially cruisers and smaller) switch back to HE.

    Medium range fighting (5km-10km) - CA range:

    At this distance, AP ammo of cruisers gets problems penetrating BB armour. If you get too many glancing hits (these do about 100-500 damage) switch to HE. Against cruisers, you can still fire AP at that distance. DDs should always be engaged with HE, because even HE can penetrate them and even if it just impacts near them, this might be enough to cause critical hits or start a fire.

    This is the closest distance BBs can use their main guns effectively. If they get any closer, the turrets will not follow fast enough to track a ship that is not a BB.

    DDs can get plunging fire into enemy ships, but penetrating anything but a lightly armoured CA is unlikely. Thus HE is usually better - or not shooting at all and try to stay hidden.

    Short range fighting (0 - 5km) - DD range:

    At this distance, you are within torpedo range and the enemy can hardly avoid getting hit. It also means that you are now within range of the enemy secondary guns. They are quite deadly against DDs. Also be prepared to be set on fire here quite often in a BB or CA. DDs can however outmaneuver a BBs main batteries at that distance to land their torpedoes relatively easy.

    Anything below a 200mm gun is unlikely to penetrate a BB here and even guns above 200mm might still struggle to get through. So 155mm and smaller might want to load HE here against BBs.

    BB vs CA or large calibre CA vs CA can penetrate here. Use AP and aim for the enemy magazines (usually below the turrets). 155mm still can penetrate, but might not always do so, even if well placed. However their rate of fire can still be devastating when shooting HE.

    Against DDs, well you might have guessed it, it's HE again. They simply get wrecked by HE hits at any distance. So DDs, turn often, turn fast, turn unpredictable and outmaneuver the enemy or you're toast. Use your smoke or you're toast. DDs are basically the most unforgiving class in combat - but can be really devastating with a well executed torpedo strike.

    You may have noticed I've left out CVs. They tend to range between DDs and CAs in terms of armour, so HE is often the most useful ammo against them in terms of armour. It is however definitely the most useful ammo against them in terms of abilities. A burning carrier cannot start any planes. So setting a carrier on fire prevents him from launching any strikes that aren't currently airborn.


    Combat: Torpedoes

    Range and Speed

    Most torpedoes are rather short range weapons. While some japanese torpedoes (Type 93 Long Lance) can attain ranges of 20km, most torpedoes can't go much further than 5-7km. So torpedoes are rather a short range weapon.

    Another thing - even with the long lance torpedoes - is that torpedoes are rather slow compared to other weapons. While a projectile fired from a gun can reach speeds of 1000 m/s, a torpedo can only attain speeds of 50-76 knots (40 m/s or 25 times slower). That means fast ships can outrun or outmaneuver torpedoes and friendly ships can run right into torpedoes because you didn't calculate them in. So always watch where you shoot those things - I've even seen carriers sink themselves with their own torpedo bombers.

    Aiming and firing a torpedo

    So, now that you are close enough to see the white in the enemy captain's eyes, how do you shoot these darn cigars? Well, the basic aiming works just like guns - you even get a white outline in torpedo view, showing you where to shoot the torpedoes - when the enemy ship doesn't change course, which they often do. So you have to lead the target again by yourself.

    Unless you're in a point blank fight with a ship (then shooting torpedoes is basically a no-brainer), the enemy will usually try to avoid your torpedoes.

    If your target is far away (near max torp range), you might want to chose a narrow spread (chose spread by pressing 3 while in torpedo mode). That might sound paradox at first, however don't forget one thing. Torps will be fired in an arc, meaning that once they reach the maximum distance, they will be far apart. If you shoot your torps in a wide spread, most ships will not have any problem passing in between your torpedoes. A wide arc only makes sense when you shoot at multiple targets (where not all enemies will be able to escape) or you're sailing something like a Kitakami (which can fire 20 torps per side).

    Also when you fire your torpedoes and have more than one set of tubes, stagger your torpedoes. Try to anticipate in which direction the enemy will try to evade and then fire the second set so that they will hit there. If you do it in quick succession, you will force the enemy to take at least one or two hits. If you've got enough tubes to fire a wide arc (about 8-10 tubes minimum for that) you can overlap the arcs to have a wide arc with little gaps in between and thus rob him the possibility of evading your torps.

    How to launch torpedoes unnoticed

    Well you want your enemies to avoid as little of your torpedoes as possible. While you can still force them to take some hits with a good aimed staggered spread of torps, it is of course better to hit all torpedoes. To do that, you have to either approach very close to the target (risking being sunk by enemy secondary batteries) or the enemy mustn't know you are there and just shot torps.

    The later you can achieve with either your smoke (although a good captain will notice smoke and evade the area) or islands. If you see CAs or BBs engaged around islands and you're on the other side, pay close attention when some of the enemies will likely come out behind the island. Launch your torpedoes before they notice you're there and they have little time to evade. If they fight in a battle line, it is likely they will hold the approximate course for some time. - And always keep an eye out for what your allies are doing. You don't want to torpedo them!

    Save your shots

    Last but not least, torpedoes got a long reload time. Don't waste a full spread of torpedoes on a cruiser with 2k health when you will likely run into other targets. Either finish it off with your guns (if it is safe to do so) or let your allies kill him and save your torpedoes. At first they have reload times of 30-40 seconds, but with rising tiers that can go up to more than 2 minutes. If you've just shot your torps, hide (unless you're in a japanese cruiser) and wait for the reload to almost finish before engaging again.

    Combat: Carrier Air Groups

    So you've had your action game, now on to something completely different. With carriers, you basically trade in your action gameplay against a strategy game. Coordinating your air groups with moving you carrier around makes you use the map more and more. You will now need to use waypoints (SHIFT + CLICK on the map) and time your attacks to be effective.
    Carrier Positioning

    You don't want to be in the middle of the fight, however you also don't want to be too far away from it. Planes take a lot of time flying towards/from the enemy fleet, so basically, you want to hide closely behind your fleet and want to get out, if they seem to die or the enemy seems to break through.

    Air group complements

    A major difference from other ships is, that the air group complements that you can select in the modules screen in the dock are not necessarily getting better from top to bottom. They simply set how your air groups will be distributed. There will be fighter heavy loadouts, torp bomber heavy loadouts and bomber heavy loadouts. It isn't necessary to always mount the last, but better mount the one you're most comfortable with.

    Launching aircraft

    What you always should do with each carrier, is launch all air groups as soon as possible. An air group (keys 2-8) should always be up in the air while not rearming. It doesn't matter if they circle around for a while, they have unlimited fuel, just ammunition is limited - however you cannot launch any planes if your flight deck is burning. That's why you should keep them up in the air as often as possible.

    Move your aircraft around

    When scouting or attacking enemy ships, it is best to move your air groups together. Especially when you're executing torp bomber strikes, you want your squadrons close together, so that they will drop their ordnance close together. Also move your aircraft away from your carrier when you're not in immediate danger. The path on which they approach might lead the enemy carrier towards your position when you're not spotted.

    Also watch where the enemy AA ships are and avoid those on planning your attacks. You don't have an indefinite amount of planes and once these are gone, you're just HP sitting around uselessly.


    Fighters are well fighters, they're best used against enemy bombers and scouts. A fighter vs fighter combat, you should only initiate when you're either a tier higher than the enemy carrier or your fighters got AA support from your other ships. Otherwise you're just trading fighters with the enemy carrier which will lead to nothing.

    If you can't currently control your fighters manually, you can assign them to fly CAP (combat air patrol) over a friendly ship or with friendly bombers (by shift clicking onto the respective unit).

    If you have lots of fighters left but only a few bombers and the enemy is bunching together for maximum AA coverage, you can also try to use your fighters to draw AA fire (sacrificing them) to allow your bombers to get through.

    Dive Bombers

    While most people deem them useless, they can actually be useful. The bombs they drop do HE damage, so they aren't very effective against BBs and only midly effective against CAs, but they can do some damage (and cause burning) to DDs an CVs. Also you can use them to eventually cripple a target with a cricital hit for your torp bombers to strike.

    Torpedo Bombers

    Torpedo bombers basically are your main anti ship weapon. Since torp bombers will fire a spread of 6 torpedos maximum (either all in a straight line or spreading out) that will deal mostly mediocre damage (at least on higher tiers) you want to maximize your hits. To do so, you want to coordinate an attack with either your dive bombers or ideally with two torp bomber squadrons. Launch them and keep them together, then set waypoints on either side of the target and add a waypoint to your target. (Planes will fly to the waypoint and if the waypoint is an enemy ship, they will engage it). Once your torp bombers are locked onto an enemy ship (or with ALT key on a free location), you can drag around the marker to select the angle and the approach towards the target ship. Do that so that the spread of torpedoes will overlap each other, so that your target ship can't escape.

    Watch out for enemy AA there when planning your attack, so that the maximum number of bombers survive until they dropped their torpedoes. Then fly them out on a course that leads away from your ship and from the enemy AA.


    While essentially you should try to minimize the damage you take, don't use your damage control teams just because your carrier is burning. If you're still under fire, and have planes reloading on deck, wait for them to be reloaded, give the launch order and THEN use repair. Your planes can only take off, when your ship is not on fire, and if you're in danger of getting set on fire again, you might at least want to get your planes back in the air.


    Combat: Active Skills


    Each ship has one or more active skills. Some are determined by the ships class and tier, others are independent and available on all ships. In this part, I'll give you a brief overview and some guidelines about when to use these skills.

    Damage Control Party (Default Key: R)

    The first (and universal) skill is damage control party. This skill basically repairs all (non critically) damaged modules on a ship, stops all fires and all floodings while active. It is active for a few seconds before it goes on cool down. The cooldown is relatively long (can be reduced by captain skill) and thus you should use it with care - but also not sparesly.

    On DDs and CAs you can use it to stop fires, because you usually don't have that much HP to spare - but you should get out of the line of fire first if possible. Especially DDs can use their second skill (Smoke Screen) for that. On BBs you should try to compensate for fires with your Repair Work skill, before using Damage Control Party. On CVs consider using it, exactly before launching a wing of planes when you're still under fire, as you can't start planes with a burning flight deck.

    The best use (independently of class) though is repairing rudders and propulsion systems, since those are essential for you getting out of harms way. Repairing guns/torp launchers usually isn't worth it, because those get repaired rather quickly.

    Smoke Screen (Default Key: T)

    Smoke Screen is a destroyer specific skill. It clouds a large area around your ship as long as it is active. Any ship within or behind the smoke screen recieves a visibility bonus, making DDs almost invisible while inside. It has a limited amount of charges, so use it wisely.

    Usage can be both offensive (to approach for a torpedo attack) or defensive (to evade incoming fire) - what you should keep in mind is, that the smoke screen itself is widely visible, alerting enemies to your general position. So when you use it offensively, bear in mind, that an experienced enemy will turn away from the smoke and stay at a safe distance, so it might be best to wait with using it, until you're rather close.

    Repair Work (Default Key: T)

    Repair Work is the BB skill. It restores part of your hit points over time. I'm not entirely sure about the mechanic yet, but mostly the skill seems to repair ONLY the last hit recieved. Fire and Flooding in that department count as a single hit, thus are at least partly repaired along the initial damage. Like with Smoke Screen you have a limited amount of charges and a large cool down, so use them wisely. It's best used after recieving a penetrating AP hit or to repair fire/flooding damage.

    Defensive Fire (Default Key: Y)

    Defensive Fire finally is the CA skill. It is only available on CAs of Tier 6 and higher and increases their AA abilities. Any CA using this skill will cause incoming torpedo bombers to panic (releasing their torps ALWAYS in a fan instead of a straight line). So it is best saved for incoming bombers. Unlike Smoke Screen or Repair Work, it doesn't have limited charges, so you can activate it anytime you see bombers coming in.

    Scout Plane (Default Key: T/Y)

    The last skill is ship dependant. Some ships (Mainly BBs and higher tier CAs) have a scout plane on board. Launching a scout will increase your view range (as in the scout adds some addional spoting around itself).

    You can't control the scout, it will simply circle around your ship. The radius is larger on BBs than on CAs.

    With the large cool down and limited number of planes, using the skill is situation dependent. It's no use to launch scout planes at start (especially not, when you've got carriers around), since they won't spot anything on the larger maps.

    If you see a scout plane of a ship alongside going up, save your scout to counteract smoke screens or ships trying to hide behind islands.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/3/15
  5. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    á đù =))))))))
    Defensive Fire (Default Key: Y)

    Defensive Fire finally is the CA skill. It is only available on CAs of Tier 6 and higher and increases their AA abilities. Any CA using this skill will cause incoming torpedo bombers to panic (releasing their torps ALWAYS in a fan instead of a straight line). So it is best saved for incoming bombers. Unlike Smoke Screen or Repair Work, it doesn't have limited charges, so you can activate it anytime you see bombers coming in.
  6. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    rồi, dài quá k hiểu gì luôn :-?? dịch cái defensive fire cái bác chym sắt :-sshình như là tier 6 CA trở lên đc làm cái gì với bọn torp thì phải :-s
  7. vuivuiday

    vuivuiday Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hix mới kiếm được 3 cái code hên quá là kích hoạt được ai cần pm mình nhé . SV asia nhé
  8. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bac cứ post lên đây thôi, ai cần ng ta lấy
  9. vuivuiday

    vuivuiday Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai được thank mình nha
    GreenLoveBlue thích bài này.
  10. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    skill phát hiện torp sớm chứ anti đâu
  11. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
  12. vuivuiday

    vuivuiday Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mới tier I it người bắn quá
  13. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    k biết làm sao để báo lổi, chơi CV chuyên dùng alt + shift thả torp mà sau khi dùng thì toàn bị k nhận phím số nữa, phải alt + shift lần nữa mới bấm phím số lại đc
    với cả thả torp gần tàu địch quá, thay torp đụng vô nhưng k thấy nổ, k lên damage nhung lai k thấy đi tiếp
  14. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    alt+shift đồng thời là nút đổi hệ bàn phím, máy cài mấy loại bàn phím? tôi 4 loại lâu lâu cũng bị khi nó nhảy sang hệ Nga với Nhật
  15. GreenLoveBlue

    GreenLoveBlue Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã sử dụng cái này. Đã bấm thanks, cảm ơn bạn
  16. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    2 loại thôi, đang combat thì bị mất nhận, điên hết cả người
  17. vuivuiday

    vuivuiday Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai pt bắn kéo tí ti đi ních là BanzaiVN nè
  18. embengoc

    embengoc C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tắt bộ gõ tiếng Việt trước khi chơi là điều cần thiết :D
    severav thích bài này.
  19. vuivuiday

    vuivuiday Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai cho hỏi tier mấy mới có kíp lái không thấy đâu cả
  20. severav

    severav Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bác cứ chơi thêm đi, khoản 5h sau hảy hỏi

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