ok,it's no pro,do as u please. Today it's really cold,long times before I have the chance to wear a coat again(I love it :x),the weather in VN is too hot...rarely have the chance like today. Why did u pay atention for some Vnmese forums like this site?and wanna make friend with us,is there any forum where ur friends gathered?hope that it'll make me feel relax.
Cru nè :p lấy nick này tham gia Harvest Moon Text Game để có vi phạm thì mod khác cảnh cáo được giống người thường, như vậy mới công bằng :x
You live in Jp now right? :D Can you translate a song for me, it's the first Japanese song I listened to and I want to know what it means xD
xD I'm feeling better. I can sleep better now :) And good luck to you, do your best and good things will come to you ^.^