World of Warships - ALPHA test comming soon !

Thảo luận trong 'World of Tanks' bắt đầu bởi snicoo, 20/6/13.

  1. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
    hôm bữa ta post cách lưu replay rồi mà....
  2. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
  3. EzioAuditore

    EzioAuditore C O N T R A

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    Atlanta, USA
    per the Russian blog,, the U.S. BBs and Japanese CVs are coming in update .3.1. A map is being brought back from early alpha (I hated it) where the teams are split into two, and they are not spawned together, but in opposite corners (there goes team work).

    For DD players - reduced torpedo visibility!

    For CA - The IX and X get the BB repair ability.

    For CV - Empty torp bombers will fly faster.

    For BBs - Emergency team was reworked, it will last longer and protect modules. Not sure how that will work.

    Armor was redone, and will work a little better on BB and CA.

    Shells - They redid the shells, it seems that AP that doesn't penetrate won't do damage, and over penetrations will do a lot less. This means that small guns will need to switch to HE vs armored targets, and large guns will need to switch to HE vs un-armored targets.

    You can now buff ships with Signals, it appears the signal flags can be placed on a ship and they will modify the ship. They can increase credits earned, commander experience, and boost EXP, One appears to increase top speed. Not sure if I like that.

    Team-killer sanctions are now installed.

    The first training missions will be introduced.

    The last paragraph is one that will make some people very happy.

    The architecture of the client

    With version 0.3.1 we start in test mode to test the system of protection against changes in scripts. It is necessary to take control of the creation of unwanted modifications for us and ensure the safety of the client. It is a long process that will require constant adjustment, and require more than one update before we can draw definitive conclusions. However, now stands ready to ensure that the transition to version 0.3.1 most of the mods will stop functioning and will require serious processing. Unfortunately, at this stage, this effect will affect the part of useful mods, but we're going to gradually establish a dialogue with conscious modders and even build cooperation with them, providing access to the necessary data.
    [0.3.1] Бюллетень разработки

    kitakami was given smoke
    mogami has switched tiers with myoko
    Yamto ROF buff
    Senjo name was changed to the Zao (senjo sounds far better) also something about the rate
    Baltimore also got some sort of rate buff
  4. namnh01283

    namnh01283 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    để copy vô GG :4onion25:
    mà chẳng biết cái game này nó có cho mình điều khiển secondary gun không nhỉ, chứ AI bắn nhu quá, toàn bắn lên trời :cuteonion37:

    "Shells - They redid the shells, it seems that AP that doesn't penetrate won't do damage, and over penetrations will do a lot less. This means that small guns will need to switch to HE vs armored targets, and large guns will need to switch to HE vs un-armored targets"
    cái này đúng nè, mie ăn rồi bị mấy con DD spam AP đau vồn
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 21/4/15
  5. Kasnatos

    Kasnatos Legend of Zelda

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    For DD players - reduced torpedo visibility!--- Cái này là nó giảm tầm phát hiện torp của bọn DD hay là giảm tầm phát hiện torp đc phóng ra từ những con này vậy ông ei
  6. EzioAuditore

    EzioAuditore C O N T R A

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    Atlanta, USA
    the torpedoes on DD's will have lower visability from PLANES. no so much torp detection

    New Aircraft Carriers: Tora! Tora! Tora!

    Fans of the ships from the Land of the Samurai, rejoice! Now an imposing squadron of aircraft carriers is at your disposal: Hosho, Zuiho, Ryujo, Hiryu, Zuikaku, Taiho, and Hakuryu. Japanese aircraft carriers are the power and strength of the Imperial Navy. Faster and a bit less notable than their American antagonists, these ships are meant for aggressive but well-planned attacks: their ability to rapidly prepare and launch squadrons, as well as their sheer number of squadrons, enable attacks of complexity. Greater emphasis on strike capability and fewer aircraft in each squadron as compared to their American equivalents enable the Japanese carrier to launch powerful attacks at enemy ships, but risk leaving the Japanese naval aircraft vulnerable to enemy fighters.
    New Battleships: Heavy-Caliber Democracy

    Fans of the American fleet also have a good cause for celebration. A branch of legendary battleships appears in Version 0.3.1, flying the Stars and Stripes: Michigan, Arkansas, New York, New Mexico, Colorado, North Carolina, Iowa, and Montana. These threatening ships possess indisputable advantages: good armour, excellent AA guns, and hefty guns. However, most ships in the branch, particularly in the lower Tiers, have rather modest speed characteristics, and in this regard they are inferior to a substantial number of the ships they will go up against. Still, this doesn't disturb an experienced commander: cowboys don’t have to chase the enemy; let the cowards run away, and the brave ones perish in a hail of gunfire.
    With these powerful reinforcements to the U.S. fleet, we couldn’t neglect Japanese battleships and cruisers. Izumo—a A140-J2 project ship—is now the Tier IX Japanese battleship, a slot that used to be vacant. And the Tier V Japanese cruiser slot is filled with splendid Furutaka.

    Balance: Armour is Strong

    Along with all these new combatants, we are also ready to introduce yet another bundle of balance upgrades into the game. Some of these upgrades are in response to the players’ requests and experience, and in other cases they simply pursue our plan to upgrade the project.

    Armour: Many testers voiced concern that armour played an insufficient role in the game. Having studied the feedback and compiled the damage statistics, we decided to make a slight change to the armour calculation—now it takes into account the plating and construction steel. This provides a moderate defense boost for a number of cruisers and battleships.

    Damage Control Party on Battleships: As you know, due to its size, speed characteristics, and potential threat to the enemy, a battleship is a high-value target. In Version 0.3.1, we’ll test a readjustment of the Damage Control Party feature in battleships: now it will work longer due to a slowdown in its reload rate. We believe this change will expand the scope of the Damage Control Party application, and this feature will be used not only as quick repair, but also as short-term defense from module damage, fires, and flooding, enabling battleships to stay in the battle for a longer time and survive under intense attacks.

    Shells: Version 0.3.0 is known to have substantially tilted the balance between AP and HE shells towards the AP ones. We’d like to see both types of shells as equivalent weapons to be used wisely depending on the circumstances, so we did some rebalancing. We removed entirely the kinetic damage of AP shells in case of ricochet and non-penetration, and increased the speed loss of AP shells in water. HE shells’ arming threshold was increased—now HE shells will be more effective in firing at lightly armoured targets as they don’t have the over-penetration effect. In addition, the damage from HE shells was reassessed upwards, although fragmentation splash won’t result in loss of combat capability points anymore—only affected modules will be damaged. We hope these changes will have a positive impact on the diversity and complexity of gunnery.
    Destroyers: Steady detection of torpedoes by aircraft has been a problem for some high-tier destroyers. In Version 0.3.1, we reduced torpedoes’ visibility from the air. This should better allow destroyers to use their primary armament without having to get dangerously close to the enemy.
    Ships Movement: In addition to the balance changes we’ve already mentioned, the mobility system was improved. We’ve made a systematic review of all parameters to make them more logical and, at the same time, to give the ships more individuality in terms of their speed characteristics. Now turning circle radius and dynamics are more dependent on the tonnage, engine output, and, most importantly, on the linear dimensions and proportions. Long, narrow ships will generally have a larger turning circle, but a bit more abrupt rudder deflection will compensate for this. And big ships like St. Louis and Kawachi will need a relatively smaller space for turning. Additionally, ships having less tonnage will reduce their turning circle radius when moving at ½ and ¾ speed.

    High-Tier Cruisers: As an experiment, cruisers Ibuki, Senjo, Baltimore, and Des Moines get the activated Maintenance and Repair feature previously available only to battleships. We’re going to track its use and effect on the game and we may continue to experiment with abilities.

    Aviation: Now, torpedo bombers and bombers that have dropped their payload will fly faster, and hence return to their aircraft carrier faster. This is both logical and useful for the player: waiting for the aircraft to return is, naturally, not the most exciting aspect of playing a carrier. Reconnaissance planes also underwent changes: their patrol radius increased, enabling more distant reconnaissance and notification of danger farther in advance.
    Corrections to Ships: When working on some ships, we tried to take into account the players’ particularly urgent problems whenever we were able to confirm them and managed to invent a way to solve them. Kitakami—an excellent but extremely fragile ship—got a smoke generator; we hope the ability to deploy a smokescreen will provide more comfortable and diverse gameplay for this unusual cruiser. And it is not the only Japanese Imperial Navy representative to undergo positive changes: we’ve raised the primary armament firing rate of battleship Yamato, interchanged Mogami and Myoko, and added combat capability and firing rate to Senjo (which, by the way, will now be called Zao). Amid all sorts of changes in the East, we cannot but mention a minor change in the West: cruiser Baltimore will please its commanders with a higher firing rate.
    Signals and Achievements: Where Practicality, Business and Esthetics meet

    An important new feature introduced in Version 0.3.1 is a system of achievements and signals. Derived from real pennons and signal flags, signals provide a way to show one’s battle achievements, adjust the ship’s specifications in a particular manner, and customize her exterior. In other words, with removable signals proudly fluttering in the wind together with national flags, a player who has fought a good battle can get something more significant than “just another medal” added to the profile.

    By accomplishing missions and obtaining achievements, players now earn sets of same-type signals, reflecting the progress of the ship’s crew. There are 10 signal types at the moment; each of them can be awarded once a day. The player can place the collected signals on any ships: aircraft carriers have four slots for this purpose, while the other vessels have eight.

    Each type of signal affects the ship’s performance in a particular way—from giving extra credits for a battle to slightly enhancing the maximum speed. Noteworthy is that signals are not technical upgrades, but a sign of the crew’s experience and high skill, so you should not expect too many benefits from them. All the signals mounted on a ship are removed after the battle. Let’s use an example of how it works by putting several signals on Premium cruiser Atlanta.
    To begin with, let’s try to further increase the ship’s profitability by cutting repair costs and raising the amount of credits earned with the help of the Zulu and India Bravo Terrathree signals.

    We will also enhance the potential amount of experience to be gained and boost the commander’s development using the Equal Speed Charlie London bonus:

    And finally, we will slightly increase maximum speed by installing the Sierra Mike signal. Maintaining proper distance is crucial for our cruiser; many enemies will try to disengage from us and utilize their advantage in firing range:
    We believe that the diverse functionality of newly added flags and signals will be much to the players’ liking, and we plan to further develop the concept in the following updates.

    Note that Version 0.3.1 allows getting signals only together with another new game feature—achievements. Achievements represent an awaited capability to receive marks reflecting successful or extraordinary events in battle. Similar to achievements in other Wargaming titles, they are issued under preset conditions and accumulated in the player’s profile.
    Along with achievements, we are introducing the primary functionality of gift boxes. A gift box is an element that can contain certain game items (at present, only flags). In the future, players will be able to receive gift boxes with various valuable items for their merits and achievements, as well as on any other occasions, bringing diversity not only to the battle part of the game, but to the port one as well.

    Finally, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that many of you might find the conditions of getting some achievements and signals too hard and unbalanced in Version 0.3.1. This is connected with the need to collect initial statistics and further adjust the feature: we will be closely following the players’ progress and searching for a compromise between the value and complexity of getting an achievement or signal.
    The Sound of Guns

    The game’s sound effects, laid down back in Version 0.2.3, have now been profoundly enhanced. Our team has given the highest priority to refining the sounds, as they help the players to dive into the atmosphere of naval battles and at the same time can convey a lot of valuable information.

    World of Warships now has more realistic and high-quality sound effects without creating unnecessary load on the user’s computer. The general principle of our sound design is: more modules, more diversity, and more interactivity. We have further detailed the differences in the sound effects produced in different camera modes: the Binocular, Turret, and Third-Person views are different game situations, and the updated sounds emphasize this.

    In addition, we have refined the ambient sounds, making their volume a separate setting for those who prefer hearing only shots and the grinding of mechanisms. Of course, we could not overlook the sounds of the shots themselves. By implementing a modular system—each sound of a shot now consists of three parts—we have managed to “personalize” the primary armament of every ship. As an example, listen to the sounds of salvoes from primary armament of three ships, equipped with top modules:
    New Map

    Update 0.3.1 will also affect the topography of World of Warships battles: a new high-tier map, named Hotspot, will be available in two modes—Domination and Standard Battle. Multiple volcanic islands and four extinct volcanoes are located on the map. The map’s key feature is the respawn system: each team is divided into two groups, which emerge from opposite corners (one team occupies the Northeast and Southwest, and the other—Northwest and Southeast). The map’s image is attached. The rest of the maps have been preserved in the game for the time being.
    Intro Mission

    Helping newcomers learn to play the game is a priority objective for us. Despite the account development system, new commanders are often baffled by the overload of information in the game. In Version 0.3.1, we are testlaunching a special training mission for newcomers to the Beta Test. Since we do not need mass testing of this new feature yet, newcomers have a pretty low chance to start a training mission. That’s why we ask those who actually get this opportunity to treat the training responsibly and share their impressions with us by filling out the accompanying survey.

    Client Architecture

    In Version 0.3.1, we start tests of a script protection system intended to take control over the creation of undesirable modifications and ensure the client’s security. This will be a long process, requiring constant adjustments and numerous updates before we reach final conclusions. And, be advised: with the introduction of Version 0.3.1 most mods will stop functioning or require profound revision. Unfortunately, on this stage, the effect will impact some of the good, useful mods, but we plan to gradually build up channels of communication with responsible mod makers and even collaborate with them, providing them access to the relevant data.

    That is all for today, dear testers. The preliminary review of Update 0.3.1 is over. I suggest that we discuss it right in this topic. Ask your questions, and we will be happy to speak with you.
  7. quadan

    quadan The Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Đù sao đổi tên con Senjou vậy. Zao nghe như tiếng tàu, ít nhất cũng phải để Zaou chứ.
  8. pip8184

    pip8184 C O N T R A

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    chắc là để thu hút thị trường tàu khựa :3. Mấy hồi sẽ có hải quân khựa cho mà xem lawl
  9. Kasnatos

    Kasnatos Legend of Zelda

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    Chúng nó nerf AP buff HE thế này thì cháy nổ thường xuyên rồi@@
  10. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    0.3.1 update
    This changelog is from russian forum
    *New map added
    *Added USN BB line and IJN CV line
    *Kitakami received Smoke charge
    *Mogami and Myoko change position in Tech tree
    *Saipan removed from tech tree, Independence moved to Tier VI and added Borg to TIer V
    *Steering effectiveness is now more afffected by tonnage
    *Tier IX and TIer X CA received Repair Work ability (BB exclusive, add hp overtime)
    *Minor Game Balancing
    *HE is now more likely to destroy modules
    *Range of detection of torpe for planes shortened.
    *VB and VT received speed bonus after bombing
    *Added recon range and sight range of Scout plane (CA CL BB)
    *Increase Yamato shell velocity
    *Added Flag and Achievemendt system
    *Premium ship have unique ability
    *Engine sound change for Des Moines and Amagi
    *Introduce Team Kill penalty
    *TKer will be shown in different color
    *Upon killing some teammate the TKer will receive a special title and start game with 50% HP
    `most Mod will stop work in 0.3.1
  11. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
    tụi CV Nhật sẽ tung dc 1 lúc nhiều sqadron hơn tàu Mỹ, nhưng số máy bay mỗi squadron ít hơn (thay vì 3 squadron 6 chiếc thì sẽ là 4 squadron 5 chiếc)
  12. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
    kitakami có smoke + giảm dectection range của torp thì =)))))))
  13. pip8184

    pip8184 C O N T R A

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    detection range của torp chỉ bị giảm từ trên ko thôi, còn trên mặt nước thì cũ như vẫn, là 10% của torp range, đúng ko?
  14. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
    giảm từ trên là ngon rồi, trên mặt nước là 20% max range....
  15. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
    mà cái cơ chế cơ hiệu này nhảm nhí vãi...
    mấy cái cờ hiệu tăng tiền hay XP thì ko nói
    lại có cái cờ hiệu tăng 5% max speed tàu... Nhảm nhí vãi....
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 21/4/15
  16. Moe~~~

    Moe~~~ You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    lmao p2w rồi =))'

    Ồ mới ngó lại, hoá ra làm theo kiểu achievement. Nếu thế ít nhất chỉ để cosmetic thôi ai lại cho mấy cái ảnh huonwgr tới performance vào bao giờ =))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 21/4/15
  17. pip8184

    pip8184 C O N T R A

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    mình thì hiểu nôm na là 1 ngày chỉ được dùng 1 trận hay sao á.
  18. namnh01283

    namnh01283 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mogami and Myoko change position in Tech tree ->>>>>> Chuẩn cmnr đang bắn mogami lên Myoko như kiểu đi 1 bước lùi :cuteonion25:
  19. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

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    Paris, Pháp
    xài luôn đó pa, 1 ngày 1 trận mà +5% xp thì lol
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 21/4/15
  20. Moe~~~

    Moe~~~ You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái này một phần do armor system quá lởm. Thế đ nào mà lũ BB ăn 1 salvo của con Cleveland mà mất máu cứ ầm ầm là không ổn. Chưa kể hôm qua mình bắt đầu cày DD mà đm bắn HE phát nào con BB cháy phát đấy nó còn vô học nữa =))

    Đánh CA Mẽo bắn thì nhanh, đánh CA Nhật thì cả cái tàu cảm giác bắn đâu cũng dính citadel =))

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