[Xbox 360]Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi saycaphe, 31/5/08.

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  1. skynap

    skynap Guest

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    thiệt hả bác, ko có bản jap tiếng anh à=((
  2. Goku2

    Goku2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trời mất vui hết hứng chơi thôi cứ mua về chơi cho vui sau này ra Budokai 4 tìm mua chơi nghe nói sản xuất 2 - 3 năm ko bik có hay hơn cũ ko chứ về nhân vật có bổ sung nhìu: có nguyên 1 bài ko bik dịch nên post lên cho mọi người tham khảo DBGT Budokai??,Budokai4^^,DBZ Ultimate Budokai???
    DragonBall GT Budokai, DragonBall Z Budokai 4 & DragonBall Z Ultimate Budokai
    Alright well first I wanna say none of this is real its just requests, so sorry if anyone got all super excited.
    Be sure to check out the end of this post before you ask any questions.
    (Im gonna put stuff in quotes to seperate it better)


    Platform: PS2
    Production Time: 1 Year (maybe less)

    A full on GT game, with an all new story mode game (Grand Tour) that differs from the Z games. Now this is a GT game and features basicly no Z content (kinda like the exact opposite of Budokai 3)


    Goku (Adult/Kid) *
    Majin Buu
    Kibito Kai
    Android 18

    General Rildo
    Freiza & Cell **
    Dr.Gero & Dr.Myuu **
    Super 17
    Haze Shenron
    Rage Shenron
    Oceanus Shenron
    Naturon Shenron
    Eis Shenron
    Nuova Shenron
    Syn Shenron

    * Adult Goku would be an alternate outfit for Kid Goku. How would this work? Well the game would recognize Adult Goku as a seperate character, while on the select screen he would only appear to a alternate costume.

    ** These characters are a single tag team, you have the ability to swtich off between them in battle (just like when you have the Gotenks fusion epuiped with Trunks and Goten in B2) When using the Dragon Rush or Mikaimi (sp?) Wave (the pingball teleport thing) which ever character you are controling will do the first attack, then the other will do the second, and then back and fourth, ie repeat process, they will also have a special Dragon Rush ending together if you have that specific capsule equiped.


    - SS4 Gogeta
    - SS4 Vegetto
    - Gotenks
    - Majin Uub
    - Baby Vegeta *

    * This would be a capsule for Vegeta allowing him to become Baby Vegeta, however this would only be one form (similar to Majin Vegeta) with this fusion Vegeta would get some new/modified moves, ie Baby's.



    1) GT Gi (Adult)
    2) GT Gi (Kid)
    3) Orange & Blue Gi


    1) GT Suit & Glasses
    2) GT Suit without Jacket & Glasses
    3) Orange & Blue Gi


    1) GT Clothes
    2) End of Z Clothes
    3) Orange & Blue Gi


    1) GT Outfit
    2) Karate Gi (red)
    3) End of Z


    1) GT Outfit with Jacket
    2) GT Outfit without Jacket
    3) GT Outfit 2 (Beggining of GT)
    4) End of Z Outift


    1) GT Outfit with Jacket
    2) GT Outfit without Jacket
    3) End of Z Outfit
    4) Green and Orange Gi


    1) Blue Gi
    2) MajinUub Outfit
    3) End of Z Outfit


    1) Purple Gi with Turban and Cape
    2) Purple Gi (without Turban and Cape)
    3) Demon King Piccolo

    Majin Buu

    1) Pink
    2) Blue (alternate color)
    3) Green (alternate color)

    Kibito Kai

    1) Purple
    2) Blue
    3) Green


    1) GT Clothes (suit & tie)
    2) GT Casual Clothes
    3) Orange & Blue Gi

    Android 18

    1) GT Outfit (Baby Saga)
    2) GT Outfit (Super 17 Saga)
    3) Android Saga Outift


    1) GT Clothes
    2) Great Saiyaman 2
    3) Z Clothes


    1) GT
    2) GT Credits
    3) GT Cape and Champion Belt


    1) End of GT
    2) School Clothes
    3) Regular Clothes


    1) End of GT
    2) Saiyan Armor
    3) Normal Clothes


    1) Green
    2) Blue
    3) Orange


    1) Purple
    2) Red
    3) Blue

    General Rildo

    1) Aqua and Yellow (silver)
    2) Pink and Grey (gold)


    1) Pink
    2) Blue
    3) Green

    Super 17

    1) GT
    2) Android 17's DBZ outfit
    3) Android 17's GT outfit (coat)

    Dr.Myuu & Dr.Gero

    1) Default
    2) Alternate Colors

    Haze Shenron

    1) Green
    2) Purple
    3) Red

    Rage Shenron

    1) Fuica
    2) Aqua
    3) Hazel

    Oceanus Shenron

    1) Priestess (Blue)
    2) True Form (Green)

    Naturon Shenron

    1) Purple
    2) Pink
    3) Blue

    Eis Shenron

    1) Light Blue
    2) Dark Blue

    Nuova Shenron

    1) Red (Gold)
    2) Blue (Silver)

    Syn Shenron

    1) White and Blue
    2) Blue and White
    3) Red and Black

    Note: When I say characters should have their DBZ outfits, like Goku, Goten, Trunks, etc, Im refering to their GT version wearing that outfit, example GT Goten wearing the same type of orange and blue gi he wore as a kid, however this dosnt count when refering to their End of Z outfits, except with Uub, ie GT Uub would be wearing his End of Z outfit.

    And when I list a color (or whatever) I am refering to the most dominant color for that character and their alternate costumes/palatte swaps


    Grand Tour (Story Mode)
    Duel Mode
    World Tournament


    New Features






    Kid Goku - Super Ozaru
    Baby - Super Ozaru


    True Free Flight

    Just like GT Final Bout, you're able to hold down a button this time and fly in any direction


    Charge Moves

    When using moves like the Kamehameha you can hold down back/foward and E(nergy) to charge the move.


    Battle Damage

    Creating battle damaged outfits for every character would just be too time consuming and really tedious, since every character has at least two costumes, and battle damage outfits would have to be made for each. Now what can be done instead is create a transparency (sp?) sheet of shorts that has those scratch/burn/scuff marks (that we commonly see on the characters in battles) all over it then this "sheet" then when a char is hit with an Ultimate this sheet would basicly be programmed to wrap around the character model, placing those scuff marks all over the character with ease, rather then Dimps having to make battle damaged outfits for each outfit specificly.


    Language Setting

    Chose between 3 diffrient settings, JAP/US/PAL. The PAL setting would include an all new language/dub for the game from Ocean Group, the company responsible to the UK DBZ dub.


    Match Count

    Chose the number of matches for Duel Mode, from 1 round, 3 rounds, or 5 rounds.


    Platform: PS3
    Production Time: 2-3 Years

    The main focus of B4 would be that of the movies, since B1-B3 have basicly covered all there is when it comes to the series, however all the series content would still be there and more.


    1) Goku
    2) Kid Gohan
    3) Teen Gohan
    4) Adult Gohan
    5) Goten
    6) Vegeta
    7) Future Trunks
    8) Kid Trunks
    9) Piccilo
    10) Yamcha
    11) Tien *
    12) Great Saiyaman
    13) Krillin
    14) Videl
    15) Hercule
    16) Supreme Kai
    17) Raditz
    18) Nappa
    19) Saibamen
    20) Dodoria
    21) Zarbon
    22) Reccoome
    23) Captain Ginyu
    24) Freiza
    25) Android 16
    26) Android 17
    27) Android 18
    28) Android 19
    29) Android 20
    30) Cell
    31) Cell.Jr
    32) Dabura
    33) Fat Buu
    34) Kid Buu
    35) Super Buu
    36) Kid Goku
    37) Uub
    38) Broly
    39) Kooler
    40) Bardock
    41) Syn Shenron

    * Tien gets 2 new Ultimates that include Chaotzu, one called Chaotzu's Sacrafice (what he did to Nappa, unless that move has a specific or better name)

    New Series Characters

    42) Guildo
    43) Burter & Jeice *
    44) Pikkon
    45) Pan**

    * Burter and Jeice are a tag team, you have the ability to swtich off between them in battle just like when you have the Gotenks fusion epuiped, unless they are battling someone that one of them only fought by themselves. When flying in DU' Free Mode, you will control both Burter and Jeice at the sametime, ie they will appear next to one another while flying, or you can switch between just using one or the other or both by pressing a button. When using the Dragon Rush or Mikimi Wave (the pingball teleport thing) which ever character you are controling will do the first attack, then the other will do the second, and then back and fourth, ie repeat process, they will also have a special Dragon Rush ending together if you have that specific capsule equiped.

    **This is Pan from the End of Z, but she has her GT outfit as an alternate.

    New Movie Characters

    46)Garlic.Jr* (Movie 1)
    47) Dr.Wheelo (Movie 2)
    48) Ebifurya (Movie 2)
    49) Kishime (Movie 2)
    50) Mikokatsun (Movie 2)
    51) Lord Slug (Movie 4)
    52) Android 13 (Movie 7)
    53) Android 14 (Movie 7)
    54) Android 15 (Movie 7)
    55) Bojack (Movie 9)
    56) Gokua (Movie 9)
    57) Zangya (Movie 9)
    58) Bido (Movie 9)
    59) Bujin (Movie 9)
    60) Janemba (Movie 12)
    61) Hildegarn (Movie 13)
    62) Tapion (Movie 13)

    Every major movie villian has a Ultimate in which their henchmen appear.

    * Garlic.Jr's henchmen from Movie 1 are included in one of his Ultimates, while the Spice Boys his henchmen from the series, are inlcluded in another Ultimate.


    1) Gogeta
    2) SS4 Gogeta
    3) Vegetto
    4) Gotenks
    5) Kibito Kai
    6) Tiencha
    7) Gokule

    Buu's Absrobtions

    1) Tien and Yamcha
    2) Gotenks
    3) Gohan
    4) Vegeta
    5) Freiza
    6) Cell
    7) Piccolo

    New Costumes

    Most of the costumes from B1's Story Mode that werent playable/selectable before (in any Budokai game) will now be playable, these include...

    Goku (Roshi/Turtle Symbol)
    Goku (Turtle + Kai Symbol)
    Goku (Self Trained Symbol)
    Goku (Yardrat Armor/Outfit)

    Gohan (Kid - Begining of Z)
    Gohan (Kid - Begining of Z without Vest and Hat)
    Gohan (Kid - Orange Piccolo Training Gi)
    Gohan (Kid - Purple Piccolo Gi with Short Hair)
    Gohan (Teen - Purple Piccolo Gi with Cape)
    Gohan (Teen - Black Suit)

    Vegeta (Namek Saga Armor 2)
    Vegeta (Badman Shirt)

    Piccolo (Purple Gi with Red Belt)
    Piccolo (Cape and Turban with Red Belt)

    Krillin (Orange Gi with Blue Baseball Cap)
    Krillin (Blue Hoodie)

    Hercule (Maroon Top, White Pants, with Cape)

    Battle Damaged (from B1's Story Mode)

    Goku (Battle Damaged) *
    Goku (Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) *
    Gohan (Kid - Orange Piccolo Training Gi Battle Damaged) *
    Gohan (Teen - Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) *
    Gohan (Teen - Purple Piccolo Gi Battle Damaged) *
    Vegeta (Saiyan Saga Battle Damage) *
    Vegeta (Namek Saga Armor 2 Battle Damaged) **
    Trunks (Future - Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) **
    Piccolo (Battle Damaged) *
    Piccolo (Battle Damaged with Blood) ***
    Krillin (Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) **
    Android 16 (Hole In Chest/Damaged Head) *
    Nappa (Battle Damaged) *
    Captain Ginyu (Damaged) **
    Recoome (Battle Damaged) *
    Freiza (100% Battle Damaged) *

    * This costume will activate in battle if you're wearing the un-battle damaged version and hit by an ultimate
    ** This costume will activate in battle if you're wearing the un-battle damaged version and hit by a strong beam attack
    *** This costume will activate in battle if you're wearing the un-battle damaged version and are hit by two ultimates (only Goku and Piccolo have this available)

    New costumes made for the game

    Goku (Saiyan Armor)
    Goku (10 Days Before The Cell Games)
    Goku (Adult - DBGT Outift/Colors)
    Gohan (Adult - Mystic Training Outfit)
    Gohan (Adult - The History of Trunks)
    Vegeta (King Vegeta)
    Trunks (Future - History Of Trunks Outfit)
    Trunks (Future - Alternate Capsule Corp Jacket from The History of Trunks)
    Trunks (Future - Capsule Corp Jacket with Long Hair)
    Trunks (Future - Saiyan Armor with Short Hair)
    Piccolo (King Piccolo)
    Videl (Great Saiyaman 2)

    New Movie Outfits

    Goku (Suit - Movie 8)
    Gohan (Teen - Movie 9)
    Gohan (Adult - Movie 10)
    Goten (Movie 10)
    Trunks (Future - Movie 9)
    Trunks (Kid - Movie 10)
    Hercule (Movie 9)
    Broly (Movie 11)


    New Features


    Goku- Super Kaioken *
    Goku- False Super Saiyan (Movie 4) **
    Goku - Full Power Super Saiyan ***
    Teen Gohan - Full Power Super Saiyan ***
    Kid Goku - Ozaru
    Vegeta - Ozaru
    Bardock - Ozaru
    Broly - Super Saiyan

    * Is not included in Goku's Breakthrough, and replaces Goku's Kaioken and Super Saiyan 1. If Super Kaioken is equiped you can not equip Goku's Kaioken and/or Goku's Super Saiyan 1, and/or vice versa.

    ** This is not included in Goku's Breakthrough.

    *** You start the match already transformed, however you cannot add any other transformation capsules if this is equiped.



    - Free Mode *
    - Dragon Galaxy **
    - Ability to Transform/Fuse while flying in DU
    - New Characters/Storylines Added

    1) Future Trunks ***
    2) Goten & Trunks ****
    3) Freiza
    4) Cell

    * Free Mode is a new sub-mode added to DU. You're able to play DU with any character, while not being bound by the storyline. You can fight against every/any character if you chose to, and the dialogue in Free Mode differs from the dialogue in the story mode version of DU.

    ** Dragon Galaxy is another sub mode of DU. It allows you to play through all the storylines of the 13 Movies.

    *** Future Trunks' DU story starts from the The History of Trunks and ends with Trunks going back to his time (after the Cell Games) and defeating the androids in his time.





    True Free Flight

    Just like GT Final Bout, you're able to hold down a button this time and fly in any direction


    Charge Moves

    When using moves like the Kamehameha you can hold down back/foward and E(nergy) to charge the move.


    Language Setting

    Chose between 3 diffrient settings, JAP/US/PAL. The PAL setting would include an all new language/dub for the game from Ocean Group, the company responsible to the UK DBZ dub.


    Battle Damage

    Creating battle damaged outfits for every character would just be too time consuming and really tedious, since every character has at least two costumes, and battle damage outfits would have to be made for each. Now what can be done instead is create a transparency (sp?) sheet of shorts that has those scratch/burn/scuff marks (that we commonly see on the characters in battles) all over it then this "sheet" then when a char is hit with an Ultimate this sheet would basicly be programmed to wrap around the character model, placing those scuff marks all over the character with ease, rather then Dimps having to make battle damaged outfits for each outfit specificly.


    Match Count

    Chose the number of matches for Duel Mode, from 1 round, 3 rounds, or 5 rounds.


    Character Specific Intros

    Goku Vs Raditz

    Goku: I'll never join you!
    Raditz: Brother let me show you how its done!

    Goku Vs Nappa

    Goku: I'll make you pay for what you've done!
    Nappa: (laughs) Let's see what you've got little man.

    Goku Vs Vegeta

    Goku: This should be a great battle.
    Vegeta: This is the end Kakkarot.

    Goku Vs Freiza

    Goku: ?
    Freiza: ?

    Goku Vs Cell

    Goku: I'll sacrafice myself to destroy you Cell.
    Cell: This stupid planet is history.

    Goku Vs Buu

    Goku: I've come back just to destroy you.
    Buu: Nothing you do will make a diffrience.

    Goku Vs Gohan

    Goku: Show me how much stronger you've gotten Gohan.
    Gohan: Alright let me show how strong I am dad.

    Goku Vs Goten

    Goku: Hey there Goten.
    Goten: Hi daddy.

    More coming soon.

    Character Specific Victories

    Goku Vs Raditz

    Goku: Im Goku, remember the name well.
    Raditz: Look at you now my dear brother.

    Goku Vs Nappa

    Goku: This victory was for you my friends
    Nappa: What a pathetic excuse for a Saiyan

    Goku Vs Vegeta

    Goku: I hope to have another battle this exciting.
    Vegeta: You're pathetic Kakkarot.

    Goku Vs Freiza

    Goku: The universe is safe for now.
    Freiza: The universe is all mine now.

    Goku Vs Cell

    Goku: I won and Im still here.
    Cell: Now that you're gone, so is this planet.

    Goku Vs Buu

    Goku: I'll see ya around Buu.
    Buu: [/i]

    Goku Vs Gohan

    Goku: Wow you've really gotten strong Gohan.
    Gohan: I never thought Id surpass dad.

    Goku Vs Goten

    Goku: Oops. Sorry Goten
    Goten: I cant believe I beat dad.

    More coming soon.


    Platform: PC
    Production Time: ? (shouldnt take long, alot of its done already)

    This is a combination of all the content found in the first 3 Budokai games, plus more.


    1) Goku
    2) Kid Gohan
    3) Teen Gohan
    4) Adult Gohan
    5) Goten
    6) Vegeta
    7) Future Trunks
    8) Kid Trunks
    9) Piccilo
    10) Yamcha
    11) Tien *
    12) Great Saiyaman
    13) Krillin
    14) Videl
    15) Hercule
    16) Supreme Kai
    17) Raditz
    18) Nappa
    19) Saibamen
    20) Dodoria
    21) Zarbon
    22) Reccoome
    23) Captain Ginyu
    24) Freiza
    25) Android 16
    26) Android 17
    27) Android 18
    28) Android 19
    29) Android 20
    30) Cell
    31) Cell.Jr
    32) Dabura
    33) Fat Buu
    34) Kid Buu
    35) Super Buu
    36) Kid Goku
    37) Uub
    38) Broly
    39) Kooler
    40) Bardock
    41) Syn Shenron

    * Tien gets 2 new Ultimates that include Chaotzu, one called Chaotzu's Sacrafice (what he did to Nappa, unless that move has a specific or better name)


    1) Gogeta
    2) SS4 Gogeta
    3) Vegetto
    4) Gotenks
    5) Kibito Kai
    6) Tiencha
    7) Gokule

    Buu's Absrobtions

    1) Tien and Yamcha
    2) Gotenks
    3) Gohan
    4) Vegeta
    5) Freiza
    6) Cell
    7) Piccolo



    Story Mode (Budokai 1)
    Dragon World (Budokai 2)
    Dragon Universe (Budokai 3)
    Duel Mode


    New Features

    STORY MODE (Budokai 1)

    - Cel Shaded
    - Short DB Story Added *
    - Buu Saga (added)
    - New Fights (for playable characters from B1)
    - Selectable Characters

    1) Goku
    2) Kid Gohan
    3) Teen Gohan
    4) Adult Gohan
    5) Goten & Trunks **
    6) Vegeta
    7) Future Trunks
    8) Piccilo
    9) Krillin
    10) Freiza
    11) Cell
    12) Buu

    * This is very short and optional. You play as Kid Goku and fight a few battles against Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, and (Demon King) Piccolo. Then you fight Piccolo as Adult Goku at the end.

    ** Goten and Trunks have a combined Story Mode, since they were basicly always together. You also have the ability to swtich off between them in battle just like when you have the Gotenks fusion epuiped, unless they are battling someone that one of them only fought by themselves.

    DRAGON WORLD (Budokai 2)


    DRAGON UNIVERSE (Budokai 3)

    - Free Mode *
    - Ability to Transform/Fuse while flying in DU
    - New Characters/Storylines Added

    1) Future Trunks
    2) Goten & Trunks **
    3) Freiza
    4) Cell

    * Free Mode is a new sub-mode added to DU. You're able to play DU with any character, while not being bound by the storyline. You can fight against every/any character if you chose to, and the dialogue in Free Mode differs from the dialogue in the story mode version of DU.

    ** Goten and Trunks have a combined Story Mode, since they were basicly always together. You also have the ability to swtich off between them in battle just like when you have the Gotenks fusion epuiped, unless they are battling someone that one of them only fought by themselves. When flying in DU, you will control both Trunks and Goten at the sametime, ie they will appear next to one another while flying, or you can switch between just using one or the other or both by pressing a button. When using the Dragon Rush or Mikimi Wave (the pingball teleport thing) which ever character you are controling will do the first attack, then the other will do the second, and then back and fourth, ie repeat process, they will also have a special Dragon Rush ending together if you have that specific capsule equiped.


    New Characters

    1) Guildo
    2) Burter & Jeice *
    3) Pikkon

    * Burter and Jeice are a tag team, you have the ability to swtich off between them in battle just like when you have the Gotenks fusion epuiped, unless they are battling someone that one of them only fought by themselves. When flying in DU' Free Mode, you will control both Burter and Jeice at the sametime, ie they will appear next to one another while flying, or you can switch between just using one or the other or both by pressing a button. When using the Dragon Rush or Mikimi Wave (the pingball teleport thing) which ever character you are controling will do the first attack, then the other will do the second, and then back and fourth, ie repeat process, they will also have a special Dragon Rush ending together if you have that specific capsule equiped.


    New Costumes

    All the costumes from B1's Story Mode that werent playable/selectable before (in any Budokai game) will now be playable, these include...

    Goku (Roshi/Turtle Symbol)
    Goku (Turtle + Kai Symbol)
    Goku (Self Trained Symbol)
    Goku (Self Trained Symbol with Scouter)
    Goku (Yardrat Armor/Outfit)

    Gohan (Kid - Begining of Z)
    Gohan (Kid - Begining of Z without Hat)
    Gohan (Kid - Begining of Z without Vest and Hat)
    Gohan (Kid - Orange Piccolo Training Gi)
    Gohan (Kid - Purple Piccolo Gi with Short Hair)
    Gohan (Teen - Purple Piccolo Gi with Cape)
    Gohan (Teen - Black Suit)

    Vegeta (Saiyan Saga Hologram)
    Vegeta (Namek Saga Armor 2)
    Vegeta (Badman Shirt)

    Piccolo (Purple Gi with Red Belt)
    Piccolo (Cape and Turban with Red Belt)

    Krillin (Orange Gi with Blue Baseball Cap)
    Krillin (Blue Hoodie)

    Hercule (Maroon Top, White Pants, with Cape)

    Battle Damaged (from B1's Story Mode)

    Goku (Battle Damaged) *
    Goku (Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) *
    Gohan (Kid - Orange Piccolo Training Gi Battle Damaged) *
    Gohan (Teen - Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) *
    Gohan (Teen - Purple Piccolo Gi Battle Damaged) *
    Vegeta (Saiyan Saga Battle Damage) *
    Vegeta (Namek Saga Armor 2 Battle Damaged) **
    Trunks (Future - Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) **
    Piccolo (Battle Damaged) *
    Piccolo (Battle Damaged with Blood) ***
    Krillin (Saiyan Armor Battle Damaged) **
    Android 16 (Hole In Chest/Damaged Head) *
    Nappa (Battle Damaged) *
    Captain Ginyu (Damaged) **
    Recoome (Battle Damaged) *
    Freiza (100% Battle Damaged) *

    * This costume will activate in battle if you're wearing the un-battle damaged version and hit by an ultimate
    ** This costume will activate in battle if you're wearing the un-battle damaged version and hit by a strong beam attack
    *** This costume will activate in battle if you're wearing the un-battle damaged version and are hit by two ultimates (only Goku and Piccolo have this available)

    New costumes made for the game

    Goku (Spacesuit)
    Goku (Driving School)
    Goku (Saiyan Armor)
    Goku (Post Room Of Spirit And Time/Hyperbolic Time Chamber Clothes)
    Goku (Adult - DBGT Outift/Colors)
    Gohan (Adult - Mystic Training Outfit)
    Vegeta (King Vegeta)
    Trunks (Future - Capsule Corp Jacket with Long Hair)
    Trunks (Future - Saiyan Armor with Short Hair)
    Piccolo (King Piccolo)
    Piccolo (Driving School)
    Videl (Great Saiyaman 2)



    Goku- Super Kaioken *
    Goku - Full Power Super Saiyan **
    Teen Gohan - Full Power Super Saiyan **
    Kid Goku - Ozaru
    Vegeta - Ozaru
    Bardock - Ozaru
    Broly - Super Saiyan

    * Is not included in Goku's Breakthrough, and replaces Goku's Kaioken and Super Saiyan 1. If Super Kaioken is equiped you can not equip Goku's Kaioken and/or Goku's Super Saiyan 1, and/or vice versa.

    **You start the match already transformed, however you cannot add any other transformation capsules if this is equiped, and other capsules like Goku's Spirit Bomb for example will not be able to work in conjunction when this is equiped.


    True Free Flight

    Just like GT Final Bout, you're able to hold down a button this time and fly in any direction


    Charge Moves

    When using moves like the Kamehameha you can hold down back/foward and E(nergy) to charge the move.


    Language Setting

    Chose between 3 diffrient settings, JAP/US/PAL. The PAL setting would include an all new language/dub for the game from Ocean Group, the company responsible to the UK DBZ dub.


    Battle Damage

    Creating battle damaged outfits for every character would just be too time consuming and really tedious, since every character has at least two costumes, and battle damage outfits would have to be made for each. Now what can be done instead is create a transparency (sp?) sheet of shorts that has those scratch/burn/scuff marks (that we commonly see on the characters in battles) all over it then this "sheet" then when a char is hit with an Ultimate this sheet would basicly be programmed to wrap around the character model, placing those scuff marks all over the character with ease, rather then Dimps having to make battle damaged outfits for each outfit specificly.


    Match Count

    Chose the number of matches for Duel Mode, from 1 round, 3 rounds, or 5 rounds.



    Log onto the servers to meet up with other players, and battle it out to see who's the best.


    Downloadable Content - New What If's

    Now since most fans are polar when it comes to the what if stuff, ie some like it some hate it, all new What If's for Ultimate Budokai will be downloadable through Ultimate Budokai's official site. These new What If's include...

    Super Saiyan

    - Raditz
    - Nappa
    - Bardock
    - Gokule

    Full Power Super Saiyan

    - Vegeta
    - Future Trunks

    Super Saiyan 2

    - Goten
    - Future Trunks
    - Kid Trunks

    Super Saiyan 3

    - Vegeta


    - Radtiz
    - Nappa
    - Broly


    - Base Form
    - Super Saiyan
    - Super Saiyan 3


    - Super Saiyan 3
    - Super Saiyan 4


    - Goku + Gohan = Gokahn (Potara)
    - Goku + Bardock = Bodaku (Fusion Dance)
    - Goku + Broly = Broku (Potara)
    - Gohan + Piccolo = Goccolo (Fusion Dance)
    - Bardock + Raditz = Baradick (Potara)
    - Vegeta + Gohan (Fusion Dance)
    - Vegeta + Nappa = Nageta (Potara)
    - Kid Goku + Uub = Gokuub (Fusion Dance)
    - Future Trunks + Vegeta = Vegetenks (Potara)
    - Gogeta + Vegetto = Gogetto (Fusion Dance)
    - Gogeta + Gotenks = Gogetenks (Potara)

    - Freiza + Cooler = Crooliza
    - Saibamen + Cell.Jr = Caibellmen.Jr

    Buu Absorbtions

    - Gogeta
    - Vegetto
    - Freiza + Cell

    Cell Absorbtions

    - Krillin (Cellin)

    Misc Downloads

    - Kurieza *
    - V-Jump World Tournament Arena *

    * For those who dont know these were included in the Japanese version(s) of B2, but really serve no purpose for this, which is why they should be downloadable for those who want them.



    Now alongside the regular version of Ultimate Budokai a special edition version of UB would be released, and the special edition features would include.

    - PC USB controler specificly designed for the game
    - DVD that includes a behind the scenes look and retrospective of the series, plus more
    - 100 page full color instruction manual, packed with everything you need to know
    - And more (cant think of anything else at the moment)



    Since Ultimate Budokai would be released before GT Budokai and DBZ Budokai 4, an expansion pack would be released for UB a little while after B4 is released. This expansion would include all the content from both GT Budokai and DBZ Budokai 4 in one package.

    And yes you can combine the content of the GTB/B4 expansion with all the UB stuff to create one super massive DB/Z/GT game.



    Here I will try and make a pre-emptive strike, and knock out some questions Im sure people will ask.

    Wasn't it stated that Budokai 3 was going to be the last Budokai game?

    No, it was stated in Gamepro that..

    "This will be the last DBZ Budokai for the PS2"

    implying there could be a GT Budokai for the PS2 and a B4 for the PS3.

    GT SUCKED!!!

    Not really a quesiton, but whatever.

    It dosnt matter how you feel about GT, just cause the series was bad dosnt mean the game wont do good, especialy since all everyone cares about is the characters and gameplay. Then there's the fact that in America GT is popular, and the name alone would sell the game.

    Why are Budoaki 4 and Ultimate Budokai so similar?

    Mostly because due to what was left out of the first 3 Budokai's, plus the inclusion of the Buu Saga in the B1 Story Mode.

    What's with the Tag Teams?

    When it comes to Burter & Jeice along with Dr.Gero & Myuu, none of the charaters seperately have very much to offer on their own, but combined with another character they basicly make a well rounded single character (or whatever) plus those characters were always together anyways basicly, and when it comes to Cell and Freiza in GT, they were always together, and plus I thought it be cool to see them as a Tag Team (thought of some cool stuff for them, read below)

    So how do the Tag Teams work?

    After you select one of the (three) tag teams you then select which character you want to be the dominant character, ie the character you want to start off using at the beggining of the fight(s)

    Now onto the tag team Death Moves and Ultimates. If you are using Cell and Freiza, and have Cell as your dominant character and ->E, not only will Cell fire his Kamehameha, but Freiza will jump out and fire his Death Beam at the opponent as well, however the attack percentage is just the same as everyone else's Death Moves, ie just cause they both fire, it isnt going to cause double the damage (be too unfair) The Ultimates have a similar but better effect, using Cell and Freiza as a example again, they have two tag team Ultimates, the one they used on Goku in Hell (forget the name of it) and the Spirit Death Bomb, where Cell and Freiza fly high into the air and combine Cell's Spirit Bomb and Freiza's Death Ball into one massive ball of energy that they send hurling down at your opponet.

    Why isnt Turles listed in Budokai 4 with all the other movie chars?

    Because he is a alternate costume for Bardock in B3, and should stay that way in B4 (and UB) however his name will/should change to Turles when selecting the outfit, along with his voice, and Bardock/Turles should also have some of the few moves Turles used added to his Moves List.

    Why are their only certain movie henchmen or movie henchmen at all?

    Alot of the henchmen were pretty worthless, which most people know, and the only henchmen that really ever lasted awhile or made an impression were Bojack's henchmen (and Android 14 and Android 15 if you want to call them henchmen) and they should defenitly be included, because of that. Now the only other henchmen I included were the androids from Movie 2 as they would be cool to play against, especialy Mikokatsun (fat yellow marhmallow type dude)

    How would it be possible to fight against or play as characters like the Ozaru, Dr.Wheelo, and Hildegarn?


    See when you'd play as a normal sized character you'd basicly stay level with the big guy's head/face in the air, while you could still move up and down, but only slightly. The larger characters would only have a few moves though, like Punch, Swat, Grab N Throw, Grab N Crush, and Ki Attacks, along with Death Moves and Ultimates. The big guys would be extremely strong, but also extremely slow compared to the normal characters.

    Thats all the main stuff I could think of that I thought people would ask/complain about, but if you have any questions Im sure you'll ask, and if they're good I'll put them here in this section when I edit this post.

    Isnt it kinda early for all this? And does/will it matter?

    No, and Yes.

    Dimps started looking at fan requests for B3 only a short while after B2 was released so I thought it best to start on this ASAP, and yes it matters since Dimps listens to fan requests, and if we could really get going (and maybe get a site set up for it, or a section on this site set up for it) and its all cleaned and polished theres a good chance Dimps will see/recognize it. For instance they have to go on various sites/forums a shift through a bunch of crap to find what fans want, but if there were a site directly devoted to what the fans want dont you think they'd rather check that out, rather then shift through a bunch of other crappy pages?


    Now I obviously have ALOT of info here but there's also ALOT of info missing, like Moves Lists for alot of the new characters (GT, Movies, Series) so I need help in that department, ie I need people to list moves for chars like Garlic.Jr, Pikkon, Baby, General Rildo, etc, etc, then I'll add all that info to this post, ie I'll keep updating this.

    Now of course Im going to be helping too, Im not going to force everyone to do all the work for me, I just need some help.

    If there's anything else you want to suggest or think I forgot please post it, from characters, to gameplay, to whatever. And Im sure I made some mistakes, so post em, like if I left something out or whatever.

    Note: This was a real ***** to write out and took me all day, and I hate writting/typing, but I have ALOT of ideas when it comes to games and what not, so I figured Id better get all this out cause I know there will be topics like this starting on this forum soon.

    (by TAS from www.dbzonps2.com Forum)

    einfach genial!
  3. HDN

    HDN Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP Hồ Chí Minh
    Sao phải copy+paste quyên 1 cái hưởng dẩn dài ngoằn = tiếng anh lên chi thế :| cứ để link đến là xong :|
  4. Goku2

    Goku2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    làm vậy cho dễ khỏi đi đâu xem hết
  5. President Devils

    President Devils Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Promised land
    Nhìn y hệt 1 kiểu spam,lần sau post link thôi nhé =))
  6. Symphonic

    Symphonic Around The World

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hình như ít character hơn Tenkaichi :|
  7. Goku2

    Goku2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chắc thế rồi vì có bao giờ mấy game này "dày" nhân vật hơn Tenkaichi đâu nhưng mình thik Budokai thường hơn:D
  8. Goku2

    Goku2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mà hình như Budokai 4 vẫn ko có Goku GT và Pan chỉ có cái gì DragonBall GT Budokai có:-/
  9. solochom1993

    solochom1993 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái này hình như chỉ có bản TIếng Nhật ko à hả mấy bác ?Có TA ko?
  10. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    có jap thui,đang lo mua lộn đĩa đây:cry:
  11. solochom1993

    solochom1993 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chơi tiếng Nhật ko hiểi gì hết trơn.
  12. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    mới mua lại 1 bản JAP nè,chơi chẳng hiểu gì cả=((
  13. Symphonic

    Symphonic Around The World

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trò này đẹp ở mấy đoạn đọ súng bằng chửong lực :))
  14. redwing

    redwing Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Lội
    Trò này có phải là toàn tiếng nhật ko các bác.ĐỊnh mua nhưng thấy bảo tiếng nhật lên đành thôi
  15. babydragon89

    babydragon89 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Game này tới 6GB+ màh. 1 DVD chỉ có 4.7GB thoai làm sao burn ra chơi trên Xbox đây? có ai bít cách burn k?
  16. skynap

    skynap Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Xbox360 chỉ dùng DVD9 thôi, loại dual layer ý
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