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Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi Op2, 25/8/11.

  1. classicboy_186

    classicboy_186 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ko biết 7.3 thì skill crew của KV có đc chuyển toàn bộ sang KV2 ko nhỉ?
  2. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    crew skill KV sẽ ở lại KV-1, KV-2 dc cho crew 100%
  3. classicboy_186

    classicboy_186 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chán vãi. KV sắp full skill thứ 2 rồi. Skill vứt bên KV1 làm gì chứ x-(
  4. Frankies

    Frankies Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    KV-2 là lên S-51, KV-3 mà, chuyển sang crew 100% 2 con ý cũng đc, trước khi retrain học 1 skill cũng ngon, đỡ lãng phí.
  5. DocThuThanLong

    DocThuThanLong Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chả quan tâm lắm, kv gần full 2 skill rồi cố bắn 888 trận cho nó đẹp bảng xong vứt hết crew kv kv 3 sang is 7, mấy chú kv kv 3 cho bán sắt vụn lấy tiền mua patton với panther 2
  6. minhke2019

    minhke2019 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Last updated on April 18, 2012

    Version 7.3 is currently estimated to be released at the end of April 2012.

    Features to be implemented with the 7.3 update:

    KV-3 to be replaced by the T-150
    The KV-3 moves one tier up (from tier 6 to tier 7). The T-150 substitutes it as a tier 6 heavy tank. Thus, the Soviet tech tree from tier 5 to 8 will look like this (disregarding KV-1S): KV-1 tier 5 -> T-150 tier 6 -> KV-3 tier 7 -> KV-4 tier 8.

    Case 1. KV-3 isn’t in the garage at the time of substitution (update release), but is fully researched:

    If engine “V-2IS” was researched in the research tree of KV-3 as tier 6 heavy tank, then it will be available in the research tree of KV-3 as tier 7 heavy. Same goes for the radio “10RK”;
    If the turret of KV-3 was researched in the research tree of KV-3 as tier 6, then it will be available as a KV-3 turret in the research tree of KV-3 as tier 7;
    If the KV-3 suspension was researched in the KV-3 tier 6 tree, then it will be available as suspension “KV-3 bis” in the research tree of KV-3 as tier 7;
    In case the 107mm gun “ZiS-6” was researched in the KV-3 tree as tier 6, it will be available in the T-150 tree, which also leads to this gun available in the KV-3 tier 7 tree;
    In case the guns 100mm “D-10T” and 122mm “D2-5T” were researched in KV-3 for tier 6, then they will be available in the KV-3 tier 7 tree;
    All undistributed experience earned on KV-3 tier 6 goes to KV-3 tier 7;
    All modules from KV-3 tier 6 in depot that don’t fit onto other vehicles (turrets, suspensions) are sold at original purchase price, credits received for selling them are added to player’s account. Modules of KV-3 tier 6, not fitting the KV-3 as tier 7 are also sold and credits go to player’s account;
    All modules from KV-3 tier 6 fitting other vehicles (radio, engine, guns) are saved in the depot, same goes for all shells that can be used for its guns;
    Any crew member in the barracks or in a tank, who possesses the KV-3 tier 6 skills, gets the ability to be used in the KV-3 tier 7 without any changes or losses;
    Statistics earned on the KV-3 go to the T-150 without any changes or losses, all achievements are preserved;
    Players get the T-150 as tier 6 researched with the KV-3 as tier 7 available in it’s tech tree.
    Case 2. KV-3 is in the garage at the time of the substitution (update release). All the rules as mentioned in Case 1 apply along with the following ones:

    KV-3 tier 6 is replaced by the KV-3 tier 7 and keeps its mounted modules: guns, radio, engines, and also gets top turret and top suspension if they have been available for KV-3 tier 6;
    Ammunition loaded onto KV-3 goes to the depot;
    Consumables (repair kit, aid kit, and etc.) mounted onto KV-3 tier 6 go to KV-3 tier 7;
    Equipment mounted onto KV-3 tier 6 is demounted and moved to the depot without any losses or expenses for the player;
    Crew members who have gained skills (as per point 9 of Case 1) while in KV-3 tier 6, go to KV-3 tier 7;
    Camouflage mounted onto KV-3 tier 6 goes to KV-3 tier 7 and to T-150. The expiration date of the camo on both vehicles (KV-3 and T-150) stays the same as it was for the KV-3 as Tier 6 at the moment when the substitution took place.
    Players get one slot for this tank in the garage for free;
    Players get a default T-150 tier 6 without any additional modules or consumables, but with 100% trained crew, without special skills or perks.
    KV Split into KV-1 and KV-2
    KV tank (tier 5) splits into KV-1 (tier 5) and new KV-2 (tier 6).

    Case 1. KV isn’t in the garage but is researched:

    All undistributed experience goes from KV to KV-2;
    Any crew member in the barracks or in a tank, who possesses the KV skills, gets the ability to be used in the KV-1 tier 7 without any changes or losses;
    Stats of the KV go to the KV-1 without any changes or losses, all achievements are preserved;
    If suspension KV-2 was researched in the KV tree, then the suspension of 1941 will be available in the KV-1 tree;
    If engine “V-2K” was researched in the KV tree, then engines “M-17F” and “V-2K” will be available in KV-1 tree; engine “V-2K” will be available in the KV-2 tree;
    If 76mm S-54 gun was researched in KV tree, then gun 57mm 413 will be available in KV-1 tree;
    If KV-2 turret was researched in KV tree, then turret “Project CHTZ” 1942 will be available in the KV-1 tree, and KV-2 tank will be available in the KV-1 tree;
    If 152mm M-10 gun is researched in KV tree, then 152mm M-10 gun will be available in the KV-2 tree;
    If 107mm ZiS-6 gun was researched in KV tree, then 107mm ZiS gun will be available in the KV-2 tree;
    If KV-1S was researched in the KV tree, then KV-1S will be available in the KV-1 tree;
    If KV-3 was researched in the KV tree, then T-150 will be available in the KV-1 tree;
    If SPG S-51 was researched in the KV tree, then SPG S-51 will be available in KV-2 tree;
    All modules of the KV (suspensions, turrets) in depot that don’t fit into other vehicles, are sold at original price, credits go to player’s account;
    All modules of the KV, that fit other vehicles, are preserved in the depot, same goes for shells for the respective guns;
    If the KV had elite status, then KV-1 becomes elite as well.
    Case 2. KV is in garage at the moment of the split (update release):

    KV tier 5 is substituted with KV-1 as tier 5 heavy tank;
    Ammunition moves from KV to the depot;
    Consumables mounted onto the KV go to KV-1;
    Equipment mounted onto KV is demounted and goes to the depot without any expenses or losses;
    If in the KV tree the turret “KV-2” is researched, players get the tier 6 heavy tank KV-2 to their garage without any additional modules and consumables, also one free slot for the tank is added to the garage;
    Players get a new full crew for the KV-2 with 100% training;
    Camouflage mounted onto KV is moved to KV-1 and to KV-2. The expiration date of the camo on both vehicles (KV-1 and KV-2) stays the same as it was for the KV at the moment when the split took place.
    Modules mounted onto KV which do not fit other tanks (suspensions, turrets) are sold at the original purchase price; credits go to player’s account.
    Modules from KV that fit other tanks go to the depot.
    Players get one free slot for a tank added to their garage.
    Substitution of IS-4 with IS-8
    The IS-4 moves one tier up (from tier 9 to tier 10); IS-8 substitutes it as a tier 9 heavy tank. IS-4 is moved to a neighboring line. Thus, the first line of Soviet heavies tier 8 to 10 looks this way: IS-3 (tier 8) -> IS-8 (tier 9) -> IS-7 (tier 10). The second line of Soviet heavies tier 8 to 10 looks this way: KV-4 (tier 8) -> ST-1 (tier 9) -> IS-4 (tier 10).

    Case 1. IS-4 isn’t in garage at substitution (update release), but is researched:

    All IS-4 stock modules in the IS-8 tree are substituted with the respective stock modules of IS-8 in its tree;
    If engine “V-12” is researched in the IS-4 tree, then “V-12-6” becomes available in the IS-8 tree;
    If radio “12RT” and “R113” in the IS-4 tree are researched, then they become available in IS-8 tree;
    If turret “Object 701 #5” is researched in the IS-4 tree, then the “T-10M” turret becomes available in the IS-8 tree;
    If suspension “IS-4M” is researched in the IS-4 tree, then suspension “T-10M” will be available in IS-8 tree;
    If the 122mm “BL-9” gun is researched in the IS-4 tree, then this gun will become available in IS-8 tree;
    If the 130mm “S-70” gun is researched in the IS-4 tree, then the 122mm “M-62-T2” gun will be available in the IS-8 tree;
    All undistributed experience will go from IS-4 to the IS-8;
    All IS-4 modules in depot that don’t fit other tanks (turrets, suspensions) are sold at original purchase price and credits go to player’s account;
    All IS-4 modules fitting other tanks (radio, engines, guns) are saved in the depot, same goes for the shells of the respective guns;
    Any crew members in the barracks or in a tank, who have the skill for the IS-4 on tier 9, get the ability to be used in the IS-4 of tier 10 without any changes or losses;
    IS-4 combat statistics go to the IS-8 without any losses, all achievements are preserved.
    Case 2. IS-4 is in the garage at substitution. All the rules as mentioned in Case 1 apply along with the following ones:

    IS-4 as tier 9 heavy is substituted with IS-8 as tier 9 heavy;
    The current configuration of the IS-4 in the players’ garage changes to the equivalent configuration version of the IS-8 (see points 3-8 of case 1). If the 100mm “D-10T” gun is mounted onto IS-4, then it’s substituted with 122mm “BL-9” gun;
    Ammunition mounted onto the IS-4 goes to the depot;
    Consumables mounted onto the IS-4 go to the IS-8;
    Equipment mounted onto the IS-4 is removed from the vehicle and goes to the depot without any losses for a player;
    Players get a 100% trained crew with an equivalent training of the IS-4 for the IS-8, but without additional skills or perks;
    Players get one slot for the vehicle for free in garage;
    Players get the IS-4 of tier 10 with available and mounted 122mm “M-62-T2” gun without additional modules or consumables;
    The IS-4 tier 9 crew gets new abilities as per point 11 of Case 1 and goes to the IS-4 tier 10;
    Camouflage mounted onto IS-4 tier 9, goes to IS-4 tier 10 and to IS-8. The expiration date of the camo for both tanks (IS-4 and IS-8) stays the same as it was for the IS-4 on tier 9 at the moment of the substitution.
    Please note that these features may still be object to change before the 7.3 update release.

    Posted March 31, 2012

    Changes in the Soviet heavy tanks:
    KV-3 moves from tier 6 to tier 7.
    IS-4 moves from tier 9 to tier 10.
    KV is divided into KV-1 and KV-2.
    T-150 is added as a tier 6 heavy tank.
    KV-4 is added as a tier 8 heavy tank.
    ST-I is added as a tier 9 heavy tank.
    T-10 (IS-8) is added as a tier 9 heavy tank.
    French premium vehicles added:
    10.5 сm leFH18 B2 as a tier 4 SPG.
    FCM 36 Pak 40 as a tier 3 tank destroyer.
    New maps:
    South Coast (subtropical mediterranian map)
    Dragon Ridge (first Chinese map)
    Please note that the information stated above is subject to chang
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/4/12
  7. unreal2005

    unreal2005 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    tp HCM Q.10
    Oi Đệt, thế là vẫn chưa có Jtiger 88 L71 ah :(
  8. minhke2019

    minhke2019 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/4/12
  9. meoquaithu2003

    meoquaithu2003 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
  10. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    JT vớI IS-6 là 7.4 mà..................................;
  11. onehit1

    onehit1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đang bắn thì bị dis không vào lại được có ai bị giống mình không chán quá:(.
  12. LeeSama

    LeeSama Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    vung tau
    à đây , tôi cũng thế , fake IP đổi DNS các kiểu đều vô hiệu.ÔNG DÙNG VỊT TEO ĐÚNG KHÔNG
  13. onehit1

    onehit1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    không FPT đang chơi bình thường tự dưng bị cả web worldoftank không vào được luôn pó tay chưa:4cool_confuse:
  14. LeeSama

    LeeSama Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    vung tau
    thì bó tay rồi giờ đang ngồi ngáp đây này =))
  15. onehit1

    onehit1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hi`hi` vào lại được bình thường rồi chả hiểu tại sao nữa:)hài thật :)
  16. mucaotoc17

    mucaotoc17 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đệK, VITTEO đây, đến cái loader còn không chạy update đc, vào game dc 3 ph nó sút mịa ra ngoài luôn rồi ...
  17. onehit1

    onehit1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chắc tại mạng sao đó hay do wot bắn được 1 váng dis ra rồi lại không loader được chán vãi:(.
  18. Jamen

    Jamen Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)
    Mình vào bắn bình thường ... i hí hí :5cool_still_dreamin
  19. lantis999

    lantis999 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hell yeah,giữ lại Kv 3 và KV 1 sẽ có 2 slot free
  20. bupbechanh

    bupbechanh Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Tăng mình full gần hết, slot thì còn tới gần 15 cái. Giờ thêm 2 cái nữa cũng chả ích gì. Khoái nhất có mấy con tank mới, đem bán kiếm tiền mua E-100 với AMX 50B hehe....

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